Styling menus

You use the Theme editor to define menu properties for menu and their contained menuitems, and the separators between groups of items. The properties in the Menu category apply to the menu elements associated with the selectors of the highlighted rule. You can also apply general properties such as fonts, colors and borders to text in labels and menuitems.

You use the Theme editor to define menu properties for menu and their contained menuitems, and the separators between groups of items. The properties in the Menu category apply to the menu elements associated with the selectors of the highlighted rule. You can also apply general properties such as fonts, colors and borders to text in labels and menuitems.

You can choose between rendering a menu of image or text items, or use both. If you use both, you can define their order, and specify which parts will be active.

Both menus and menuitems can have a vertical or horizontal orientation. However, you may find that some protocols do not support all combinations of menu and menuitem orientation. You can also define the properties for separators between groups of items. These can be literal characters, MCS image policies or spaces, and you can also define values for repetition and position.

You can use the mcs-menu-item-iterator-allocation property to bind menuitems to a containing spatial iterator. It specifies how the menuitems will be allocated when the menu element references the stem name of a pane in the iterator. If you set the property to 'automatic', MCS writes a menuitem to a separate instance of the pane; if you set it to 'none' (default), and you haven't specified at least one dimension for the pane, the menuitem will be output to the first instance of the pane.

These properties and their descriptions are detailed in Menu properties.

Numbering menuitems

You can define automatically-numbered menus with associated shortcut keys for Openwave browsers. In the Layout editor you can specify the fragment StyleClass attribute used to render the link text. In the Theme editor Menu category you can specify a 'numeric-shortcut' value in the mcs-menu-link-style property.

MCS will render the menu or link with numeric identifiers for each menuitem. These identifiers provide a shortcut key. If the device does not support shortcuts then the menu or link will be rendered using the default value.

Access keys

In the content property you can specify values for menu accesskeys. The property value is a text string to be generated for an :mcs-shortcut pseudo-element. This element is like a CSS :after pseudo-element. If the value is anything other than 'inherit' or 'normal' it must be contained in quotes.

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