Adding a custom device

Because you have access to the Device repository update service you will normally be able to rely on the service to maintain a current set of device data for your applications.

Because you have access to the Device repository update service you will normally be able to rely on the service to maintain a current set of device data for your applications.

However, there may be situations where you need to enter new device information for test purposes, before the information is available from the service. Another case may arise if you are making use of proprietary device features that are not covered by the service.

On the Overview page of the Device Repository editor you can add custom devices to the device tree.

  1. Click New to start the New Device wizard

  2. Enter a name in the Name text box. Device names must be unique in a repository, so if you use the name of an existing device you'll see a warning.

  3. Click Finish to close the wizard.


Only the following characters are allowed in device names. a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . - @

MCS adds the new device to the tree. The name you enter will be automatically prefixed with an underscore character, for example '_mynewdevice'. The new device will inherit its default values from its parent.

Now you can go on to add or edit required device values, including values for any custom policies.

To remove a device, select it in the tree and click Remove.

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