Select elements

XDIME 2 makes use of elements from the DISelect vocabulary. Select attributes are used on both sets of elements.

XDIME 2 makes use of elements from the DISelect vocabulary. Select attributes are used on both sets of elements.

The namespace prefix used for elements that refer to DISelect namespace is sel: and the namespace declaration is

Name Purpose

Provides an alternative to using the sel:expr attribute alone when a selection condition applies to several elements. You can also use it to control processing a document fragment that does not have a single root element.


Defines a set of material to be selected for processing if none of the sel:when elements within the containing sel:select element are selected.


Container for one or more sel:when elements and an optional sel:otherwise element. The expr attributes on the sel:select and sel:when elements control the conditions for processing.


One of a number of possible matches that could be selected. The content is selected for processing if the expr value is matched and the precept on the containing sel:select element places the sel:when element in scope.

Selection attributes

Attributes used to select alternative content.

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