Instructions for IBM OmniFind Enterprise Edition, Version 8.5 Hot Fix 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM(R) OmniFind(TM) Enterprise Edition, Version 8.5 Hot Fix 1 includes an installation program to upgrade version 8.5 to the latest hot fix level. Version 8.5 Hot Fix 1 addresses the following APARs: ---------------------------------------------------- IC55387: The Web crawler fails to access URLs that are protected by form-based authentication (FBA) Code was changed to handle HTTP messages after receiving HTTP code 100 (Continue). IC55497: Error FFQR0122E is returned for search requests during index switching Code was changed to accept search requests during index switching. IC55536: Multiple values in some Lotus(R) Notes(R) document fields are not picked up if the document contains attachments Code was changed in the Notes crawler to copy all values in a multi-valued metadata field from a parent Notes document to an attachment. IC55351: If the network becomes unavailable when crawling the Windows(R) file system, documents are removed from index. Code was changed to detect network errors and Windows file system crawlers will be stopped when target network folders are inaccessible. IC55800: Error FFQG0015E occurs in the enterprise search administration console when viewing the URI details report Code was changed to not allocate a large memory buffer for this operation. IC54367: Index builds fail with error FFQI0387W because of a corrupted store You can now specify an option to validate the content of the store and detect corruption. To enable this option, add the following entry to the ES_NODE_ROOT/master_config/.indexer/ file: ValidateInvertedVector=true Performance of index build is degraded when this validation is enabled. IC55184: Increasing the request buffer size of the search runtime does not resolve error FFQG0009E By changing a parameter, trevi.runtime.server.requestBufSize, in the ES_NODE_ROOT/master_config/.runtime./ file, the size of the request buffer can be increased. Before this hot fix, validation logic for the buffer size used a default value (256 KB) regardless of the actual buffer size changed by the parameter. With this hot fix, the validation logic was changed to use the actual buffer size. IC55194: Quick links are not displayed for a "keyword1 keyword2" query in Japanese characters The query logic was changed to handle the tokenization properly. IC55195: Scheduled crawls do not start if you click Refresh at the time the crawl is scheduled to start Clicking the Refresh button on a crawler page of the enterprise search administration console at the same time that a crawler is scheduled to start cancels the scheduled start of the crawler. Code was changed to ensure the crawlers run according to the schedule. IC52865: ArrayOutOfBoundsException is encountered when retrieving the last page of results when searching multiple secured collections The code was updated to properly calculate the size of the result set to avoid this exception. IC56228: Quick links disappear after building a main index Code was changed to avoid a file sharing violation that caused this problem. IC56294: Disabling the Searchable check box on the My Profile page in the search application is not effective Code was changed to save changes made to the check box. IC56083: The size of the wcmcrawler.xml file increases by every update of the crawler properties Code was changed to not generate unnecessary elements in the XML file. IC56313: Search results on search node 1 are displayed in a different order from those on search node 2 Code was changed to synchronize the configuration of both nodes. IC56389: The parser stops if a nested archived file is fetched by a crawler The improper URI format of the files caused corruption of the RDS files. Code was changed to properly handle the URIs of archived files. IC56149: A crawler cannot be paused or resumed if it is configured to use directory mode Code was changed to make pause and resume of crawlers operable. The directory mode is used by Notes, Domino Document Manager, QuickPlace, NNTP, and Seed list crawlers. IC56207: For certain documents, n-gram tokenization does not work correctly and documents are returned in search results Code was changed to ignore garbled delimiters from the Stellent filter and to ensure that documents are tokenized in a proper way. IC56658: Garbage characters occur in e-mail notifications about alert messages sent from an OmniFind server Code was changed to encode the mail subject and content in UTF-8. IC56355: Crawling Notes documents by NRPC is slow Code was changed to eliminate an unnecessary garbage collection process of JVM. IC56769: User can not configure crawler space due to internal database corruption This problem was solved by replacing an internal DBMS with a newer one. Internal: A Notes crawler fetches all documents in a normal crawling mode if the last crawl was executed in the force mode Notes crawler code was changed to behave as expected. Internal: Exact and base form matching fails to find documents with the exact form when a query term includes upper case characters Code was changed to perform exact and base form matching correctly. Internal: IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 support Code was changed to support IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 as a data source. Installation instructions for Windows: -------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: You must stop the enterprise search system completely before starting the installation process. Before you install Version 8.5 Hot Fix 1: 1. Ensure that Version 8.5 is installed on the enterprise search server. The value of a variable called VRCF in %ES_NODE_ROOT%\nodeinfo\bldinfo.txt should be 2. Ensure that at least 1.5 GB of temporary disk space is available on the disk that is hosting the temporary directory of the installer. This temporary disk space is required to unpack the image before the product is installed. The temporary directory of the installer can be determined by checking the value of the TEMP environment variable. If you cannot have the required space on the desired disk, do one of the following actions: -> Modify the value of the TEMP environment variable to specify a directory path that has the required disk space. -> Run the installation executable (install-win32.exe) with the -is:tempdir argument, where identifies a directory path that has the required disk space. For example: install-win32.exe -is:tempdir Z:\temp In this option, free space in a directory specified by TEMP environment variable should be larger than 1 GB and that of a directory specified by -is:tempdir argument should be larger than 500 MB 3. Ensure that at least 520 MB of free disk space is available on the disk that is hosting the %ES_INSTALL_ROOT% directory. 4. Ensure that at least 100 MB of free disk space is available on the disk that is hosting the \wstemp directory of the WebSphere(R) Application Server. Installing Version 8.5 Hot Fix 1: 1. On the index server, log in as the enterprise search administrator. 2. At the command prompt, enter "esadmin stop" to stop the enterprise search system. 3. At the command prompt, enter "stopccl" to stop the Common Communication Layer. 4. At the command prompt, enter "startccl" to restart the Common Communication Layer. 5. Log in as a Windows administrator to install the hot fix. 6. As a Windows administrator, run the executable install-win32.exe to install the hot fix. Note: The installation program prompts you for the "data directory" of the current installation. Be sure to specify the correct value. 7. For a multiple server installation, run steps 3 - 6 on all of your enterprise search servers. Note: If security is enabled on the search servers, the program prompts you for the WebSphere Application Server global security user ID and password. 8. On all servers, log in as the enterprise search administrator and enter "startccl" to start the Common Communicator Layer. 9. On the index server, enter "esadmin system startall" to start the enterprise search system. Note: After the search servers are restarted, ensure that the application servers 'server1' and 'ESSearchServer' are running in WebSphere Application Server. After you install Version 8.5 Hot Fix 1: Run the crawler setup scripts again to set up crawler-related configuration files. The scripts make required changes on configuration files that are overridden during installation. For details, see Uninstallation instructions for Windows: ---------------------------------------- 1. On the index server, log in as the enterprise search administrator. 2. Change to the uninstall directory, which is normally located at the installation root directory, and run the uninstall program, uninstall.exe. For version 8.5 Hot Fix 1, the location is %ES_INSTALL_ROOT%\_uninst_8.5.0.001 3. The program prompts you to specify what you want to remove: - You can remove the most recent hot fix or fix pack (or) - You can remove OmniFind Enterprise Edition completely Note: If security is enabled on a search server, the program prompts you for the WebSphere Application Server global security user ID and password. 4. The results of the uninstallation program are displayed. Review the information and then click 'Finish'. 5. Restart the server. 6. For a multiple server installation, repeat these steps on the other servers. Installation instructions for AIX(R), Linux(R), and Solaris: ------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT: You must stop the enterprise search system completely before starting the installation process. Before you install Version 8.5 Hot Fix 1: 1. Ensure that Version 8.5 is installed on the enterprise search server. The value of a variable called VRCF in $ES_NODE_ROOT/nodeinfo/bldinfo.txt should be 2. Ensure that at least 1.5 GB of temporary disk space is available on the disk that is mounting the /tmp directory. The temporary disk space is required to unpack the image before the product is installed. If you cannot have the required space on the desired disk, run the installation executable with the -is:tempdir argument, where identifies a directory path that is mounted on a disk that has the required disk space. In this option, free space in the /tmp directory should be larger than 1 GB and free space of a directory specified by -is:tempdir argument should be larger than 500 MB 3. Ensure that at least 520 MB of free disk space is available on the disk that is hosting the $ES_INSTALL_ROOT directory. 4. Ensure that at least 100 MB of free disk space is available on the disk that is hosting the /wstemp directory of the WebSphere Application Server. 5. Ensure that the maximum number of files that can be opened by a process (ulimit value) is large enough. See: 6. Installation of hot fix replaces files below, files in directories and in sub-directories of them $ES_NODE_ROOT/nodeinfo $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/installedAppls $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/configurations/interfaces $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/configurations/parserservice/jediidata $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/configurations/ All changes you made on these files will be overridden and need to be set again. If you have updated these files by manual, please make a backup copy of those files and apply same changes on files after installing this hot fix. Installing Version 8.5 Hot Fix 1: 1. On the index server, log in as the enterprise search administrator. 2. At the command prompt, enter "esadmin stop" to stop the enterprise search system. 3. At the command prompt, enter "" to stop the Common Communication Layer. 4. At the command prompt, enter "" to restart the Common Communication Layer. 5. Log in as the root user to install the hot fix. 6. As the root user, run the executable to install the hot fix: install-aix.bin, install-linux.bin, or install-solaris.bin. Note: The installation program prompts you for the "data directory" of the current installation. Be sure to specify the correct value. 7. For a multiple server installation, run steps 3 - 6 on all of your enterprise search servers. Note: If security is enabled on the search servers, the program prompts you for the WebSphere Application Server global security user ID and password. 8. On all servers, log in as enterprise search administrator and enter "" to start the Common Communication Layer. 9. On the index server, enter "esadmin system startall" to start the enterprise search system. Note: After the search servers are restarted, ensure that the application servers 'server1' and 'ESSearchServer' are running in WebSphere Application Server. After you install Version 8.5 Hot Fix 1: Run the crawler setup scripts again to set up crawler-related configuration files. The scripts make required changes on configuration files that are overridden during installation. For details, see Uninstallation instructions for AIX, Linux, and Solaris: -------------------------------------------------------- 1. On the index server, log in as the enterprise search administrator. 2. Change the user to be the root user. 3. Change to the uninstall directory, which is normally located at the installation root directory, and enter "uninstall" to run the uninstall program. For Version 8.5 Hot Fix 1, the location is $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/_uninst_8.5.0.001. 4. The installation program prompts you to specify what you want to remove: - You can remove the most recent hot fix or fix pack (or) - You can remove OmniFind Enterprise Edition completely Note: If security is enabled on a search server, the program prompts you for the WebSphere Application Server global security user ID and password. 5. The results of the uninstallation program are displayed. Review the information and then click 'Finish'. 6. For a multiple server installation, repeat these steps on the other servers. Note: In the installation summary page, 1 GB of free space in /tmp (UNIX platforms) or in the %TEMP% directory (Windows platform) and 520MB of free space in $ES_INSTALL_ROOT (%ES_INSTALL_ROOT%) directory are requested. Before this message is displayed, /tmp directory or %TEMP% directory or a directory specified by -is:tempdir option is used for expanding files in the installation package. This message requests it needs more 1 GB in /tmp or %TEMP% directory for the remainder of the installation process. In total, installation needs 1.5GB free space in the /tmp or %TEMP% directory, as described above. Special instructions: --------------------- To resolve problems addressed by the APARs listed below, you must re-crawl and rebuild a searchable index. If you do not have the problems addressed by these APARs, a re-crawl nor rebuild is not required. New APARs in this hot fix: IC55387, IC55536, IC55351, IC54367, IC56389, IC56207 Notice: ------- Do not install WebSphere Application Server, Version 6.1 Fix Pack 15. If you install this fix pack, the enterprise search administration console becomes unusable. Related technotes: ------------------ To learn about technotes and other information, go to the OmniFind Enterprise Edition Support site,, and search for technotes and APARs.