Specifies whether or not the cached policy should be used to satisfy requests that occur during the retry period.
Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Options | Use |
allow | Specifies if the policy should be retained during retry. | xs:boolean | true, false | optional | |
default | The default value to use if the policy does not specify it. | xs:boolean | true | true, false | optional |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://www.volantis.com/xmlns/mcs/project"
<assets base-url="."/>
<policy-cache-partition size="100">
<cache allow="true" default="true">
<time-to-live maximum="1000" default="50"/>
<retry allow="true" default="false"/>
<type-partition size="200">
<cache allow="true" default="true">
<time-to-live maximum="1000" default="500"/>
<retry default="true">
<interval minimum="10" default="50"/>
<max-count maximum="10" default="5"/>
<retain allow="true" default="true"/>