Frame page component


This component provides the client-side representation of a frame page.


This component is created from the root html element of a frame page.


The following table lists the observable properties associated with this component.

Property Description Type Access
title The title of the page. The value of the property reflects the contents of the title element in the associated page. If the title is dynamic, then the value of the property reflects the current value of the title element. String read
links A reference to the navigation links defined for the page. For each link type (specified in the rel attribute) this property contains a mapping from that type to an array of references to the page components, which are in document order (after removal of duplicates). Set of arrays of link indexed by link type read
data A reference to the custom data provided with the mcs:frame-page meta property (null if no data was provided). Note that although the property cannot be modified the underlying data structure can be in which case it is the responsibility of the modifier to notify the property that it has changed. See also: Defining a frame page. JSON read
frame A reference to the frame in which this page is displayed; null if the page is currently not displayed in any frame. Frame read
params Contains the parameters passed to the page when it was displayed. Refer to cf2:on for details on how to provide the parameters. Map read

This component supports the following private properties, each of which has a setter and/or getter depending on whether they are read-only or read/write. The names of the setter/getter are constructed by making the first letter of the field name uppercase and prefixing it with either set/get respectively.

Property Description Type Access
concealingPageHandler The handler that is called by the frame before the page is concealed. The initial value of the property is null. ConcealingPageHandler read/write
displayingPageHandler The handler that is called by the frame before the page is displayed. The initial value of the property is null. DisplayingPageHandler read


Each frame page could appear in any frame over its lifetime and so the parent of the html element of the frame page is not known at the time the CSS is generated for that element. Therefore, the html element always has its mcs-mobility property set to 'mobile', and that value overrides any setting that the page author may provide.

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