Associating an icon with a page

Page authors can associate an icon with an XDIME 2 page. Typically, browsers will display that icon (so-called "favicon") in the address bar and next to the page name in a list of bookmarks. Browsers that support a tabbed interface may also display it next to the page title on the tab. In addition, MCS supports Apple Web Clip Icons, i.e. MCS can provide a shortcut icon that users can display on their Home screens using the web clip feature.

Page authors can associate an icon with an XDIME 2 page. Typically, browsers will display that icon (so-called "favicon") in the address bar and next to the page name in a list of bookmarks. Browsers that support a tabbed interface may also display it next to the page title on the tab. In addition, MCS supports Apple Web Clip Icons, i.e. MCS can provide a shortcut icon that users can display on their Home screens using the web clip feature.

Page authors can use the value 'icon' in the rel attribute of the link element to bind an icon to an XDIME 2 page. The link element must be placed within the head section of the document. An icon can be specified as an image policy or a device dependent mime type and can be transcoded by MAP, if needed. The href attribute of the link element specifies the URI of the resource to use. The srctype attribute can be used to specify content types. If srctype contains device independent types, then the href attribute must be an MCS image policy name with the .mimg extension. If no srctype attribute is provided then MCS will attempt to infer the type based on the file extension, e.g. .mimg will be treated as a device independent image policy, .gif will be treated as device dependent, etc.

The link element can contain one or more param elements (similarly to the object element) but unlike the object element, it cannot contain any text. The following values of the param element are supported within the link element. See also References to media.


Indicates whether or not the device should apply any device-specific transformations to the icon, e.g. the target device may add a glossy overlay to the icon. This parameter supports three values: 'prefer-native', 'allow-native' and 'disallow'. The default value of 'prefer-native' indicates that the image can be composed by the device. The value of 'allow-native' indicates that the image is not composed, and it should not be composed because it looks better without composing, but can be composed if there is no other option, i.e. the image will be composed only if the device always performs the composition. The value of 'disallow' indicates that the image must not be composed by the target device.

This parameter can only be used when the link element references a device dependent mime type. For image policies, the corresponding Icon composing mode parameter can be set using the image policy editor.


Allows page authors to specify the preferred output format for the selected image. The value of the parameter accepts a space-separated list of the image formats, in order of preference. Refer to Specifying the preferred output format for further information.


Allows page authors to specify which image properties MCS and MAP should preserve, if possible, if there is no variant/format matching the device capabilities that can handle all image properties. The parameter accepts a space-separated list of properties, in order of preference. At presents, the following two values are supported: 'transparency' and 'pixeldepth'. The value of 'transparency' indicates that formats supporting transparency are preferred over those that do not support it; 'pixeldepth' means that formats with a more color depth are preferred over those with a less color depth. This parameter overrides the value of the Priority attribute set using the image policy editor.


Specifies whether or not an image is to be transcoded. Supported values are either 'true' (default) or 'false'. If the reference in the href attribute is an image file, the image will be transcoded. If the reference is to an image policy, the attribute will be ignored and automatically typed as a convertible image.


Page authors are encouraged to use generic variants that allow MCS to select two different images with suitable dimensions for a favicon and a web clip icon.


The following restrictions apply:


The icon.mimg image policy may define several image variants. When a device requests the page, MCS will use the image attributes to select the best image variant to display on the device.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
    <link rel="icon" href="icon.mimg"/>

When a device dependent mime type is used and mcs-transcode is set to 'true', then MAP will transcode the image to a format that is most suitable for the device requesting that image.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
    <link rel="icon" href="favicon.png" scrtype="image/png">
      <param name="mcs-transcode" value="true"/>

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