============================================================================== IBM branded DataDirect ODBC drivers with InfoSphere Federation Server Installation Guide May 2015 ============================================================================== IBM DataDirect ODBC drivers. ---------------------------- The IBM branded DataDirect ODBC drivers use the same code base as the standard commercial DataDirect ODBC drivers. The differences are as follows: *The IBM branded DataDirect ODBC drivers are closed in that they have a protected license file that allows the drivers to work only with certain IBM applications, as opposed to other third-party applications. *The IBM branded DataDirect ODBC drivers are uniquely named in that the shared libraries are renamed with an identifier that is unique to the IBM application. This eliminates the possibility of conflicts with DataDirect Technologies products shipped by either IBM or by other OEM partners. Contents. --------- 1. Install the driver in GUI mode 2. Perform a silent installation by using a response file 3. Perform a console installation 4. configure the odbc.ini file 5. Run the example application 6. Reference links ============================================================================== Install the driver in GUI mode ============================================================================== 1. Run the gunzip command to unzip the file_name.tar.gz file to a directory that you specify: gunzip file_name.tar.gz 2. Run the tar command to untar the file_name.tar file: tar -xvf file_name.tar 3. Run the ODBC installation script: ./install.bin 4. Follow the instructions to complete the installation. 5. Configure the odbc.ini file. ============================================================================== Perform a silent installation by using a response file ============================================================================== 1. Create a response file named odbc.rsp that includes the following lines: LICENSE_ACCEPTED=TRUE USER_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/IBM/odbcdriver installNow=true Notes: LICENSE_ACCEPTED=TRUE Specifies that you accept the license agreement. USER_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/IBM/odbcdriver Specifies the installation directory of the IBM-branded DataDirect ODBC driver. installNow=true Specifies that you want the installation to occur immediately. 2. Run the ODBC installation script: ./install.bin -f response_file -i silent 3. Configure the odbc.ini file. ============================================================================== Perform a console installation ============================================================================== 1. Run the ODBC installation script: In a command line environment: ./install.bin In a command line or GUI environment ./install.bin -i console 2. Configure the odbc.ini file. ============================================================================== To configure the odbc.ini file ============================================================================== After you install the ODBC driver, configure the system information file, which is usually named odbc.ini. The following sample odbc.ini file shows how to configure the ODBC driver client for Microsoft SQL Server: odbc.ini (assuming the ODBC driver clients are installed at /usr/opt/ibm/WSII/odbc ) [ODBC data sources] mssqlserver=Microsoft SQL Server 2000 [ODBC] Trace=0 TraceDll=/usr/opt/ibm/WSII/odbc/lib/odbctrac.so InstallDir=/usr/opt/ibm/WSII/odbc quotedID=yes [Microsoft SQL Server] Driver=/usr/opt/ibm/WSII/odbc/lib/VMmsss22.so Description=Microsoft SQL Server Driver for AIX Database=database_name Address=ip_addr,port_number "VMmsss22.so"** is the name of the Microsoft SQL Server Wire Protocol driver. **NOTE: The name for the IBM branded ODBC driver are usually composed by three part: Branded name (first two letters) + Data source special name + driver version(last two numbers) + file suffix(.so or .a) For example: 1. VMmsss22.so VM is branded odbc driver for InfoSphere Federation Server V9.5 or later version msss is for Microsoft SQL Server data source 22 is for branded odbc driver version which is branded from Datadirect 5.2 .so is file suffix. 2. FRmsss21.so FR is branded odbc driver for DB2 V9.1 msss is for Microsoft SQL Server data source 21 is for branded odbc driver version which is branded from Datadirect 5.1 .so is file suffix. ============================================================================== Running the example application ============================================================================== The product is shipped with a small C application, named example. This application is installed in the example subdirectory in the product installation directory. See the readme file in the example directory for an explanation of how to build and use this application.*** To run the example application, you should make sure the ODBCINI environment variable points to the location of the odbc.ini file and the following environment variables include the ODBC driver library path. AIX: LIBPATH, includes the directory /usr/opt/ibm/WSII/odbc/lib HP-UX: SHLIB_PATH (32-bit and 64-bit) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (64-bit), includes the directory /usr/opt/ibm/WSII/odbc/lib Linux and Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_PATH, includes the directory /usr/opt/ibm/WSII/odbc/lib ***NOTE: When you run the example, you might see the following warning message: Warning: [DataDirect][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The DataDirect ODBC driver you are attempting to access has been provided to you by IBM Corporation for exclusive use with IBM Information Server. You are not licensed to use this driver with any application other than IBM Information Server. If you would like to purchase a driver for some other use, please call 800-876-3101 or visit DataDirect at www.datadirect.com NetConn: 100 This error is expected because you are only licensed to use this driver with IBM software and not any other application including the example application. Why am I get QEWSD property in the odbc.ini**** The DataDirect ODBC driver will put a QEWSD property in the odbc.ini if: Expired license file Wrong license file No license file ****NOTE: If you use ODBC wrapper with IBM Branded DataDirect ODBC driver in V9.1 , V9.5 GA or V9.5 fixpack 1, you will see above problems too because ODBC wrapper was not enabled to support the Driver. Starting from InfoSphere Federation Server V9.5 fixpack 2, the ODBC wrapper began to support IBM branded DataDirect ODBC driver , you should upgrade to fixpak 2 or later version in order to avoid such problem. ============================================================================== Reference links ============================================================================== 1. Use of IBM branded DataDirect ODBC drivers with IFS[http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=0&uid=swg21299634] 2. The ODBC driver for IFS V9.1[http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=0&uid=swg21265617] 3. The ODBC driver for IFS V9.5 or later version[http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=0&uid=swg21307359] ============================================================================== End ==============================================================================