Adding a selector

On the Theme editor Design Wizard page you can add or edit selectors that are associated with element names, class attributes or id attributes in the XDIME content the device will display. For example, you'll want to create selectors for headings, paragraphs, links and so on.

On the Theme editor Design Wizard page you can add or edit selectors that are associated with element names, class attributes or id attributes in the XDIME content the device will display. For example, you'll want to create selectors for headings, paragraphs, links and so on.

The Selector list has two columns. The Selector column contains the names of one or more selectors. The Order column indicates the order of the style rules.

Because a simple style rule can be applied to multiple elements, you can group elements together in selector groups.

You can use the New Style Rule wizard to create a sequence of simple selectors for the selector column or simply edit the text. In the wizard you can set values for the following selectors:

For an explanation of the meaning and use of style selectors, you should refer to the Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 Revision 1 (CSS2.1) Specification.


Not all devices support multiple classes on elements, so if you apply more than one class to a given element in a theme, you may get unexpected results.

  1. Click New to start the New Style Rule wizard.

  2. Choose or enter values for a combination of Element and Namespace.

  3. Optionally enter an Id to bind this style to a specific element instance.

  4. Click Browse next to the Class control to choose or add a class in a selector dialog.

  5. Click the Browse button next to the Attribute control, and enter an attribute name and choose an Action.

  6. Click the Browse button next to the Pseudo Class control, and choose one or more selectors and add a parameter where appropriate.

  7. Click the Browse button next to the Pseudo Element control, and choose one or more selectors.

  8. Click Add to insert the selector into the Selector group, or choose Append and one of the append options to combine this selector with another one.

  9. Click Up or Down to change the order of the selectors in the rule.

  10. Click Finish to close the wizard.

To remove a selector select an item in the list and click Remove.

Editing selectors directly

If you are familiar with XDIME element names and CSS syntax, you can optionally click Add to add a blank item to the list, and enter the selector text directly in the list.

To modify style selectors, you have to edit them in place in the Selectors list. You can also cut, copy and paste text, to change the order of selectors, or add them to another theme.

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