List of smartphone theme customization files

Use these files to customize the features in your smartphone theme.

Theme JSP files

Entry point for smartphone theme. This file includes DefaultSmartPhone.jsp or DefaultFallback.jsp depending on whether JavaScript is supported or not.
DefaultSmartPhone.jsp (wp_default.mlyt)
The main file of the smartphone theme that includes all other files such as banner, tools, and body.
The fallback JSP that includes the PDAView JSPs.
Header.jsp (wp_smt_header.mlyt)
Includes the page bar, page and portlet navigation, and banner.
Body.jsp (wp_body.mlyt)
Includes the screens for displaying the skin and portlet body and links to portlet
Tools.jsp (wp_smt_tools.mlyt)
Displays the toolbar which has links for home page and logout.
PageBar.jsp (wp_smt_pagebar.mlyt)
Displays the page navigation bar and includes LayoutNavigation.jsp for portlet navigation in Carousel view.
Banner.jsp (wp_smt_tools.mlyt)
Displays the WebSphere Portlet logo and slider.
LayoutNavigation.jsp (wp_smt_pagebar.mlyt)
Displays the portlet navigation bar.
Navigation.jsp (wp_tree_nav.mlyt)
Includes Navigation.jsp.
PortletNavigation.jsp (wp_tree_nav.mlyt)
Displays the links for portlets in Tabbed view.
Calls layouts in unlayeredContainter and Control.jsp.
Displays the vertical layout.
Displays the horizontal layout.
Entry point for skins in the portlet content and body. This file includes either ControlDefault.jsp or ControlSmartphone.jsp depending on whether JS is supported and currentView is smartphone view.
ControlDefault.jsp (wp_portlet_controller.mlyt)
This file is same as original Control.jsp that is used by other views such as PDAView, ICONview, or Treeview.
ControlSmartphone.jsp (wp_portlet_controller.mlyt)
This file is specifically for smartphone for displaying views such as Accordion and Carousel.
wp_smt_header.mlyt, wp_smt_pagebar.mlyt, wp_smt_tools.mlyt
These files are similar to those from PDA view and modified to fit the smartphone theme. Also wp_smt_styles.mthm file contains styles related to smartphone. All other layout files are reused from PDAview or Treeview.

Files for extending extended properties

This file is updated to have new entries for the Accordion, Carousel, and Tabbed views to be displayed in the extended properties portlet for the page.
Contains the localized text for the views
This file provides a UI for selecting different views in extended properties portlet for pages.

JavaScript files

all.js (all.mscr)
The following JavaScript files are compressed into all.js. For production, use only all.js. Use the following JS files for development. The JS files are compressed using YUI Compressor 2.4.6.
init.js (init.mscr)
This file instantiates the Accordion, Carousel, or Slider view user interface or objects.
base/init.js (init_base.mscr)
Staring point (just like main) for all the smartphone theme JS files
base/dom.js (dom.mscr)
Contains high-level functions such as fetching DOM element for a given “id”, remove CSS classes, add classes to the DOM element.
base/event.js (event.mscr)
Attaches the event the HTML element in the DOM tree.
base/listen.js (listen.mscr)
Used with event.js.
base/layout.js (layout.mscr)
base/globalthemevariable.js (globalthemevariable_base.mscr)
Declares the global theme variable that is used by init.js for instantiating the Accordion, Carousel, or Slider view user interface or objects.
ui/init.js (init_ui.mscr)
Contains the actual functions to instantiate the user interface objects.
ui/carousel.js (carousel.mscr)
Contains the logic related to shifting and gestures.
ui/accordion.js (accordion.mscr)
Contains the logic related to expanding or collapsing the portlets.
ui/accordionLayout.js (accordion_layout.mscr)
Reads all the portlets (DOM) in to an array.
ui/slider.js (slider.mscr)
Contains functions for toggling the page navigation.

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