FPrebind for IRM 3.1.1, Jan 08, 2004 Overview -------- FPrebind should be run after a DB2 database upgrade from IRM 3.1 to 3.1.1. This will rebind all the packages that are associated with the RMUSER. System Requirements ------------------- FPrebind.cmd should be run on the DB2 server, or a computer with a DB2 client that has an alias to the DB2 server. Steps ----- 1. Unzip the contents of the zip file to a temperary directory. 2. Click Start, Run, and run the cmd command. This should bring you to a command prompt. 3. Navigate to the temperary dirctory with the two .cmd files, FPrebind.cmd and rebind.cmd 4. Run FPrebind.cmd with the following arguements: DBALIAS RMUSERNAME PASSWORD The arguements must be in that order, for example: FPrebind.cmd TESTDB RECMAN PASSWORD