IBM(R) DB2(R) Recovery Expert for Multiplatforms, Version Cumulative Interim Fix #1 for DB2 Recovery Expert V2.1 Fix Pack 1 Description and Installation Instructions 2006/01/20 Corrected known problems: This Interim Fix package includes fixes for several different restrictions and problems that are present in the DB2 Recovery Expert Fix Pack 1 release. This release contains the following corrections: - DB2 Recovery Expert and the Log Analysis tool now fully support primary key, unique constraint, and unique index definitions when generating REDO or UNDO SQL statements. If a table is defined with a primary key, unique constraint, or unique index, only the unique columns will be used when generating SQL WHERE clauses. - Table data extraction by the "db2ox" command, and table recovery using the DB2 Recovery Expert GUI application can now access backups written to a storage manager (e.g., TSM). - Log analysis processing has been fixed to eliminate a problem that can cause log analysis to skip a log and terminate with the error message "ARY0202E Archive log is inconsistent: break in filelist found at file '': ID=, must be " - The DB2 Recovery Expert GUI application has been fixed to retrieve archived logs into the correct cache directory location when database log archiving is enabled via a userexit. - Log Analysis now locates archived logs correctly when log archiving is enabled via a userexit on DB2 V8 versions prior to Fix Pack 7. - Reports created by the Log Analysis "db2la" command line tool now display times including the seconds value. - A problem extracting table data containing null LONG VARCHAR or null LONG VARGRAPHIC columns on Solaris using the "db2ox" command line tool or the DB2 Recovery Expert GUI application has been corrected. - A problem creating or updating the Versioning Respository with the DB2 Workgroup Server Edition (WSE) has been fixed. - Minilog processing has been fixed to correctly locate the minilog directory path using the "minilogs.path" property in the "" product configuration file. The behavior of the "db2mm" minilog command "-m" argument has also been fixed. (APAR PK11989) - Ownership and permissions validation rules enforced by the "db2recex" command on the product data directories have been relaxed to reduce problems in various user environments. - The log directory list box in the DB2 Recovery Expert GUI application is now refreshed after connecting to a database following an object recovery. Installation Instructions: This Interim Fix applies only to the Fix Pack 1 release of DB2 Recovery Expert V2.1. Do not apply it to the original GA release or on top of any other product Fix Pack level except Fix Pack 1. You can verify which version is currently installed by starting the DB2 Recovery Expert GUI application and checking the contents of the Help | About Recovery Expert panel. The build version string should appear as "2005101500". If the version does not match this value, do not continue to install this fix. An install script is provided to simply the installation process. The following instructions contain some small differences depending on whether the fix will be installed on a Unix system (AIX/Linux/Solaris) or a Microsoft Windows system. The fix is platform-specific, so be sure to use the archive that matches the operating system where the fix will be installed. On Unix systems, you should perform these installation steps while logged on as the superuser (root). 1. Create an empty directory, and extract the contents of the fix archive into this directory. The following files should be present: On Unix: readme_if1.txt - this readme file install_if1 - install script bin/db2la bin/db2mm bin/db2ox bin/db2recex lib/aryi18n.jar lib/ lib/ lib/recex.jar On Windows: readme_if1.txt - this readme file install_if1.cmd - install script bin\db2la.exe bin\db2mm.exe bin\db2ox.exe lib\aryi18n.jar lib\aryi18n.dll lib\db2jni.dll lib\recex.jar 2. Change to the directory where the files were extracted, open a command shell window, and run the install script using the format: install_if1 -i [target_dir] where 'target_dir' is the pathname of the directory where DB2 Recovery Expert is currently installed. If the target pathname contains spaces, surround the pathname with double quotes. If the DB2TOOLS environment variable is set and Recovery Expert is installed in the default location, you can omit the 'target_dir' parameter and the script will locate Recovery Expert using the DB2TOOLS variable. Unix example: install_if1 -i /opt/IBM/DB2TOOLS/RecoveryExpert Windows example: install_if1 -i "C:\Program Files\IBM\DB2TOOLS\RecoveryExpert" The install script will make a backup copy of the files that will be overwritten by the install process to allow uninstalling the changes, if necessary. The backup will be saved in the directory where DB2 Recovery Expert is installed. Please ensure that there is sufficient disk space available for this on the filesystem where DB2 Recovery Expert is located. 3. After the installation is complete, you can confirm that the Interim Fix was installed by starting the DB2 Recovery Expert GUI application and checking the contents of the Help | About Recovery Expert panel. The build version string should now appear as "2006012000". If the version string is different, review the results of the install process, and correct any errors or contact your software support person for further assistance. 4. Before using DB2 Recovery Expert, it is necessary to erase any existing metadata and rebuild the Archive Log Inventory Data (ALID). Use the -Z argument on the "db2la" command line tool and perform the command for the database catalog partition. For example: db2la -d database -S -V 3 -Z -b A recent "begin_data/time" value should be supplied to avoid creating a large output report after the ALID is rebuilt. On Unix, you can generate the current date/time value automatically using the following syntax, where the "date" command is surround with backward-quote characters: Unix example: db2recex db2la -d database -S -V 3 -Z -b `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` You can also manually enter a suitable date/time value. If necessary, use the -O argument to identify the catalog partition number in a multiple partition environment. After rebuilding the ALID for the catalog partition, update the ALID for any other partitions (only use -Z with the catalog partition). Please refer to the product user guide for additional information. Usage notes: 1. The "db2mm" command "-m" argument has been fixed, but use of this argument is discouraged because the value specified on the command must match the value defined in the configuration file so the DB2 Recovery Expert GUI application can locate the minilog files during a recovery. It is recommended to set the minilog directory path using the "minilogs.path" property in the configuration file and let the minilog command find this default directory via the configuration settings. Instructions for Removing the Fix: If it is necessary to remove the Interim Fix, you can uninstall it using the copy of the install script that was copied into the DB2 Recovery Expert installation directory. It will restore the original versions of the files that were saved when the installation took place. On Unix, you should perform these steps while logged on as the superuser (root). 1. If the directory where the Interim Fix files were extracted prior to installation still exists, you can run the script from there. Otherwise, change to the directory where DB2 Recovery Expert is installed, and run the install script using the format: install_if1 -u [target_dir] where 'target_dir' is the pathname of the directory where DB2 Recovery Expert is currently installed. If the target pathname contains spaces, surround the pathname with double quotes. If the DB2TOOLS environment variable is set and Recovery Expert is installed in the default location, you can omit the 'target_dir' parameter and the script will locate Recovery Expert using the DB2TOOLS variable. Unix example: install_if1 -u /opt/IBM/DB2TOOLS/RecoveryExpert Windows example: install_if1 -u "C:\Program Files\IBM\DB2TOOLS\RecoveryExpert" The script will use the backup copy of the DB2 Recovery Expert files that was created during the previous Interim Fix installation to restore the original directory contents. 3. After the deinstallation is complete, you can confirm that the Interim Fix was removed by starting the DB2 Recovery Expert GUI application and checking the contents of the Help | About Recovery Expert panel. The build version string should now appear as "2005101500" (the original value for DB2 Recovery Expert V2.1.1.1 (Fix Pack 1). If the version string is different, review the results of the uninstall process, and correct any errors or contact your software support person for further assistance. If necessary, uninstall the current version of DB2 Recovery Expert, and reinstall a fresh copy to ensure the product is in a known state. 4. Before using DB2 Recovery Expert after uninstalling the Interim Fix or reinstalling a different version of DB2 Recovery Expert, it is necessary to erase any existing metadata and rebuild the Archive Log Inventory Data (ALID). See step (4) above in the installation instructions for additional details. (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2006; Copyright Rocket Software, Inc., 2001,2006. All rights reserved.