

Binds two properties together.

Refer to cf2:BindObservableProperties for further information.


It is the page author's responsibility to ensure that the properties support the same range of values, and that the bound property (or both if binding is bi-directional) is writable.

Contained by

The cf2:bind element can be placed within elements from the XHTML 2 Structural module and inside ui:button.


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
dir Specifies how the properties are bound. The possible values are: 'to' - the property specified by the property attribute is bound to the property specified by the to attribute, i.e. the former property will be updated to match the latter property whenever the latter changes; 'both' - the properties specified by the property and to attributes are bound to each other, i.e. when one property changes, the other one will be changed too. xs:string to  to, both  optional 

The property that will be bound to another property.

A property is identified by the owning component reference and the property name, separated by '#'. If the owning component reference is not provided, then it will default to the parent component of the element. It is an error if, in this case, the parent component does not exist.

xs:string     optional 

The property to which the other property should be bound.

A property is identified by the owning component reference and the property name, separated by '#'. If the owning component reference is not provided, then it will default to the owning component of the other property.

xs:string     optional 

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