Project attributes


Attributes of MCS projects that you complete in the New Project wizard, and view or edit in the project Properties dialog.

Generally, only the Standard device repository file and Policy source directory controls appear on the Properties dialog, and both values can be edited. If you have specified that a project is enabled for collaborative working, all the controls in the Properties dialog will be disabled, with the exception of the Standard device repository file setting.


Control Description
Project name Name of the project
Use default If unchecked, this option enables the Directory control.
Directory The location of the project on the file system. The default value is the location of your workspace, but you can Browse to another location.
Standard device repository file The location of the device repository file. If the repository file is in a project folder you will be able to use the Device Repository editor.
Policy source directory The directory location of all policies. There may be only one such directory for project policies, and all your resources must be in this directory or one under it.
Enable collaborative working Enables the following controls
Database The name of the policy repository database
Database project name Identifies the project in the database
Host name The database hostname
Port The port number
Database username The username for the database
Database password The password for the database
My display name Unique name that identifies the locks you create

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