IBM(R) DataQuant for Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 2, Fix Pack 14 README CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 DATAQUANT FOR WORKSTATION 1.2 FIX PACK 14 3.0 DATAQUANT FOR WEBSPHERE 1.2 FIX PACK 14 ********************************************* 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE ********************************************* Welcome to IBM DataQuant for Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 2, Fix Pack 14 README file. This README file contains descriptions of fixes for IBM DataQuant for Workstation and DataQuant for WebSphere. ********************************************** 2.0 DATAQUANT FOR WORKSTATION 1.2 FIX PACK 14 ********************************************** QMFDQ-8030 A dashboard that has been saved as a file opens with no data. QMFDQ-9380 Markers inside a Google Map data object, in a dashboard rendered in Flash mode, disappear when the user resizes the dashboard window. QMFDQ-9490 Changing the zoom factor in Visual Dashboards rendered in FLASH mode causes some problems. QMFDQ-9933 There is a problem when copying and pasting 'lowval' query results (char or varchar columns containing low-values) into an MS Excel spreadsheet. QMFDQ-10275 Incorrect SQL is generated from the Diagram view with queries Involving multiple tables. QMFDQ-10893 Running the EXPORT command with the MODE=RAW parameter for a PDF format does not work properly. QMFDQ-10910 QMF packages are missing when you use Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) to connect to a repository. QMFDQ-11087 After logging into the Prompted Query editor as a non-administrator or "lower-level user", you are still able to add a table even though you do not have the proper authorization. QMFDQ-11531 Renamed columns in a Virtual Data Source are changed to the initial state after editing the table SQL. QMFDQ-11724 The DB2 Parser fails to parse SELECT with MERGE clause. QMFDQ-11826 The message 'Illegal date or time format detected' displays after running the query with XML aggregation using the DRDA driver. QMFDQ-11853 A query is not executed for function "field" of objects located in an Embedded Scene. QMFDQ-11887 When using a Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) connection, the "Application error index 0, size 0" occurs when creating objects for a new shared repository. QMFDQ-11915 The “Close” scene event does not perform the RunSQLAction. QMFDQ-11917 Add a "DSQAO_HOME_WORKSPACE" global variable to contain a key to a user's home workspace. QMFDQ-11932 There is an incorrect handling of the "Selection" and "Value" properties in the list-based controls in the Visual Dashboard. QMFDQ-11941 Add a new event action (Refresh Component) to provide flexibility to the manner by which defined data-driven objects are refreshed. QMFDQ-11943 When running a procedure using a batch program, the procedure does not create the report in the same format as when run from the user interface. Also, running a procedure from a batch program generates extraneous report files if the user does not specify (*.txt) for the report file in the procedure. QMFDQ-11950 The Visual Dashboard hangs when the user clicks on certain controls in HTML mode. QMFDQ-11961 The QMF for Windows API prompts the user twice for secure repository, even when security is "database-based". QMFDQ-11964 Add procedure command (DISPLAY FORM.X) support to activate, or create a new (if one does not exist) Classic Report in the Design tab and to activate the appropriate page of the editor. QMFDQ-11971 Add a RUNTSO procedure command. QMFDQ-11979 There are problems with ComboBox data input for Visual Dashboards rendered in Flash mode. QMFDQ-11980 There is a problem with returning results after entering text in the ComboBox data object and clicking the button. QMFDQ-11983 Add support for Global Variable "DSQEC_RUN_MQ", which determines whether to run multi-statement SQL queries. QMFDQ-12037 Added support for DB2 Temporal Data to the Prompted Query editor and the Diagram Query editor. QMFDQ-12043 If a DRDA connection is being used and an attempt is made to modify either a repository or structures in the QMF catalog, an SQM02008 error occurs. QMFDQ-12049 The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) folder is lost when updating to a new fix pack of DataQuant on Windows. QMFDQ-12059 Visual Data Source table disappears after a user with "Full" permission and authorization rights edits the table SQL. QMFDQ-12091 Add support for generating and using "short getObject URLs" or web links to data objects so that users can open the objects directly in a web browser. QMFDQ-12096 A scene embedded as a sub-level scene is not visible in the "Send Event to Embedded Scene Action" wizard. QMFDQ-12105 In a form, nothing happens when a user clicks the 'Edit Calculation' and 'Edit Condition' buttons in the Design tab. QMFDQ-12113 Only null values display in the exported CSV file, even though the user set parameters on the "Setup delimiter options" page that should have resulted in other values displaying in the exported file. QMFDQ-12121 Add the capability to control the line width when reformatting SQL queries. QMFDQ-12147 Visual Dashboards rendered in Optimized HTML corrupt non-English characters entered into the TextBox. QMFDQ-12176 The RDBI.SERVER_INFO is missing when creating database objects. QMFDQ-12196 The application cannot detect, and therefore cannot update, the repository storage tables for "MySQL" database when running on the Linux operating system. QMFDQ-12205 Add "SELECT statement with DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE" support to the "CONFIRM" profile option so that the statement can modify the database. QMFDQ-12208 An error occurs when users run a query on a virtual table that has spaces in its name and includes a column with an expression. QMFDQ-12209 The structure of a virtual table is lost after editing the table SQL. QMFDQ-12231 In a virtual data source, a user that has been added to the list of users on the Security tab is removed from that list after changes are made and applied to the Table SQL by a user with administrator privileges. QMFDQ-12233 In a virtual data source, changes to table SQL are not being applied even though the user that is making the changes has "Edit" authorization for the table and "FULL" authorization for table columns. QMFDQ-12248 When HTML is the selected "Export type", the 'Export report' action fails to notify the user when a file with the same name already exists. QMFDQ-12272 The application fails to process static queries when run against a DB2 v8 database when using DRDA as the connection to the database. QMFDQ-12276 The Import procedure command does not support files without extensions. QMFDQ-12277 Parameter changes made to a SimpleForm Layout are not being applied. QMFDQ-12281 In some cases it is impossible to specify "Maximum Rows To Fetch Cancel Limit" for saved Queries. QMFDQ-12354 The application treats (incorrectly so) 'x0A' and 'x0D' characters in the SQL results as new lines. QMFDQ-12365 An error message does not display when a user tries to save an invalid table SQL to a virtual data source. QMFDQ-12366 A user cannot add a column to a diagram query when a web repository connection is being used. QMFDQ-12379 Add a new "Launch LOB" event action to open large object (LOB) data from an object of a Visual Dashboard. QMFDQ-12385 In an ER Diagram, a Null Pointer Exception occurs when trying to refresh a data source node when the "Save password" check box is unchecked. QMFDQ-12389 You cannot rename objects from the context menu in the ER Diagram editor. QMFDQ-12399 A Null Pointer Exception occurs when switching from the 'Object list' tab to any other tab in the 'Limits' dialog for a data source with resource limits from the QMF Catalog. QMFDQ-12413 Mouse event actions do not work for disabled TextBox in Visual Dashboards rendered in Optimized HTML. QMFDQ-12427 While editing a repository storage, the 'Protection' tab becomes disabled after deleting the last Collection ID. QMFDQ-12487 A conflict between query resource limits and query resource limits can result in the default resource limits being applied in DataQuant for Multiplatforms. QMFDQ-12518 A Null Pointer Exception error occurs after clicking on the "OK" button in an empty progress dialog. ********************************************** 3.0 DATAQUANT FOR WEBSPHERE 1.2 FIX PACK 14 ********************************************** QMFDQ-10275 Incorrect SQL is generated from the Diagram view with queries Involving multiple tables. QMFDQ-10893 Running the EXPORT command with the MODE=RAW parameter for a PDF format does not work properly. QMFDQ-11087 After logging into the Prompted Query editor as a non-administrator or "lower-level user", you are still able to add a table even though you do not have the proper authorization. QMFDQ-11531 Renamed columns in a Virtual Data Source are changed to the initial state after editing the table SQL. QMFDQ-11635 The DataQuant for WebSphere application hangs when two users refresh browser page simultaneously. QMFDQ-11682 Add support so that the thin client component runs in the Google Chrome browser. QMFDQ-11724 The DB2 Parser fails to parse SELECT with MERGE clause. QMFDQ-11757 Some sequences of symbols are converted to HTML special symbols in SQL text. QMFDQ-11826 The message 'Illegal date or time format detected' displays after running the query with XML aggregation using the DRDA driver. QMFDQ-11853 A query is not executed for function "field" of objects located in an Embedded Scene. QMFDQ-11887 When using a Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) connection, the "Application error index 0, size 0" occurs when creating objects for a new shared repository. QMFDQ-11915 The “Close” scene event does not perform the RunSQLAction. QMFDQ-11917 Add a "DSQAO_HOME_WORKSPACE" global variable to contain a key to a user's home workspace. QMFDQ-11932 There is an incorrect handling of the "Selection" and "Value" properties in the list-based controls in the Visual Dashboard. QMFDQ-11940 Added support for the thin client component to run on WebSphere Application Server V8.0 and Tomcat V7.0. QMFDQ-11947 Charts in a Visual Dashboard are not drawn in the thin client. QMFDQ-11949 The tooltip text for a BarChart rendered in Optimized HTML is not correct. QMFDQ-11950 The Visual Dashboard hangs when the user clicks on certain controls in HTML mode. QMFDQ-11964 Add procedure command (DISPLAY FORM.X) support to activate, or create a new (if one does not exist) Classic Report in the Design tab and to activate the appropriate page of the editor. QMFDQ-11971 Add a RUNTSO procedure command. QMFDQ-11979 There are problems with ComboBox data input for Visual Dashboards rendered in Flash mode. QMFDQ-11980 There is a problem with returning results after entering text in the ComboBox data object and clicking the button. QMFDQ-11983 Add support for Global Variable "DSQEC_RUN_MQ", which determines whether to run multi-statement SQL queries. QMFDQ-12028 Added support for the thin client component to run in the Apple Safari browser. QMFDQ-12035 Visual Dashboards do not work with Apple Safari browser when the dashboard is rendered in Flash mode. QMFDQ-12037 Added support for DB2 Temporal Data to the Prompted Query editor and the Diagram Query editor. QMFDQ-12040 Provide a JavaScript API to work with Visual Dashboards. QMFDQ-12043 If a DRDA connection is being used and an attempt is made to modify either a repository or structures in the QMF catalog, an SQM02008 error occurs. QMFDQ-12059 Visual Data Source table disappears after a user with "Full" permission and authorization rights edits the table SQL. QMFDQ-12077 Remove processing status screens that are not applicable when running content through the getObject URL. QMFDQ-12091 Add support for generating and using "short getObject URLs" or web links to data objects so that users can open the objects directly in a web browser. QMFDQ-12105 In a form, nothing happens when a user clicks the 'Edit Calculation' and 'Edit Condition' buttons in the Design tab. QMFDQ-12113 Only null values display in the exported CSV file, even though the user set parameters on the "Setup delimiter options" page that should have resulted in other values displaying in the exported file. QMFDQ-12121 Add the capability to control the line width when reformatting SQL queries. QMFDQ-12135 Changes made to user preferences in the thin client by a single user are being applied to other users using the thin client, when this should not be the case. QMFDQ-12147 Visual Dashboards rendered in Optimized HTML corrupt non-English characters entered into the TextBox. QMFDQ-12176 The RDBI.SERVER_INFO is missing when creating database objects. QMFDQ-12196 The application cannot detect, and therefore cannot update, the repository storage tables for "MySQL" database when running on the Linux operating system. QMFDQ-12205 Add "SELECT statement with DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE" support to the "CONFIRM" profile option so that the statement can modify the database. QMFDQ-12208 An error occurs when users run a query on a virtual table that has spaces in its name and includes a column with an expression. QMFDQ-12209 The structure of a virtual table is lost after editing the table SQL. QMFDQ-12231 In a virtual data source, a user that has been added to the list of users on the Security tab is removed from that list after changes are made and applied to the Table SQL by a user with administrator privileges. QMFDQ-12233 In a virtual data source, changes to table SQL are not being applied even though the user that is making the changes has "Edit" authorization for the table and "FULL" authorization for table columns. QMFDQ-12252 The “Finish” button to create a virtual data source is enabled, even though the "Data Source name" field does not contain a value. QMFDQ-12272 The application fails to process static queries when run against a DB2 v8 database when using DRDA as the connection to the database. QMFDQ-12276 The Import procedure command does not support files without extensions. QMFDQ-12281 In some cases it is impossible to specify "Maximum Rows To Fetch Cancel Limit" for saved Queries. QMFDQ-12303 A redesign of the File Upload dialog is needed in order to support RAP capabilities. QMFDQ-12354 The application treats (incorrectly so) 'x0A' and 'x0D' characters in the SQL results as new lines. QMFDQ-12365 An error message does not display when a user tries to save an invalid table SQL to a virtual data source. QMFDQ-12366 A user cannot add a column to a diagram query when a web repository connection is being used. QMFDQ-12371 The application hangs if there is no saved logon information for a repository connection and there are scheduler tasks associated with the repository connection. QMFDQ-12374 User logon setting information for repository connections is not applied immediately for all users after being changed by an administrator. QMFDQ-12385 In an ER Diagram, a Null Pointer Exception occurs when trying to refresh a data source node when the "Save password" check box is unchecked. QMFDQ-12389 You cannot rename objects from the context menu in the ER Diagram editor. QMFDQ-12399 A Null Pointer Exception occurs when switching from the 'Object list' tab to any other tab in the 'Limits' dialog for a data source with resource limits from the QMF Catalog. QMFDQ-12413 Mouse event actions do not work for disabled TextBox in Visual Dashboards rendered in Optimized HTML. QMFDQ-12416 There is only one string displayed in the row, which contains line separators, if the 'Wrap text' option is checked. QMFDQ-12427 While editing a repository storage, the 'Protection' tab becomes disabled after deleting the last Collection ID. QMFDQ-12497 The "Diagram" tab is present when opening files (ixf, csv, txt). QMFDQ-12533 Incorrect date values reported in query results in an environment configuration where the Direct DRDA driver is used to connect to the database.