Updating the authoring templates

The authoring templates must be expanded since Image or Rich Text components cannot be used in XDIME.

About this task

The authoring templates for the "Home" page and "News" page must be expanded to include two components: SC ImageFile and SC MobileBody.
  • SC ImageFile component is needed so that the image file itself can be referenced without having to rely on the image component that is generating HTML.
  • SC MobileBody component will be a Text Component rather than Rich Text so that HTML is not generated. It might also contain a condensed version of the body information since you will likely be working with smaller screens on mobile devices.
Note: If you do not want to maintain duplicate information in the SC Image and SC ImageFile components, you could modify the SC PT MobileNews presentation template to generate an <img> HTML tag using the SC ImageFile rather than the SC Image component.
Perform the following procedure to add the SC Image and SC ImageFile components to the authoring template.


  1. Log in to WebSphere® Portal as a user who has privileges to modify web content, for example as an administrator.
  2. Click Go to Lotus Web Content Management and then click Web Content Management.
  3. From the Web Content Manager portlet, select MyShowcase Library > Authoring Templates.
  4. Select SC AT News and click Edit.
  5. Click Default Content Settings link.
  6. Click Manage Elements.
  7. From the Element type drop-down list, select File Resource.
  8. In the Name field, type SC ImageFile and click Add.
  9. Click OK.
  10. From the Element type drop-down list, select Text.
  11. In the Name field, type SC Mobile Body and click Add.
  12. Click OK.
  13. From the displayed list of components, in the SC ImageFile row, click Up arrow until this component displays after the SC Image component.
  14. In the SC Mobile Body row, click the Up arrow until this component displays after the SC Body component and click OK.
  15. Click Save and Close.
  16. From the Web Content Manager portlet, select MyShowcase Library > Authoring Templates.
  17. Select SC AT HomePage and click Edit.
  18. Click Manage Elements.
  19. From the Element type menu, select Component Reference.
  20. In the Name field, type SC Mobile Content List and click Add.
  21. Click OK.
  22. Click Save and Close.

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