The namespace prefix is cx and the namespace declaration is
The namespace prefix is cx and the namespace declaration is
Name | Purpose |
cx:client-class | Provides information about the client-side JavaScript representation of the component class. This information is used to generate the JavaScript code that constructs an instance of the component on the client. If not specified, then it is the responsibility of each component instance to provide the JavaScript code needed to construct a client-side instance. Refer to the topic entitled Component types and classes for more information. |
cx:client-create | Contains a block of JavaScript code that is used to create the client-side component. If the associated component class specifies the name of a client class, then the element is optional; otherwise the element is required and it is an error if it is not provided. |
cx:client-reference | Defines the client-side representation of the reference used for generating the JavaScript code needed to perform the binding. |
cx:client-start | Contains an optional block of JavaScript code which is used to start the client-side component. The code is invoked during the starting phase of the page construction process after all the references have been resolved and therefore can be used to perform any post linking initialization. It overrides the method specified in the start-method attribute of the cx:client-class element. |
cx:component | An instance of a component class. The cx:component element can create a new component or widen an existing one. Widening a component means extending the set of components that are available for implicit linking. |
cx:component-class | Defines the structure of all components of a particular type, specifically the references it has to other components. Please refer to the topic entitled Component types and classes for more information. |
cx:ref | References a component. |
cx:reference | Defines a reference from one component to another component. |