Searching a device repository

On the Device Search tab of the Search dialog you can search for a device using a specific name or a regular expression.

On the Device Search tab of the Search dialog you can search for a device using a specific name or a regular expression.

Device Search works like other search features in Mobile Portal Toolkit. You may want to review Workbench Help for general details of the search features. Device Search omits file type options because only the MCS device file type can be searched. It adds an option to use regular expressions, and a choice of searching for device name or pattern values. See Search view for further information.


Device Search will only allow exact matches.

  1. Choose Search | Search and go to the Device Search tab

  2. Enter a value in the Search string control. To use a regular expression check the Regular expression checkbox.

  3. Choose between the Device name and Device patterns options

  4. Click Search to list the devices in the Search view

  5. Right click on a device in the list and choose Open to work with your selection in the Device editor.

Search preferences

Because Device Search only uses the Device editor and exact matching, your search preference choices are limited. Only the Default perspective for the Search view option in Search preferences will have an effect.

To set this option choose Window | Preferences, expand the Workbench node and select Search.

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