IBM(R) DataQuant for Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 2, Fix Pack 12 README CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 DATAQUANT FOR WORKSTATION 1.2 FIX PACK 12 3.0 DataQuant for WebSphere 1.2 Fix Pack 12 ******************************************** 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE ******************************************** Welcome to IBM DataQuant for Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 2, Fix Pack 12 README file. This README file contains descriptions of fixes for IBM DataQuant for Workstation and DataQuant for WebSphere. ********************************************* 2.0 DATAQUANT for WORKSTATION 1.2 FIX PACK 12 ********************************************* DataQuant for Workstation 1.2 Fix Pack 12 QMFDQ-7308 Viewpoint is not changed after scene resizing. QMFDQ-7564 QMF catalog collection id name with spaces yield an error when deleting, granting and revoking the collection. QMFDQ-8588 Repository Explorer fails to open/expand database tables with mixed case letters such as q."TestMixedTable" if Toolbox driver is used. QMFDQ-8691 Scene.Embedded property does not work in Flash and HTML renderer modes. QMFDQ-8981 Too many Information messages appear after trying to retrieve LOB data. QMFDQ-9209 ViewerX and ViewerY global variables are not updated when scrollbar position is changed in the Flash render mode. QMFDQ-9308 Global variable DSQQW_RPT_LEN_TYP = 2 is ignored for PRINT REPORT command. QMFDQ-9320 PRINT REPORT command does not work when special settings are used. QMFDQ-9353 Expression builder in Row Condition dialog does not work. QMFDQ-9354 Login dialog appears 3 times while editing repository connection. QMFDQ-9363 Documentation changes needed for the Send Email event action enhancement. QMFDQ-9367 Fixed Invalid type conversion of fields from DB2 to Oracle. QMFDQ-9403 Visual Report: The Print dialog does not appear in Flash mode. QMFDQ-9431 DataQuant uninstaller cannot find JRE library on computer. QMFDQ-9493 Jump to Default action doesn't work in the FLASH render mode. QMFDQ-9663 Scene does not change its size as a new component appears. QMFDQ-9687 Inefficient and costly operations on SqlResolver for figuring out columns list for tables. QMFDQ-9721 Visual Reports: in Project Explorer, 'Query Parameters' node does not update automatically. QMFDQ-9771 Editing the OLAP query after saving it does not change the query status to "modified". QMFDQ-9810 Existing JDBC library settings are overridden when using Import settings even though 'Keep existing settings' is selected. QMFDQ-9851 Visual Dashboard: Scene content is positioned incorrectly after a combo box value is changed. QMFDQ-9852 Search in repository does not work for XMLA objects. QMFDQ-9854 «Always use this object when opening this document» checkbox state is not saved after opening a form from QMF Catalog or repository views. QMFDQ-9867 "Remember password" is disabled while editing environment. QMFDQ-9927 Null pointer exception occurs after assigning permissions to user with administrator privileges on database-based repository. QMFDQ-9930 (PMR76528) Added parameters to specify properties for a SSL connection in the Advanced button. QMFDQ-9934 Save At QMF Catalog: Error message appears when trying to replace object saved with "Share object with other users" unchecked. QMFDQ-9972 Trailing zeros in decimal columns are truncated on the right side when exporting query results with export type text. QMFDQ-10000 More then one connection is required for expanding the tree to get table columns in the Data Source with one-time use database passwords. QMFDQ-10001 Project Explorer: Cannot copy queries and parameters from visual dashboards to visual reports. QMFDQ-10018 OLAP Query is marked as modified when it opens. QMFDQ-10019 An exception occurs when you preview Visual Report if the added query is empty. QMFDQ-10033 AM/PM suffixes are missing when 'HHxMMxSS' format is used. QMFDQ-10037 Unknown exception occurs if you add a calculation to Detail block text in classic reports. QMFDQ-10039 Form does not save its conditions and details. QMFDQ-10046 Events Deactivate and Close of Scene do not occur in the HTML and Flash display modes. QMFDQ-10048 Added REXX support to web client and API. QMFDQ-10055 QMFBatch: DISPLAY command cannot overwrite the file created by IMPORT command previously executed. QMFDQ-10057 SHOW REPORT command does not create a new report on the second execution. QMFDQ-10075 Events ViewerMove is not working in HTML and Flash display modes. QMFDQ-10084 In visual dashboards, The Execute procedure event action dialog does not restore procedure parameters values. QMFDQ-10111 In visual dashboards, if you create a scene, rename it and then create another scene with the original scene's name, when you close and reopen the dashboard there will be two scenes with the same name. QMFDQ-10113 The default value of the DSQEC_NLFCMD_LANG global variable is '1' but it should be '0'. QMFDQ-10123 The application prints all log messages into to the application standard out and error streams. QMFDQ-10129 More than one connection is required to run a table from a data source with QMF catalog resource limits when the maximum connections isn't equal to '1'. QMFDQ-10147 No text of the query or procedure is saved after the EXPORT procedure command is executed. QMFDQ-10150 (PMR03302) Object Tracking: ROWCT column Q.OBJ_ACTIVITY_DTL is always 0. QMFDQ-10153 In the Repository Explorer, double-clicking a folder results in an incorrect behavior. QMFDQ-10157 (PMR12319) When exporting query results to a text file, if you don't specify a delimiter value and check the Delimit Always option, the application hangs. QMFDQ-10162 (PMR13541) In visual dashboards, the PrintScene event action does not work properly if the dashboard is viewed from the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-10171 (PMR13445) In visual dashboards, successive jumps between dashboards discards passed parameters. QMFDQ-10174 Added support for granting the *EXECUTE" privilege for the following libraries automatically for iSeries databases: RSBI, Q, RDBI, QMF/DQ packages. QMFDQ-10211 The application can not detect an LDAP user group if its name contains a comma. QMFDQ-10220 If you connect to a non-default environment and then start a new session of the application, the specified environment is used at startup. QMFDQ-10221 Advanced JDBC settings are not passed when creating a new data source. QMFDQ-10225 In visual dashboards, the dashboard stops responding if you click the Query builder icon while in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-10230 Added eval function to expression designer to evaluate any String value as calculator expression. QMFDQ-10263 A LOB column may be displayed empty in query result sets after some formatting. QMFDQ-10272 Implemented utility to generate script that updates repository storages and QMF catalogs in batch mode. QMFDQ-10276 In visual dashboards, the mouse over event action has no effect on primitives when viewed in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-10280 Added ability to define home workspace for repository user. QMFDQ-10311 Procedures stored in a common QMF catalog at a DB2 database other than the one housing the tables of interest can not be run via a scheduled job. QMFDQ-10326 Object Tracking: ROWCT column RSBI.OBJ_ACTIVITY_DTL is always 0. QMFDQ-10384 The IServer command line parameter is ignored by the application. QMFDQ-10388 Application hangs when dragging the created and then launched query to the Project Explorer Visual Reports node. QMFDQ-10395 Scheduler doesn't work with procedures running with REXX. QMFDQ-10397 Procedures with REXX run without error messages even when they contain syntax errors. QMFDQ-10423 Slicer Wizard corrupts the query if it contains ORDER BY clause. QMFDQ-10466 Implemented the following embedded dashboards features: 1) Linked scene can be loaded from another dashboard. 2) EmbeddedScene component has editable property "LinkedDashboard". 3) If another dashboard is used for linked scene, the global parameters of this dashboard are available for set. 4) If another dashboard is used for linked scene, the case entry scene of the other dashboard is used. QMFDQ-10488 A new resource limits group schedule is added in the schedule list after canceling a new group schedule. QMFDQ-10496 In visual dashboards, the LinkedScene property does not work properly when the dashboard is viewed from the Flash runtime mode. QMFDQ-10499 You can still export query results to the database if the exporting data resource limit is disabled. QMFDQ-10506 In visual dashboards, if you attempt to open a dashboard in Flash mode and update the output, an error occurs if no output exists. QMFDQ-10543 (PMR12812) Duplicate view names are displayed in the Table list dialog. QMFDQ-10545 In QMF Procedures, 'D' abbreviation for DATAFORMAT parameter in EXPORT command does not work. QMFDQ-10548 Non-string REXX variables become invalid after running a QMF procedure. QMFDQ-10579 The CCLIST property in the MAIL TO procedure command can not be interrupted with a '+' continuation character. QMFDQ-10599 The DSQQW_PROC_FAIL_ON_ERROR global variable does not work properly when running a procedure. QMFDQ-10611 (PMR13848) Modifying and running existing SQL code may result in an incorrect order of columns in the query results. QMFDQ-10676 Converting a QMF catalog from short to long names causes the name filter to not work properly in the Repository Explorer. QMFDQ-10696 In visual dashboards, RadioButton and List objects lose their state if they go off the visible area when the scene is scrolled. QMFDQ-10698 In visual dashboards, charts may not be displayed with the correct colors in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-10709 Database-based security requires an administrator login to connect to the repository. QMFDQ-10714 File->Export->Result Set action exports only 100 rows of the result set to PDF. QMFDQ-10727 DSQQW_PROC_FAIL_ON_ERROR global variable does not save its value after application relaunch. QMFDQ-10734 All available parameters for a Data Source (with default values if they are not set up for this Data Source) are displayed in "Additional parameters" section. QMFDQ-10735 Added an option to a relational data source which speeds up the query launching process. QMFDQ-10743 You can not delete a virtual table using the Delete button in the virtual data source editor. QMFDQ-10797 The DSQAO_NUM_FETCHED global variable has no effect when running a scheduled job. QMFDQ-10799 (PMR17569) Some rows may not be returned when you run a classic report from a scheduled job. ********************************************** 3.0 DataQuant for WebSphere 1.2 Fix Pack 12 ********************************************** QMFDQ-7308 Viewpoint is not changed after scene resizing. QMFDQ-7564 QMF catalog collection id name with spaces yield an error when deleting, granting and revoking the collection. QMFDQ-7795 MAIL TO VISUAL REPORT command does not work in DataQuant for WebSphere. QMFDQ-7911 Components from dashboard in flash mode disappear after switching from another dashboard in flash mode. QMFDQ-8588 Repository Explorer fails to open/expand database tables with mixed case letters such as q."TestMixedTable" if Toolbox driver is used. QMFDQ-8694 Data sources are not sorted by name after SDF-importing. QMFDQ-8711 The command line disappears when working with queries and reports. QMFDQ-8902 In DQ for WebSphere, unable to open or run a dashboard after saving it to a repository. QMFDQ-9353 Expression builder in Row Condition dialog does not work. QMFDQ-9403 Visual Report: The Print dialog does not appear in Flash mode. QMFDQ-9663 Scene does not change its size as a new component appears. QMFDQ-9771 Editing the OLAP query after saving it does not change the query status to "modified". QMFDQ-9810 Existing JDBC library settings are overridden when using Import settings even though 'Keep existing settings' is selected. QMFDQ-9818 Repositories view: Passwords could be shared between users. QMFDQ-9852 Search in repository does not work for XMLA objects. QMFDQ-9854 «Always use this object when opening this document» checkbox state is not saved after opening a form from QMF Catalog or repository views. QMFDQ-9934 Save At QMF Catalog: Error message appears when trying to replace object saved with "Share object with other users" unchecked. QMFDQ-9972 Trailing zeros in decimal columns are truncated on the right side when exporting query results with export type text. QMFDQ-10000 More then one connection is required for expanding the tree to get table columns in the Data Source with one-time use database passwords. QMFDQ-10018 OLAP Query is marked as modified when it opens. QMFDQ-10037 Unknown exception occurs if you add a calculation to Detail block text in classic reports. QMFDQ-10044 Convert the Form to a Visual Report Document button does not work. QMFDQ-10046 Events Deactivate and Close of Scene do not occur in the HTML and Flash display modes. QMFDQ-10048 Added REXX support to web client and API. QMFDQ-10050 Incorrect text replacement in SQL editor. QMFDQ-10057 SHOW REPORT command does not create a new report on the second execution. QMFDQ-10075 Events ViewerMove is not working in HTML and Flash display modes. QMFDQ-10078 EmbeddedContent with HTML content type in HTML display mode is displayed incorrectly. QMFDQ-10091 Added Cheat Sheet support for WebSphere products. QMFDQ-10113 The default value of the DSQEC_NLFCMD_LANG global variable is '1' but it should be '0'. QMFDQ-10123 The application prints all log messages into to the application standard out and error streams. QMFDQ-10129 More than one connection is required to run a table from a data source with QMF catalog resource limits when the maximum connections isn't equal to '1'. QMFDQ-10147 No text of the query or procedure is saved after the EXPORT procedure command is executed. QMFDQ-10153 In the Repository Explorer, double-clicking a folder results in an incorrect behavior. QMFDQ-10157 (PMR12319) When exporting query results to a text file, if you don't specify a delimiter value and check the Delimit Always option, the application hangs. QMFDQ-10162 (PMR13541) In visual dashboards, the PrintScene event action does not work properly if the dashboard is viewed from the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-10171 (PMR13445) Successive jumps between dashboards disregard passed parameters. QMFDQ-10211 The application can not detect an LDAP user group if its name contains a comma. QMFDQ-10217 Added support for environments to getObject. QMFDQ-10220 If you connect to a non-default environment and then start a new session of the application, the specified environment is used at startup. QMFDQ-10221 Advanced JDBC settings are not passed when creating a new data source. QMFDQ-10225 In visual dashboards, the dashboard stops responding if you click the Query builder icon while in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-10263 A LOB column may be displayed empty in query result sets after some formatting. QMFDQ-10276 In visual dashboards, the mouse over event action has no effect on primitives when viewed in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-10280 Added ability to define home workspace for repository user. QMFDQ-10311 Procedures stored in a common QMF catalog at a DB2 database other than the one housing the tables of interest can not be run via a scheduled job. QMFDQ-10326 Object Tracking: ROWCT column RSBI.OBJ_ACTIVITY_DTL is always 0. QMFDQ-10368 Exporting to Excel column value with Time data type does not work correctly. QMFDQ-10374 Added embedded "business" theme into the application. QMFDQ-10379 The Flash rendering mode does not work properly with HTTPS. QMFDQ-10384 The IServer command line parameter is ignored by the application. QMFDQ-10395 Scheduler doesn't work with procedures running with REXX. QMFDQ-10397 Procedures with REXX run without error messages even when they contain syntax errors. QMFDQ-10488 A new resource limits group schedule is added in the schedule list after canceling a new group schedule. QMFDQ-10496 In visual dashboards, the LinkedScene property does not work properly when the dashboard is viewed from the Flash runtime mode. QMFDQ-10499 You can still export query results to the database if the exporting data resource limit is disabled. QMFDQ-10506 In visual dashboards, if you attempt to open a dashboard in Flash mode and update the output, an error occurs if no output exists. QMFDQ-10536 (PMR13412) Substitution Variables Dialog doesn't close with first click on the OK button. QMFDQ-10545 In QMF Procedures, 'D' abbreviation for DATAFORMAT parameter in EXPORT command does not work. QMFDQ-10548 Non-string REXX variables become invalid after running a QMF procedure. QMFDQ-10579 The CCLIST property in the MAIL TO procedure command can not be interrupted with a '+' continuation character. QMFDQ-10599 The DSQQW_PROC_FAIL_ON_ERROR global variable does not work properly when running a procedure. QMFDQ-10611 (PMR13848) Modifying and running existing SQL code may result in an incorrect order of columns in the query results. QMFDQ-10676 Converting a QMF catalog from short to long names causes the name filter to not work properly in the Repository Explorer. QMFDQ-10696 In visual dashboards, RadioButton and List objects lose their state if they go off the visible area when the scene is scrolled. QMFDQ-10698 In visual dashboards, charts may not be displayed with the correct colors in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-10709 Database-based security requires an administrator login to connect to the repository. QMFDQ-10734 All available parameters for a Data Source (with default values if they are not set up for this Data Source) are displayed in "Additional parameters" section. QMFDQ-10735 Added an option to a relational data source which speeds up the query launching process. QMFDQ-10743 You can not delete a virtual table using the Delete button in the virtual data source editor. QMFDQ-10797 The DSQAO_NUM_FETCHED global variable has no effect when running a scheduled job. QMFDQ-10799 (PMR17569) Some rows may not be returned when you run a classic report from a scheduled job.