The table defines the subset of the XPath 2.0 expressions supported in the DCI pipeline. The
links in the first column are to the normative EBNF production in XML Path (XPath) Language 2.0. The comments highlight difference where the pipeline subset differs from
XPath 2.0. The production sequence numbers from the XPath recommendation are also given, when
they are different.
The table defines the subset of the XPath 2.0 expressions supported in the DCI pipeline. The
links in the first column are to the normative EBNF production in XML Path (XPath) Language 2.0. The comments highlight difference where the pipeline subset differs from
XPath 2.0. The production sequence numbers from the XPath recommendation are also given, when
they are different.
- XPath
- Value:
- Expr
- Value:
Comma separated sequence of expressions are not
- ExprSingle
- Value:
for, quantified and if expressions are not supported.
- OrExpr
- Value:
AndExpr ("or" AndExpr)*[8]
- AndExpr
- Value:
ComparisonExpr ("and"
- ComparisonExpr
- Value:
AdditiveExpr ( (ValueComp
| GeneralComp) AdditiveExpr)?Range
expressions and node comparisons are not supported. [10]
- AdditiveExpr
- Value:
MultiplicativeExpr (
("+" | "-") MultiplicativeExpr
- MultiplicativeExpr
- Value:
UnionExpr ( ("*" | "div" | "idiv"
| "mod") UnionExpr
)*Instance of, treat as, castable as, and cast expressions are not
supported. [13]
- UnionExpr
- Value:
IntersectExceptExpr (
("union" | "|") IntersectExceptExpr )*[14]
- IntersectExceptExpr
- Value:
UnaryExpr ( ("intersect" |
"except") UnaryExpr )*
- UnaryExpr
- Value: ("-" | "+")* ValueExpr
- ValueExpr
- Value:
- GeneralComp
- Value: "=" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
- ValueComp
- Value: "eq" | "ne" | "lt" | "le" | "gt" | "ge" [23]
- PathExpr
- Value:
Document relative paths, that is those starting with '/', are not
supported. [25]
- RelativePathExpr
- Value:
StepExpr (("/" | "//")
- StepExpr
- Value:
FilterExpr | AxisStep
- AxisStep
- Value:
Reverse steps (parent, ancestor, preceding-sibling, preceding and
ancestor-or-self axes) are not supported. [27]
- ForwardStep
- Value: (ForwardAxis
NodeTest) | AbbrevForwardStep
- ForwardAxis
- Value: ("child" "::")| ("descendant" "::")|| ("attribute" "::")| ("self"
"::")| ("descendant-or-self" "::")following-sibling, following and
namespace axes are not supported. Namespace axis is deprecated in XPath 2.0 anyway.
- AbbrevForwardStep
- Value: "@"? NodeTest
- NodeTest
- Value:
KindTest | NameTest
- NameTest
- Value:
QName | Wildcard
- Wildcard
- Value: "*"| (NCName ":" "*")|
("*" ":" NCName)ws:
explicit. [37]
- FilterExpr
- Value:
- PredicateList
- Value:
- Predicate
- Value: "[" Expr "]"
- PrimaryExpr
- Value:
Literal | VarRef | ParenthesizedExpr | ContextItemExpr | FunctionCall
- Literal
- Value:
NumericLiteral |
- NumericLiteral
- Value:
IntegerLiteral |
DecimalLiteral | DoubleLiteral
- VarRef
- Value: "$" VarName
- VarName
- Value:
- ParenthesizedExpr
- Value: "(" Expr? ")"
- ContextItemExpr
- Value: "."
- FunctionCall
- Value:
QName "(" (ExprSingle ("," ExprSingle)*)? ")"
- KindTest
- Value:
Only the text() node test is supported, all the rest (document(),
element(), attribute(), schema-element(), schema-attribute(), processing-instruction(),
comment() and node()) are not supported. [54]
- TextTest
- Value: "text" "(" ")" [57]
- IntegerLiteral
- Value:
- DecimalLiteral
- Value: ("." Digits) | (Digits "." [0-9]*)
- DoubleLiteral
- Value: (("." Digits) | (Digits ("." [0-9]*)?)) [eE] [+-]? Digits
- StringLiteral
- Value: ('"' (EscapeQuot | [^"])* '"') |
("'" (EscapeApos | [^'])* "'")
- EscapeQuot
- Value: '""' [75]
- EscapeApos
- Value: "''" [77]
- QName
- Value:
- NCName
- Value:
- Char
- Value:
- Digits
- Value: [0-9]+ [81]