1.Install the branded ADO.NET driver Just extract the package CONNECT_ADO.NET_4.0_SP1_WIN_BRANDED.tar.gz into the location you want to install the driver. 2.Unlock the branded ADO.NET driver in your application To use the branded ADO.NET driver, licensing information is required to unlock the branded data provider.After the data provider has been unlocked, the licensing information is validated. If you use the branded data providers incorrectly, or if an unauthorized application tries to use your branded data providers, warning or error messages are generated. your application must call Connection.SetOEMLicenseInfo() to unlock the branded data provider. Because SetOEMLicenseInfo() is a static function, a Connection object is not required. The following example shows the SetOEMLicenseInfo function used to unlock ADO.NET DB2 data provider: static DB2Connection.SetOEMLicenseInfo ("LicFileName", "Password"); LicFileName: Please use DDFEE.lic file in ADO.NET package Password: Please use the password provided by Federation Server The application must call the function once on each branded data provider that it uses. If the application unloads a data provider, the application must call the SetOEMLicenseInfo function when the data provider is reloaded. You can call the function multiple times. However, the data provider uses the information provided on the most recent call for any subsequent calls to Connection.Open(). If the application does not complete the correct steps, the branded data providers throw an exception on Connection.Open(). When the application calls SetOEMLicenseInfo(), the information passed to the data provider is used to validate the licensing. C# application example: using System.Data; using DDTek.DB2; using System.Data.Common; using System; using System.Reflection; namespace LicTest { class LicTest { static void Main(string[] args) { DB2Connection.SetOEMLicenseInfo("C:\\Program Files\\Progress\\DataDirect\\Connect_for_ADO.NET_40\\DDFEE.lic", "xxxx"); DB2Connection conn = new DB2Connection("Host=localhost;Port=50000;User ID=db2admin;Password=passw0rd;Database=test"); try { conn.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connection successful! "); } catch (Exception ex) { // Connection failed Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } // Close the connection conn.Close(); } } }