Attributes associated with an entire page.
The montage element is not supported by Mobile Portal Accelerator.
Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Options | Use |
layoutName | The name of the layout for a canvas or montage | xs:string | none | required | |
maxAge | A cache value in seconds to be used instead of the value in the mcs-config.xml file, allowing different settings for different canvases or montages. | xs:string | none | optional | |
onload | Script policy to execute when the body of a page is loaded. | xs:string | none | optional | |
onunload | Script policy to execute when the body of a page is unloaded. | xs:string | none | optional | |
pageTitle | The page title for a canvas or montage | xs:string | none | optional | |
ssGenType | Override values for stylesheet caching. A value of 'default' uses the settings in the mcs-config.xml file. Internal and external caching requires theme caching to be enabled, and that a device supports stylesheets of the type. | xs:string | none | default, internal, external | optional |
theme | The theme for a canvas or montage | xs:string | none | optional |