

An abstract term for a combination of a binding definition and a corresponding implementation that together are applied to custom elements in an input document to transform them into other elements, either built-in or other custom elements that will be further transformed by other bindings.

Binding policy

A variable policy that contains a binding. Each policy must reference a single binding definition. The binding definition can have a number of corresponding binding implementations, each of which can be associated with a variant.

Binding definition

Contains the external definition of the binding, i.e. the interface of the binding that is constant across devices and directly visible to the page author who uses the binding.

Binding implementation

Contains the potentially device/feature-specific implementation of a binding definition. Each implementation accepts the same input from the page but transforms it into a different output depending on the device capabilities.

Binding transformation

The part of the binding implementation that defines the transformation to apply to the input tree to produce the output document fragment.

In-scope bindings

The set of bindings that are in scope of a specific element, i.e. may be applied to that element.

Bound elements

These are the elements in the input document to which a binding is applied. The root bound element is the one that determined which binding was applied and the other bound elements provide additional sub-structure. The type (i.e. namespace and local name) of the bound elements for a binding are defined in the binding definition using  the RELAX NG schema language. The root bound element type is specified using the rng:start element.

Result elements

These are the elements that are produced by the binding transformation.

Binding processor

The part of MCS that applies bindings to bound elements.

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