IBM(R) DataQuant for Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 2, Fix Pack 13 README CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 DATAQUANT FOR WORKSTATION 1.2 FIX PACK 13 3.0 DataQuant for WebSphere 1.2 Fix Pack 13 ******************************************** 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE ******************************************** Welcome to IBM DataQuant for Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 2, Fix Pack 13 README file. This README file contains descriptions of fixes for IBM DataQuant for Workstation and DataQuant for WebSphere. ********************************************* 2.0 DATAQUANT for WORKSTATION 1.2 FIX PACK 13 ********************************************* QMFDQ-5236 A Prompted Query created in QMF for TSO is opened in SQL view in the application. QMFDQ-6286 Properties with localized name are used in dashboards. QMFDQ-6638 A problem occurs when displaying list of objects after upgrading to DB2 for z/OS v8 that supports long names. QMFDQ-7050 References for Visual Dashboards and Visual Reports are not refreshed after renaming or deleting referenced object. QMFDQ-7682 Incorrect Set User Information dialog is displayed using the API. QMFDQ-8317 Report is not printed in HTML format when global variable DSQQW_RPT_OUT_TYP = 2. QMFDQ-9305 Object Limits incorrectly override Data Source's limits. QMFDQ-9539 Changes made in the filter tab of OLAP query are not saved in unsaved Visual Dashboard or Visual Reports. QMFDQ-9628 Objects rendered in HTML in runtime mode are overlapping. QMFDQ-9722 The 'Enter Substitution Variable Values' dialog appears two times when running a Visual Report based on query with prompt. QMFDQ-9723 The INSERT and CREATE commands disappear from Content Assist list in the second line of a query. QMFDQ-9750 A comment of overwritten repository objects does not display, if the repository explorer tree has not been refreshed. QMFDQ-9902 The “CW edit code” incorrectly processes DBCS data. QMFDQ-10108 Added support for new data types introduced in SQL JDBC 4.0 specification. QMFDQ-10180 Content assistant suggests incorrect values after SELECT and WHERE commands. QMFDQ-10244 An invalid error message displays when opening a Visual Report offline. The error message that incorrectly displays is “QRY1003. No data source was specified for the query". QMFDQ-10314 A PRINT action was added in contributor for XML Source tab to address issue that resulted in File/Print item in menu becoming disabled for XML source tab in BIRT Reports. QMFDQ-10527 A rendering mode for “Optimized HTML” was added for Visual Dashboards and Visual Reports. QMFDQ-10579 Added support for continuation "+" processing for the MAIL TO command. QMFDQ-10585 Dragging and Dropping workspaces to a Workspace node while in the Repositories view and Repository Explorer view does not work. QMFDQ-10628 Value of 'Comment' field is not saved for nodes from QMF Catalog in Repository Explorer view. QMFDQ-10630 Incorrect reference on scene when the scene includes a local parameter with same name value as another scene. QMFDQ-10707 Error message displays when changing the render mode for Object Tracking Report. QMFDQ-10717 Add "Show references" option to context menu for all dashboard objects in Project Explorer view. QMFDQ-10725 Changes to Global variables are not taken into account when running Scheduled Job. QMFDQ-10728 An embedded scene pointing to a visual report is not displayed. QMFDQ-10746 "Retrieve all" option not available when running a query on multiple result set. QMFDQ-10754 Visual Reports and Visual Dashboards that are added to the Start-up processes using the “Add to Startup” option from the context menu do not start when the application starts. QMFDQ-10772 A NullPointerException error occurs when curser is between FROM in Content Assist. QMFDQ-10776 Global parameters are not used for query parameters in Visual Dashboards. QMFDQ-10787 An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception is thrown when using Content Assist. QMFDQ-10791 Data Source with Repository limits can establish two or more active connections even though Maximum Connections Cancel limit is set to 1. QMFDQ-10812 An incorrect result of certain queries occurs on virtual data source. QMFDQ-10813 A NullPointerException error occurs when dragging and dropping query on Report Heading in Visual Report. QMFDQ-10836 Visual Dashboard is not processing the ViewerZoom global property correctly in Initialize Scene event. QMFDQ-10854 NullPointerException error when user with non-administrator privileges deletes a query from QMF catalog. QMFDQ-10855 Pie Chart object moves to the left each time you apply a change to its Radius. QMFDQ-10856 NullPointerException displays after changing the path specified in the "LinkedDashboard" property of an embedded scene in the Dashboard. QMFDQ-10859 There is an error in Help instructions for "Export to PDF" action. QMFDQ-10866 Stored procedure-based protection for DB2 z/OS V9 and higher is enabled. QMFDQ-10868 User unable to delete an empty workspace (that he or she created) after exiting and reconnecting to the repository. QMFDQ-10869 Edits made to table and column joins are not processed in an opened Entity Relationship Diagram. QMFDQ-10871 Expanding view of content by clicking plus widget (+) is not working in Optimized HTML mode. QMFDQ-10888 'Object types' list shows 'Multidimensional Data Sources' when it should not. QMFDQ-10894 Legacy Report Center objects are not searched in relational data source when performing a Search in repository operation. QMFDQ-10896 Folders that are meant to be hidden are found and shown after performing a "Search in repository "operation in which the user selects "Folder" as the "Object type". Hidden folders should not be shown to the user. QMFDQ-10900 The content in the "Repository Connection Name" field on the Edit Repository Connection wizard is sorted by case. Sorting should be done by name only. QMFDQ-10903 A NullPointerException occurs when running the RESET GLOBAL command without parameter. QMFDQ-10912 Change to KeyCode parameter is not recognized when rendering in optimized HTML. QMFDQ-10916 Set slider value action for slider change event does not work in HTML render mode. QMFDQ-10917 The SHOW command causes an error message if the active query was not run. QMFDQ-10919 The "Save as Default" button on the "Page Setup" dialog does not work for Visual Dashboards. QMFDQ-10943 Send Email Action fails to include an attachment if the path is stored in local parameter of an embedded scene of another dashboard. QMFDQ-10944 Fixed Pages property is not populated when user creates a Visual Report. By default, when the user creates a Visual Report the Fixed Pages property contains the value "FixedPage1". QMFDQ-10949 A NullPointerException occurs when a user with non-administrator rights deletes a table from the repository. QMFDQ-10952 An error occurs when changing SceneCenter property for EmbeddedScene in Visual Dashboard. QMFDQ-10957 The list of properties does not appear in the EmbeddedScene Wizard in Visual Dashboard. QMFDQ-10965 Connection to LDAP Repository is not restored when expanding Relational Data Source after delay. QMFDQ-11001 The use of TreeChart and OrganizationChart in Visual Dashboard in Runtime may cause an error. QMFDQ-11005 After the second execution SHOW REPORT procedure command opens FORM tab instead of Visual Report tab. QMFDQ-11006 Running query XML aggregation without ORDER BY Clause causes an error. QMFDQ-11023 There is no option to choose NULL value display when exporting to CSV file. QMFDQ-11039 Global variable DSQAO_REP_USER now allows for indicating the user name that is used to connect to the current repository. QMFDQ-11059 The interpretation of wildcard characters in table names is incorrect when QMF-catalog plug-in is enabled. QMFDQ-11075 Exporting empty result set to Excel causes an error. QMFDQ-11077 The 'Set Name Filter' and 'Set User Information' buttons are now available in the Data Source Selection dialog. QMFDQ-11082 Setting more than one email address for Send Email Action in Visual Dashboard is not allowed. QMFDQ-11093 In the Installation Wizard, the 'User' feature is not set as required for the 'Support for Data Source Environments' feature. QMFDQ-11103 Renaming Scenes or Queries in Visual Dashboard without saving causes an error. QMFDQ-11106 Attempting to paste a query from a closed Visual Dashboard in Project Explorer causes an error. QMFDQ-11116 The last-used state of the active workspace is saved and restored upon reconnection. QMFDQ-11119 Processing QMF catalogs with Long Names support in Admin Batch Utility yields an error. QMFDQ-11122 Export to Excel action now performs full export of multiple DataTemplates. QMFDQ-11124 Local scene parameter is not changed when the scene locates on EmbeddedScene component. QMFDQ-11135 Using the Dial Control feature in a Visual Dashboard can cause an error. QMFDQ-11141 Changing the 'PictureDimensions' property of a Picture on Visual Dashboard causes an error. QMFDQ-11149 Versioning for static query packages is implemented. QMFDQ-11166 Methods to work with repository connections are implemented in the QMFWin API. QMFDQ-11170 Methods to work with non-relational data sources are implemented in the API. QMFDQ-11173 On Visual Dashboard chart content is displayed partially after scrolling. QMFDQ-11185 Ability to send an event to any embedded scene of Visual Dashboard is implemented. QMFDQ-11194 Opening a Visual Dashboard using the remote web connection causes an error. QMFDQ-11197 Checked "Remember the password" option may cause automatic attempts to establish connection with wrong/expired password. QMFDQ-11226 Saving data to an existing table incorrectly requires ALTER authority. QMFDQ-11273 Occasionally, the table in the Visual Dashboard disappears for a few seconds after it is loaded. QMFDQ-11289 Running query with CASE expression causes an error. QMFDQ-11310 DateTime picker on Visual Dashboard returns incorrect value. QMFDQ-11335 Running an unsaved query causes an error if "Allow running saved queries only" resource limit is checked. QMFDQ-11337 It is now possible to specify desired mode to control tracking of Last Used date for QMF Objects. QMFDQ-11392 IBM solidDB database is now supported. QMFDQ-11465 Procedures stored in a common QMF catalog different from the one with the tables and with different login information cannot be run via Job. QMFDQ-11504 The table definition is incomplete because the primary key index or unique key index is not defined when exporting result sets with primary key defined. QMFDQ-11521 Processing of SetValueAction for viewer position settings in Rich Client rendering mode is insufficient. QMFDQ-11526 The process of configuring repository storage protection mode is simplified. QMFDQ-11558 StockImage function does not work with Combo.Selection value. QMFDQ-11580 Image frame is repainted with some displacement relatively the image in Visual Dashboard in flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-11582 Change event for RadioGroup works two times in Visual Dashboard in flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-11583 Click Event for RadioGroup does not work in Visual Dashboard in flash rendering mode QMFDQ-11592 Moving group with buttons and connector causes an error in the Output view. QMFDQ-11606 The EXPORT TABLE procedure command creates and runs a Query and does not dispose the Query after the operation was finished. QMFDQ-11612 Working with AsyncDataFetcher leads to memory leak. QMFDQ-11658 Expanding SQL referencing to QMF queries with SQL SELECT with data change clauses yields an error. QMFDQ-11659 DB2 for VM/VSE databases are incorrectly classified in the product. QMFDQ-11683 Set User Information Dialog appears even if "Remember this password" is checked when using the API. QMFDQ-11715 Running bind.bat file from the folder with spaces in its name causes an error. ********************************************** 3.0 DataQuant for WebSphere 1.2 Fix Pack 13 ********************************************** QMFDQ-5236 A Prompted Query created in QMF for TSO is opened in SQL view in the application. QMFDQ-6638 There is a problem displaying list of objects after upgrading to DB2 for z/OS v8 that supports long names. QMFDQ-9473 User cannot open after running the "EXPORT QUERY TO command because the exported file is invalid if the file name contains special symbols. QMFDQ-9722 The ‘Enter Substitution Variable Values' dialog appears two times when running a Visual Report based on query with prompt. QMFDQ-9723 The INSERT and CREATE commands disappear from Content Assist list in the second line of a query. QMFDQ-9750 A comment of overwritten repository objects does not display, if the repository explorer tree has not been refreshed. QMFDQ-10108 Added support for new data types introduced in SQL JDBC 4.0 specification. QMFDQ-10444 An error message is displayed when user clicks the button "Move to the Last Page Vertically" for large queries. QMFDQ-10527 A rendering mode for “Optimized HTML” was added for Visual Dashboards and Visual Reports. QMFDQ-10585 Dragging and Dropping workspaces to a Workspace node while in the Repositories view and Repository Explorer view does not work. QMFDQ-10628 Value of 'Comment' field is not saved for nodes from QMF Catalog in Repository Explorer view. QMFDQ-10707 Error message displays when changing the render mode for Object Tracking Report. QMFDQ-10725 Changes to Global variables are not taken into account when running Scheduled Job. QMFDQ-10746 The "Retrieve all" option is not available when running a query on multiple result set. QMFDQ-10754 Visual Reports and Visual Dashboards that are added to the Start-up processes using the “Add to Startup” option from the context menu do not start when the application starts. QMFDQ-10812 An incorrect result of certain queries occurs on virtual data source. QMFDQ-10836 The Visual Dashboard is not processing the ViewerZoom global property correctly in Initialize Scene event. QMFDQ-10866 Stored procedure-based protection for DB2 z/OS V9 and higher is enabled. QMFDQ-10868 A User is unable to delete an empty workspace (that he or she created) after exiting and reconnecting to the repository. QMFDQ-10871 Expanding view of content by clicking plus widget (+) is not working in Optimized HTML mode. QMFDQ-10872 User cannot change the 'Include' checkbox in diagram view by either selecting or deselecting it. QMFDQ-10873 Entity Relationship Diagrams are not shown in the ER Diagrams tab. QMFDQ-10882 An invalid error message displays when running PRINT QUERY. The invalid message is "The printer name 'null' is invalid". . QMFDQ-10883 Change to .qry file is not recognized after running the EXPORT QUERY command. QMFDQ-10888 'Object types' list shows 'Multidimensional Data Sources' when it should not. QMFDQ-10894 Legacy Report Center objects are not searched in relational data source when performing a Search in repository operation. QMFDQ-10896 Folders that are meant to be hidden are found and shown after performing a "Search in repository "operation in which the user selects "Folder" as the "Object type". Hidden folders should not be shown to the user. QMFDQ-10900 The content in the "Repository Connection Name" field on the Edit Repository Connection wizard is sorted by case. Sorting should be done by name only. QMFDQ-10903 A NullPointerException occurs when running the RESET GLOBAL command without parameter. QMFDQ-10908 The Context menu does not work after saving an object to a workspace in Workstation and refreshing that same workspace in WebSphere. QMFDQ-10912 Change to KeyCode parameter is not recognized when rendering in optimized HTML. QMFDQ-10916 Set slider value action for slider change event does not work in HTML render mode. QMFDQ-10917 The SHOW command causes an error message if the active query was not run. QMFDQ-10943 Send Email Action fails to include an attachment if the path is stored in local parameter of an embedded scene of another dashboard. QMFDQ-10949 A NullPointerException ocurrs when user with non-administrator rights deletes a table from the repository. QMFDQ-10969 Clicking 'Click to redo' link in Cheat Sheets causes an error. QMFDQ-10973 The 'Cheat sheets...' submenu item display in English for non-English users. QMFDQ-10977 When commenting SQL Query line by selecting Query > Comment, the first line is commented instead of the line that was specified. QMFDQ-10997 The IMPORT and MAIL MESSAGE procedure commands use absolute paths in WebSphere client to load specified files. QMFDQ-11006 Running query XML aggregation without ORDER BY Clause causes an error. QMFDQ-11010 Unable to open Classic Report via "getObject" URL if there is no active repository connection. QMFDQ-11012 Execution of SHOW REPORT ( VIEW = VISUAL procedure command causes an error. QMFDQ-11014 The 'Add Table' menu item does not appear in the Query Diagram view after removing join. QMFDQ-11023 There is no option to choose NULL value display when exporting to CSV file. QMFDQ-11039 Global variable DSQAO_REP_USER now allows for indicating the user name that is used to connect to the current repository. QMFDQ-11059 The interpretation of wildcard characters in table names is incorrect when QMF-catalog plug-in is enabled. QMFDQ-11116 The last-used state of the active workspace is saved and restored upon reconnection. QMFDQ-11122 Export to Excel action now performs full export of multiple DataTemplates. QMFDQ-11149 Versioning for static query packages is implemented. QMFDQ-11170 Methods to work with non-relational data sources are implemented in the API. QMFDQ-11173 On Visual Dashboard chart content is displayed partially after scrolling. QMFDQ-11185 Ability to send an event to any embedded scene of Visual Dashboard is implemented. QMFDQ-11197 Checked "Remember the password" option may cause automatic attempts to establish connection with wrong/expired password. QMFDQ-11226 Saving data to an existing table incorrectly requires ALTER authority. QMFDQ-11229 Flash plug-in crashes when working with certain Visual Dashboards. QMFDQ-11273 Occasionally, table in Visual Dashboard disappears for a few seconds after it is loaded. QMFDQ-11289 Running query with CASE expression causes an error. QMFDQ-11310 DateTime picker on Visual Dashboard returns incorrect value. QMFDQ-11335 Running an unsaved query causes an error if “Allow running saved queries only" resource limit is checked. QMFDQ-11337 It is now possible to specify desired mode to control tracking of Last Used date for QMF Objects. QMFDQ-11392 IBM solidDB database is now supported. QMFDQ-11465 Procedures stored in a common QMF catalog different from the one with the tables and with different login information cannot be run via Job. QMFDQ-11477 Help does not work in DataQuant for WebSphere if HTTPS protocol is used. QMFDQ-11504 The table definition is incomplete because the primary key index or unique key index is not defined when exporting result sets with primary key defined. QMFDQ-11526 The process of configuring repository storage protection mode is simplified. QMFDQ-11534 There is a memory leak in data fetcher module when working with web client scheduler. QMFDQ-11558 StockImage function does not work with Combo.Selection value. QMFDQ-11580 Image frame is repainted with some displacement relatively the image in Visual Dashboard in flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-11582 Change event for RadioGroup works two times in Visual Dashboard in flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-11583 Click Event for RadioGroup does not work in Visual Dashboard in flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-11606 The EXPORT TABLE procedure command creates and runs a Query and does not dispose the Query after the operation was finished. QMFDQ-11612 Working with AsyncDataFetcher leads to memory leak. QMFDQ-11683 Set User Information Dialog appears even if "Remember this password" is checked when using the API.