How to specify the root node

Portal automatically determines the page that becomes mwp.root by selecting the first page that supports XDIME, which the user is entitled to view.

Algorithm for finding "home"

Portal traverses pages and labels until it finds the first XDIME page that the user is allowed to see.
Note: Labels may not be selected, and deactivated pages are treated like labels.
Traverse proceeds depth first starting at Content Root as shown in the following example:
Content Root
    Mobile Portal
      Label 1
        Label 1A
          Label 1A1
            Label 1A1a
      Label 2
        Label 2A
          Label 2A1
            Label 2A1a (not XDIME)
      Label 3
        Label 3A
          Label 3A1
            Label 3A1a (deactivated)
      Label 4
        Label 4A
          Label 4A1
            Label 4A1a (XDIME activated and user has permission to view)
      Label 5
        Label 5A
          Label 5A1
            Label 5A1a (not selected and not visible)

When creating the XDIME portal navigation with the XDIME aggregator JSPs provided with Mobile Portal Accelerator, it is mandatory that all XDIME related labels, pages, and URLs be created under the Content Root > Home label. XDIME pages created outside of Home should be used for administrative purposes or will require custom XDIME aggregator theme JSPs to display them.

In the Label 1 section, nothing is selected.

The Label 2 section is not selected because there is no XDIME supported code.

The Label 3 section is not selected because Page 3A1a is deactivated.

Page 4A1a is selected as "home" or "root" because it contains XDIME code and the access control for that file has been set up so the user has permission to see the file.

The Label 5 section is not selected and is not visible because Page 4A1a has already been selected as "home".

Terms of use
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2012. All Rights Reserved.