Because new devices are always being added by manufacturers, and over several hundred attributes are recorded for many devices, the device information continually reviewed and updated. You can obtain updates to the device information over the Web, or update one or more projects from a recent download to your file system.
Because new devices are always being added by manufacturers, and over several hundred attributes are recorded for many devices, the device information continually reviewed and updated. You can obtain updates to the device information over the Web, or update one or more projects from a recent download to your file system.
Using the Import wizard you can:
Define the location of the repository to be updated
Choose the location to import from. You can choose an HTTP download from the MCS update service (default) or a location on the file system
Optionally choose a repository revision
Specify the location to save the update, and specify whether the update should be merged with the existing repository, overwrite it, or saved to another file
Choose File | Import
Select Import MCS Device Repository in the workbench Import wizard and click Next
Accept the Current device repository, or use the Browse button to select another repository to update
Accept the MCS device repository update service default. Otherwise uncheck the option to locate a repository on the file system, and go to step 8.
Accept the default Import latest revision option or uncheck it
Enter your update service Username and Password. To add details of a proxy server go to step 7. Otherwise go to step 9.
Check Use proxy for connection and enter the information. Go to step 9.
Click Browse in the File control to locate a repository on the file system. Go to step 14.
Click Next. If you accepted Import latest revision, go to step 12
Select a revision from the list
Click Next
Accept the Merge option, or choose Overwrite and go to step 14. Alternatively, choose the Save to file option.
On the next page, enter a folder location or Browse to it and name the file
Click Finish to download or copy the repository. MCS reports any communication problems.
During download MCS displays a progress bar. If the download is successful you'll see a confirmation message.