IBM(R) DataQuant for Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 2, Fix Pack 8 README CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 DATAQUANT FOR WORKSTATION 1.2 FIX PACK 8 3.0 DataQuant for WebSphere 1.2 Fix Pack 8 ******************************************** 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE ******************************************** Welcome to IBM DataQuant for Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 2, Fix Pack 8 README file. This README file contains descriptions of fixes for IBM DataQuant for Workstation and DataQuant for WebSphere. ********************************************* 2.0 DATAQUANT for WORKSTATION 1.2 FIX PACK 8 ********************************************* QMFDQ-2964 An error may occur in BIRT when you run a query with an AS clause. QMFDQ-3639 Added the Restore Default Value button to the Properties view. QMFDQ-5065 In visual dashboards, added support for transparent background color property in embedded scene objects. QMFDQ-6051 In visual dashboards, errors may occur when setting values for the translate function in the Expression Designer. QMFDQ-6244 Added support for importing CSV and TXT files as result sets. QMFDQ-6264 An error may occur when attempting to create a BIRT report from a query with a GROUP BY clause. QMFDQ-6370 Added support for the "Allow access to data source from user interface" resource limit. QMFDQ-6803 Added support for the "Allow printing" and "Enable exporting of data" resource limits in virtual data sources. QMFDQ-7056 In visual dashboards, scenes that contain embedded content that has an unspecified URL do not open properly. QMFDQ-7097 Added support to display pictures from LOB data in tool tip boxes. QMFDQ-7100 The Show in repository option of the Search in Repository dialog does not work properly for Link objects. QMFDQ-7104 The Search in selection option of the Find dialog may not work properly in the query results editor. QMFDQ-7178 In visual dashboards, Connector objects are always visible despite their parent objects' visible property value. QMFDQ-7271 In the Schedule New Job dialog, jobs may be closed before being fully scheduled. QMFDQ-7305 In visual dashboards, mouse events may run incorrectly after switching to the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-7321 Added support for virtual tables to the Prompted Query editor. QMFDQ-7332 In visual dashboards, the ViewerMove event does not work properly in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-7365 In visual dashboards, the word wrap property of embedded content objects does not work properly in the HTML rendering mode. QMFDQ-7372 In visual dashboards, the font property of embedded content objects does not work at times in the HTML and Applet rendering modes. QMFDQ-7373 An error may occur when trying to view a query that contains modifiers for string literals in the Prompted Query or Diagram Query editors. QMFDQ-7389 In the Import wizard, if a file that does not exist is specified, the Import wizard will fail to work properly afterwards. QMFDQ-7422 In visual dashboards, mouse events for embedded content objects cause errors in the HTML rendering mode. QMFDQ-7450 In visual dashboards, the ListBox.Value property returns incorrect values then the multiselect property is set to true when viewed in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-7474 An error may occur when deleting several virtual data sources at once. QMFDQ-7475 Moved the Paste context menu option to right below the Copy option. QMFDQ-7479 In the Additional Parameters table of the Properties for dialog, cell editing exists for both keys and values. QMFDQ-7490 In visual dashboards, if a data source that was added to the Connections folder is deleted from the repository from another computer, that data source will still be listed in the Connections folder. QMFDQ-7492 In visual dashboards, colors may not mach correctly when viewed in the HTML rendering mode. QMFDQ-7505 Added support for opening repository objects in an Explore window from the Open from repository dialog. QMFDQ-7506 When a new window is opened, repository connection icons are incorrect. QMFDQ-7510 An error may occur when specifying additional JDBC DB2 parameters using the JDBC URL. QMFDQ-7511 An error occurs when attempting to delete a stored function while connected to an Oracle database. QMFDQ-7514 (PMR06859) An error may occur when initializing prepackaged JDBC drivers. QMFDQ-7517 Setting the Driver property for the server is not applied during *.sdf file import. QMFDQ-7530 The Add to export button in the Export to Excel wizard is active for complex component properties. QMFDQ-7534 Conditional formatting in BIRT reports may not work properly. QMFDQ-7540 An error may occur when deleting table columns from a copy of an existing table. QMFDQ-7544 Table in new virtual data sources are copied incorrectly. QMFDQ-7550 In visual dashboards, the cursor always displays as an arrow if displayed in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-7551 In the Scheduled Jobs dialog, setting a procedure clears all variables. QMFDQ-7560 In visual dashboards, the Move up and Move down buttons in the Export to Excel wizard do not work properly. QMFDQ-7561 In visual dashboards, the File name for output option of the Export to Excel wizard is always set as Table1. QMFDQ-7566 In visual dashboards, the Slider object behaves differently depending on what rendering mode it is viewed in. QMFDQ-7577 An error may occur upon opening a visual dashboard that has been deleted from the file system. QMFDQ-7579 In visual dashboards, the AutoWidth Frame property of palette objects does not work properly in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-7580 An error occurs if you try to save a visual dashboard from the repository to a file. QMFDQ-7582 In visual dashboards, the navigate forward button does not work properly in the HTML rendering mode. QMFDQ-7584 (PMR06731) When data is exported to Excel, it may be formatted differently than in previous versions of the application. QMFDQ-7587 In visual dashboards, an unnecessary blank line is added to text in multiline labels when viewed in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-7591 Different logon dialogs open for data sources and data source links in the Search in Repository dialog. QMFDQ-7592 The logon dialog opens for multidimensional data sources even if the User ID and password are not required check box is checked in the repository preferences. QMFDQ-7593 If QMF operability is not enabled, it is impossible to set user information for data sources. QMFDQ-7595 If an error occurs while saving a query, the query closes without saving. QMFDQ-7598 In the Confirm Stored Procedure Parameters dialog, the combo boxes do not allow for text entry. QMFDQ-7600 In visual dashboards, mouse over and mouse out events may not work properly in the HTML rendering mode. QMFDQ-7604 The cancel button does not work properly in the uninstallation wizard. QMFDQ-7605 In visual dashboards, pictures may display incorrectly in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-7606 Product tutorials are always displayed in the English language. QMFDQ-7608 In the Export wizard, the user is prompted to replace existing data even if the append data option was selected. QMFDQ-7610 Added the Change Password button to the user logon dialog. QMFDQ-7611 Added enhancement to add objects with long owner names to the QMF Catalog in DB2 for z/OS. QMFDQ-7614 In the Protection page of the Edit Repository Storage wizard, the Grant and Revoke buttons are incorrectly enabled if the Collection ID field is blank. QMFDQ-7616 A data source that was added in the Repositories view is not available in the Set Data Source option of the Query menu. QMFDQ-7619 In visual dashboards, added enhancement to only run queries when the associated parent control or primitive is visible. QMFDQ-7620 Added the ability to retrieve pointcounts from data templates. QMFDQ-7621 Added support for full text to be displayed in the tooltip of a query results cell. QMFDQ-7624 Users can change the password on z/OS base even if they do not have the z/OS license. QMFDQ-7633 In visual reports, selecting Move to the Last Page Vertically in the Flash rendering mode causes the application to hang. QMFDQ-7635 An error may occur when deleting multiple tables in the Repository Explorer view. QMFDQ-7636 The focus does not set to the last editor in a procedure. QMFDQ-7637 Added enhancement to group all customizable object names in one Enter Substitution Variables dialog. QMFDQ-7638 Identifiers are processed incorrectly during configuration of DataQuant repository storage and/or QMF catalog objects. QMFDQ-7640 The RSBI.DELETED_OBJECTS_INF table is mistakenly created . QMFDQ-7641 An error occurs if repository storage is created in a table space containing spaces in the name. QMFDQ-7659 In visual dashboards, invisible objects stay invisible after being switched to visible if viewed in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-7669 (PMR67135) JDBC driver installation information may not be copied into the workstation directory correctly when running a silent installation. QMFDQ-7670 In the Edit Repository Storage dialog, if you uncheck the Protection method check box, close the dialog, and reopen the dialog, the check box will be checked. QMFDQ-7673 If an EXPORT command is used without a specified CCSIP parameter, the CCSID from the Results/Export/CSV/CCSID setting is not used. QMFDQ-7674 Added the ability to select the rendering mode from a visual project. QMFDQ-7678 Added the ability for users to change their database passwords and use logon information for every server. QMFDQ-7679 Added the Set Row Limit option to the Query menu. QMFDQ-7687 In visual dashboards, tables are displayed differently between the RichClient and PDF rendering modes. QMFDQ-7692 In visual dashboards, the Slider now moves by 5 ticks at a time. QMFDQ-7693 In visual dashboards, added the Execute JavaScript action functionality for the HTML and Flash rendering modes. QMFDQ-7694 In visual dashboards, no exception is thrown if the PageSize value is smaller than the Slider object's LineSize property. QMFDQ-7699 An error may occur when attempting to join two virtual tables. QMFDQ-7701 Columns that are moved to the side group in the query result set do not resize to fit the data values. QMFDQ-7703 Can not drag and drop virtual tables into the Query Diagram editor. QMFDQ-7704 Count values in the summary line of query results are displayed in the float data format. QMFDQ-7705 In query results, selecting the count option from the Grouping and Aggregation menu does not automatically show total summaries. QMFDQ-7717 Running a procedure with a MAIL TO command that does not specify an SMTP server multiple times causes duplicate file extensions in the procedure. QMFDQ-7718 (PMR31996) Added an enhancement to specify both CCSID numerals and Java encoding names for CCSID encoding pages in the EXPORT procedure command. QMFDQ-7719 In visual dashboards, a query for a grid component is executed twice in the Flash and HTML rendering modes. QMFDQ-7725 In visual dashboards, unnecessary inches appear after closing the Runtime Settings dialog. QMFDQ-7726 (PMR07871) Errors may occur when attempting to access indexes for hidden columns in DB2. QMFDQ-7731 An error may occur when attempting to retrieve MDX query result sets against Mondrian databases. QMFDQ-7737 An error may occur while granting permissions for stored procedures in the Protection page of the Create New Repository Storage wizard. QMFDQ-7739 In visual dashboards, problems may occur with the grab canvas tool while scrolling. QMFDQ-7740 An error occurs if you attempt to paste a copied table after disconnecting from the table's data source. QMFDQ-7753 In visual dashboards, added an enhancement to allow users to switch the translated language locale from a scene. QMFDQ-7755 In visual dashboards, added support for an event action that allows users to execute procedures. QMFDQ-7759 In visual dashboards, added support for a horizontal layout of elements in an Organization Chart. QMFDQ-7764 In visual dashboards, changed the password protected text box value to display the actual password text. QMFDQ-7766 An error may occur when working with protected repository storage created in an Oracle database. QMFDQ-7773 Enhanced the performance of repository operations for multiple objects. QMFDQ-7799 The error messages were added to the documentation. QMFDQ-7806 Glossaries were added to the documentation. QMFDQ-7815 In visual dashboards, added enhancement to vertically align text in multiline text boxes. QMFDQ-7817 In visual dashboards, events with multiple Jump to Actions based on a condition fail to perform the second and subsequent actions. QMFDQ-7819 In visual dashboards, Datetime control objects do not display in embedded scenes if viewed in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-7826 An error may occur when attempting to export a visual report created using QMF for Windows using the EXPORT REPORT TO procedure command. QMFDQ-7837 The start date for the trial license is calculated incorrectly. QMFDQ-7851 Added enhancement to jump to a dashboard that is stored in a file system. QMFDQ-7861 Added enhancement to prompt the user to save an object that has been modified since being opened. QMFDQ-7876 The MAIL TO procedure command does not strip out single quotes from SUBJECT and BODY parameters. QMFDQ-7883 (PMR31996) When exporting data in UTF16 encoding, byte-order-marks are not included in output files. QMFDQ-7890 In visual dashboards, the CheckBox.Value properly is displayed incorrectly if viewed in the Flash rendering mode. QMFDQ-7898 Added support for U2 databases. QMFDQ-7901 An error may occur when you move a scene from a dashboard to another and back again. QMFDQ-7910 (PMR64149) Incorrect column headers may be displayed working with DB2 for iSeries. QMFDQ-7930 When a procedure runs a query from a repository, the query is marked as changed. QMFDQ-7931 QMF objects such as queries, forms and procedures are saved at files in ANSI encoding instead of UCS-2. QMFDQ-7941 In visual dashboards, if a dashboard is not saved, the Navigate back button does not work. QMFDQ-7955 (PMR49106) An error may occur when exporting data to the dBASE file format. QMFDQ-7967 Components move after changing the section height in a Visual Report. QMFDQ-7983 An error may occur when exporting an IXF file for the first time. QMFDQ-7991 The Move up and Move down arrows do not work in the Layout view of a query. QMFDQ-8092 An error occurs while attempting to create a new workspace through the Repositories view. ********************************************** 3.0 DataQuant for WebSphere 1.2 Fix Pack 7 ********************************************** QMFDQ-3639 Added the Restore Default Value button to the Properties view. QMFDQ-4702 In visual dashboards, the Navigate Back button may not work properly in the Applet rendering mode. QMFDQ-6244 Added support for importing CSV and TXT files as result sets. QMFDQ-6370 Added support for the "Allow access to data source from user interface" resource limit. QMFDQ-6586 (PMR23087) Added support for Print Scene action. QMFDQ-6803 Added support for the "Allow printing" and "Enable exporting of data" resource limits in virtual data sources. QMFDQ-7029 In visual dashboards, message box objects may not display properly in the Applet rendering mode. QMFDQ-7056 In visual dashboards, scenes that contain embedded content that has an unspecified URL do not open properly. QMFDQ-7100 The Show in repository option of the Search in Repository dialog does not work properly for Link objects. QMFDQ-7104 The Search in selection option of the Find dialog may not work properly in the query results editor. QMFDQ-7178 In visual dashboards, Connector objects are always visible despite their parent objects' visible property value.