Template elements

The namespace prefix is cst and the namespace declaration is http://www.volantis.com/xmlns/2009/07/cf2/template.

The namespace prefix is cst and the namespace declaration is http://www.volantis.com/xmlns/2009/07/cf2/template.

Name Purpose

Defines an anchor slot within a client-side template.


One of a number of possible matches which could be selected when processing the cst:switch element.


Defines an image slot within a client-side template.


Specifies a case to be selected for processing if none of the cst:case elements within the containing cst:switch element are selected.


Container for one or more cst:case elements and an optional cst:otherwise element. It is used to choose between a number of mutually exclusive alternatives.


The template element within the Client Framework 2 user interface.


A template slot which allows the body content of an element to be set from the data in the template.

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