Viewing a device repository

You can view the attributes of devices in the repository associated with a project, provided that at least one MCS editor is open and selected.

You can view the attributes of devices in the repository associated with a project, provided that at least one MCS editor is open and selected.

The view is read only. For information on how edit device policies refer to Device Repository editor.

  1. Double click, or right-click on the repository icon in the policies folder, and choose Open with | Device Repository Browser

  2. In the Devices section, expand the device tree and select a device. The Identifiers and Policies sections in the view show the identification patterns and policy values for the device.

  3. In the Policies section, click any column header to sort the policy values in ascending alphanumeric order


The menu command Window | Show View | MCS Views | Device Repository will only operate successfully if a repository is already open, and you wish to view another one.

Device Repository view

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