
At-rules allow page authors to define directives for the theme parser. They can be used for a variety of purposes. At-rules start with an at-keyword, i.e. the '@' character, followed by an identifier. MCS supports two at-rules: @namespace and @ui:dynamic-property.

At-rules allow page authors to define directives for the theme parser. They can be used for a variety of purposes. At-rules start with an at-keyword, i.e. the '@' character, followed by an identifier. MCS supports two at-rules: @namespace and @ui:dynamic-property.


The @namespace rule defines a mapping between a namespace prefix and a namespace URI, i.e. it allows page authors to associate a custom namespace with a custom prefix. The syntax is as follows:

@namespace <PREFIX> "<URI>";

For example, the following rule associates the namespace URI with the my prefix:

@namespace my "";

The following constraints apply:


The @ui:dynamic-property rule defines a custom dynamic property. Refer to the topic entitled Custom dynamic properties for further information. Please note that these rules must come after @namespace rules and before any style rules.

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