Policy attributes

The table shows the relationship between policy attributes and the (fallback) policies they can refer to. It lists policy attribute names in two groups in one column; fallback attributes, then specific attributes that apply only to certain types. The policies with these attributes (refer to these policies) are tabulated. Names are shortened for clarity.

The table shows the relationship between policy attributes and the (fallback) policies they can refer to. It lists policy attribute names in two groups in one column; fallback attributes, then specific attributes that apply only to certain types. The policies with these attributes (refer to these policies) are tabulated. Names are shortened for clarity.

The the possible fallbacks are marked with an x. All policies can have a Text policy fallback.

Rollover policies may have 'Normal' and 'Over' images, but only a text fallback.

The only policy type without any fallback attributes is the script policy.

In each case the attribute value must be an existing policy name.

Type Name Audio Image Text Link Rollover
Fallback Audio x x      
Fallback Image   x      
Fallback Text x x x x x
Specific Normal         x
Specific Over         x

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