Configuring the cluster (existing WebSphere Portal cluster)

The final step in this process is to configure the cluster.

Before you begin

Verify the cluster on WebSphere® Portal before deploying Mobile Portal Accelerator. For information, refer to the Setting up a cluster topic for your operating system in the Installing portion of the WebSphere Portal product documentation.

About this task

After Mobile Portal Accelerator is installed on all nodes of the WebSphere Portal cluster, perform the following steps to configure the cluster.


  1. Load the Integrated Solutions Console from DM01 and perform the following steps:
    1. Run Full Resynchronize on both nodes.
    2. Restart the cluster.
  2. Configure the Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions for the cluster using one of the following options:
    • Option 1 - To install and configure all of the Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions, run the following command:
      • AIXLinuxSolaris ./ mwp-config-cluster-all
      • Windows ConfigEngine mwp-config-cluster-all
    • Option 2 - To install and configure all of the Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions, except for the sample XDIME portlets and the sample XDIME pages, run the following command:
      • AIXLinuxSolaris ./ mwp-config-cluster
      • Windows ConfigEngine mwp-config-cluster
  3. To activate the portlets, run the following command:
    • AIXLinuxSolaris ./ activate-portlets
    • Windows ConfigEngine activate-portlets
  4. To display images from the web server on the user agent, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Integrated Solutions Console, click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > MPATheme > Manage modules. A list of mappings is displayed.
    2. In the Clusters and servers list, select PortalCluster and the HTTP server (which is added as an unmanaged node). Use the Ctrl key to select multiple targets.
    3. Click Apply.
    4. Save the configuration changes.
    5. Restart the HTTP server.

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