IBM(R) DB2(R) Everyplace Version 8.2, fix pack 2
Release Notes
8.2, fix pack 2:
Last updated 2005-11-17
DB2 Everyplace release notes
for version 8.2, fix pack 2
Welcome to the DB2 Everyplace Version
8.2 release notes for fix pack 2.
These release notes contain information
about new features, enhancements, and fixes to the Version 8.2 release of
the DB2 Everyplace.
The application of DB2 Everyplace version 8.2, fix pack
2 involves two major steps:
- Installation and update of the server configuration
- For IBM WebSphere Application Server users only, update the DB2 Everyplace
If DB2 Everyplace is installed on an external application
server, instead of the embedded application server that comes with DB2 Everyplace,
the DB2 Everyplace application must be updated on the application server.
The following changes are not preserved when you migrate
to DB2 Everyplace Version 8.2.2:
- The Java classpath to drivers for Non-DB2 JDBC data sources
- Customizations to ports used by the WebSphere Embedded Application Server - Express
Fix pack 2 is available as a self-extracting
executable for Windows systems and as tar files for Unix systems. The client
files are also available in a separate file, .
The zip archive contains files for all the languages on each supported mobile
device platform. The zip archive is provided for users who would like to download
only the client files. This fix pack can be applied to all editions of DB2
Everyplace Version 8.2, and updates only the DB2 Everyplace components that
were previously installed on your system. Fix pack 2 includes updates for
DB2 Everyplace Sync Server and all DB2 Everyplace client components. The documentation
has been updated for this fix pack, but it is not included with the fix pack files. The latest documentation is available on the DB2 Everyplace website at
- Fix pack 2 must be applied on all systems on which DB2 Everyplace is installed.
example, in a distributed environment, apply fix pack 2 to both the distributed
database workstation and the distributed server. In a cluster environment,
fix pack 2 must be applied to all nodes in the cluster.
- The order in which you apply fix pack 2 (installation and server configuration
update) is critical. For example:
- In a distributed environment, the server configured for the Distributed
database must be applied first, followed by the server configured as
the Distributed server.
- In a remote administration environment, the server that is configured
in order to run the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server must be updated first followed
by the server configured for Remote Administration of Mobile Devices Administration
- In a cluster environment, the main node (which has the Network Deployment
manager installed) must have fix pack 2 applied first followed by the rest
of the nodes.
- For systems that have DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition or Express Edition
installed, you must update the server configuration successfully prior to starting DB2
Everyplace processes (for example, the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server, and the
Mobile Devices Administration Center). If the configuration wizard fails to configure
successfully, use the command line configuration tool to complete the configuration process.
- Fix pack 2 updates files for the mobile devices. These updates must be
deployed to each mobile device. Follow the instructions in DB2 Everyplace
Installation and User's Guide or the DB2 Everyplace Information Center.
- Stop all DB2 Everyplace processes. For example, stop the DB2 Everyplace
Sync Server and the Mobile Devices Administration Center.
- If you are using WebSphere Application Server, stop the DB2 Everyplace
application server.
- Stop all native operating system processes accessing DB2 Everyplace files.
For example, stop Windows Explorer.
To install and configure DB2 Everyplace Version
8.2, fix pack 2:
To update the server configuration manually:
must execute this task only if the configuration update was cancelled or failed
during fix pack installation. If the configuration update failed, correct
the errors in the log files indicated on the Update Installation Wizard panel
before you complete this task. You can skip this task if your workstations
does not have the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server support installed.
- For Windows:
- Login as a user with Windows administrative authority.
- Open a command window. Change the directory to <DSYPATH>/config,
where <DSYPATH> is the root installation directory
for DB2 Everyplace.
- Execute the command DSYConfig update-config. This command updates the
DB2 Everyplace Sync Server configuration. In case of any errors, refer to
the trace file ConfigTrace.log located in the <DSYPATH>\log directory.
After you have corrected the error that is listed in the trace file, run the
DSYConfig update-config command again.
- For Unix:
- Login as the root user.
- Open a shell. Change the directory to <DSYPATH>/config, where <DSYPATH> is the root installation directory for DB2 Everyplace.
- Execute the command DSYConfig update-config. This command updates the
configuration for all of the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instances that are
created on the system. In case of any errors, refer to the trace file ConfigTrace.log
located in the <DSYPATH>\log directory. After you have corrected
the error that is listed in the trace file, run the DSYConfig update-config
command again.
To update the DB2 Everyplace application when
run from the WebSphere Application Server:
- For WebSphere Application Server Version 6 only: When you are prompted
for the relative path to the application, use the relative path of the currently-installed
DB2 Everyplace application.
- The location of the new DB2 Everyplace WAR file: <DSYPATH>/config/work/was/IBM_DB2_Everyplace.war.
- The context root for the DB2 Everyplace application (/db2e).
the WebSphere Administration console, most of the changes that you need to
make are found on the Preparing for Application Installation page in WebSphere
Application Server Version 6 and Preparing for Application Update page in
WebSphere Application Server Version 5. You can get there by selecting Applications --> Enterprise Applications on the left
frame of WebSphere Administration console. In the right frame, select the
check box next to the DB2 Everyplace application and click Update.
Keep in mind that there are additional steps beyond
updating the DB2 Everyplace application. Be sure to do the following:
- Update the WebSphere Plug-in Configuration file. On the command line,
- For WebSphere Application Server Version 6 only: Execute the configurewebserver1.[bat/sh] script
to associate the new DB2 Everyplace configuration with the web server. This
script can be found in the WebSphere Application Server plug-in installation
- Start or restart the DB2 Everyplace application server.
To uninstall DB2 Everyplace version 8.2, fix pack
- For Windows:
- Login as a user with Windows administrative authority.
- Download DB2Everyplace_8_2_2_0.exe into a temporary
directory. DB2Everyplace_8_2_2_0.exe is a self-extracting
executable that places the DB2 Everyplace files in %PROGRAMFILES%/DB2Everyplace_8_2_2_0 and
launches the Update Installation Wizard.
- Follow the Update Installation Wizard prompts. Select Uninstall to
uninstall DB2 Everyplace. The wizard uninstalls the fix pack and restores
the DB2 Everyplace components to the version that you had previously installed
on your system. It also configures the system with the previous version.
- For Unix:
- Download DB2Everyplace_8_2_2_0_<platform>.tar into a temporary
- Login as the root user for the following steps. The tar file must be untarred
using the root user.
- Un-tar the DB2Everyplace_8_2_2_0_<platform>.tar file in a temporary
- Execute located
in the DB2Everyplace_8_2_2_0_<platform> directory that was created as a result
of step 3. This script launches the DB2 Everyplace Update Installation Wizard.
- Follow the Update Installation Wizard prompts. Select Uninstall to
uninstall DB2 Everyplace. The wizard uninstalls the fix pack and restores
the DB2 Everyplace components to the version that you had previously installed
on your system. It also configures the system with the previous version.
If you use IBM WebSphere Application Server,
you must update the DB2 Everyplace application. See To
update the DB2 Everyplace application when run from the WebSphere Application
Server for more information about completing this task.
Fixes to the code
This section contains the list of APARs
which have been created since the release of DB2 Everyplace version 8.2 and
are included in fix pack 2. For detailed information on each APAR, you can
perform a search at
- APAR IC43236: The Sync Client (all platforms)
may terminate abnormally during synchronization if a table with many columns
is subscribed (application exits unexpectedly or device locks up). The actual
number of columns that causes this problem varies depending on the length
of the column names. In the average customer scenarios, it is approximately
200 columns.
- APAR IC43323: If the system administrator renames
a file subscription with the Mobile Device Administration Center, clients
who have previously synchronized the file subscription will not be able to
update the subscription name in a synchronization after the subscription
name change.
- APAR IC43356: An interrupted synchronization
might result in missing data on the Sync Client.
- APAR IC43357: When creating or editing subscriptions
in version 8.2 which have mirror to target device filters and contain multiple
table references, the warning DSYD029W appears in the Sync Server logs. This
warning is unnecessary and will not be logged after you install fix pack
- APAR IC43380 Customers who have tens of thousands
of rows in DSY.LOG and do not have an aggressive pruning schedule may encounter
SQL0964C Transaction log for database is full when pruning is invoked.
- APAR IC43382: The type mapping for IBM Cloudscape
Boolean types is fixed. IBM Cloudscape Boolean types now map to a DB2 SMALLINT
- APAR IC43415: Creating and synchronizing a subscription
on a table with an Oracle DATE column fails.
- APAR IC43487: IBM Cloudscape client uses new
type mappings that send BLOB types as VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA types. A switch
statement in the getObject() method was missing the cases for these types.
- APAR IC43521: A JDBC subscription creation or
edit fails in the Mobile Devices Administration Center or XML Scripting tool,
resulting in possible corruption to the mirror database.
- APAR IC43536: When you create or edit subscriptions,
the following problems occurs:
- It takes a long time to create or edit subscriptions even when the replicate
now option is turned off.
- The create or edit subscription fails due to insufficient transaction
log information in the mirror database. The following error is logged in the
Mobile Devices Administration Center log folder: The transaction log for
the database is full. SQLSTATE=57011.
- APAR IC43566: When resetting all devices with
the dsyreset tool or with the XML Scripting tool,
device information is deleted and not reset. This causes the devices to be
refreshed the next time they synchronize and the data on the device is lost.
Resetting a single device, user, or group does not cause this problem.
- APAR IC43684: Palm HotSync cannot back up two
Palm resource files, CryptoPlugin.prc and PBSPkcs11.prc, from a PalmOS device
to a host machine. These two PRC files do not have their backup bits set and
therefore are not backed up during a HotSync operation.
- APAR IC43966: The DB2 Everyplace database engine
fails or gets into an infinite loop when using the CLI function, SQLFetch().
If there is an open cursor on a table and another statement handle causes
an implicit REORG on the same table, the next SQLFetch() operation on the
open cursor will cause the DB2 Everyplace database engine to abnormally terminate
or get into an infinite loop. The same behavior can be observed when a DROP
TABLE triggers an implicit REORG on the system catalog tables.
- APAR IC43998: Join queries on decimal columns
runs progressively slower on PalmOS devices due to excessive memory allocation/deallocation.
- APAR IC44053: When synchronizing with DB2 Everyplace
Sync Server configured on a HTTP/1.0 server, the Sync Client incorrectly reports
the connection error (DSYC601E). In addition, if a customized authentication
proxy is configured on the server site, the client does not handle authentication
cookies correctly, and incorrectly reports either the forbidden server error
(DSYC611E) or the authentication error (DSYC304E).
- APAR IC44118: During the creation of a JDBC
table subscription to a z/OS DB2 source table, the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server
produces an incorrect SQL Statement substring "COLNAME CHAR FOR SBCS DATA(50)".
The correct form should be "COLNAME CHAR (50) FOR SBCS DATA". This problem
occurs when the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server encounters column of types CHAR,
DATA" at the source database.
- APAR IC44145: Some or all of the clients may
receive time outs during synchronization when a DB2 database is used as the
message store.
- APAR IC44146: Conflicts are incorrectly reported
for client updates which have been successfully synchronized.
- APAR IC44147: DB2 Everyplace DataPropagator
Replication fails during recovery with the following error message logged:
DSYS005E Replication failed for database <database>: SQL0803N One or
more values in the INSERT statement, UPDATE statement, or foreign key update
caused by a DELETE statement are not valid because the primary key, unique
constraint or unique index identified by "1" constrains table "DSY.EH<suffix>"
from having duplicate rows for those columns. SQLSTATE=23505 .
- APAR IC44223: When using the Sync Client to
synchronize the VNurse sample to the Japanese Win32 device, the VNSchedule
table is created at a location different from all other tables.
- APAR IC44451: After a REORG operation on a table,
the table is no longer accessible. Queries that use an index will return SQLState
58004 or cause the database engine to terminate abnormally.
- APAR IC44580:For Pocket PC databases residing
on the secure digital card, there is a chance that using suspend mode will
permanently damage your data. This problem occurs when the power is toggled
in the middle of a database operation. In some cases the database or part
thereof will not be accessible after you resume the operation. The data
remains lost, even after you reset and reconnect to the database.
- APAR IC44581: When the connection to a database
is abruptly terminated (for example, if the application is killed or a power
outage occurs) after a successful table reorganization (triggered either
implicitly or explicitly), some index files might be corrupted after the recovery.
- APAR IC44582: After successfully connecting
to the database on a secure digital card, every SQL statement fails. Reconnecting
to the same database resolves the problem, even though the database is healthy.
- APAR IC44591: Any of the following symptoms
might indicate this problem.
- There are missing committed rows.
- Existing tables cannot be found in the system catalog.
- SQL execution hangs, or terminates the application.
- Data and index files have been wrongly truncated to a file size of 0.
- APAR IC44848: DB2 Everyplace Sync Client Version and Version fail to authenticate against DB2 Everyplace Version
8.2, fix pack 1 Sync Server.
- APAR IC44850: Clients receive a time-out during
synchronization, with the server logging the message DSYG001E with the DB2Exception
- APAR IC44851: A replication process fails to
complete successfully. The DB2 Everyplace error message DSYG001E is logged
for a DB2Exception SQL0104N, where the token "acs" was found instead of the
token "ASC".
- APAR IC44873: The DB2 Everyplace Sync Client
erroneously resumes on failed subscriptions. An "internal server error" might
occur when the subscription is removed from the Mobile Devices Administration
Center, after which the Sync Client resumes and causes the server to send
an HTTP 500 error because the subscription no longer exists. The Sync Client
should first synchronize the configuration information to detect that the
subscription is removed.
- APAR IC45118: Lotus Domino Server Version 6.0
and above does not allow anonymous access to the HTTP server. As a result,
the mobile device obtains the server's initial object as an IOR using the
HTTP protocol will fail. Instead of using HTTP protocol, DB2 Everyplace now
uses the DIIOP protocol.
- APAR IC45399: Some SQL statements might cause
the DB2 Everyplace database engine to terminate abnormally. This termination
might occur when you use an index scan operation that involves composite indexes,
and uses them to evaluate "<=" predicates on columns other than the first
column and last column that are supported by the index.
- APAR IC45400: Synchronizations fail if you complete
both of the following steps:
- drop a subscribed table on the mobile device
- call iscConfigPurge() by clicking on Subscription Set Settings->Purge
in DB2Sync
- APAR IC45403: When using the Linux Sync Client,
if a row is inserted into the client database that contains the value -2147483648
in an integer column, the row will not be synchronized to the server.
- APAR IC45560: Sync fails with SQLState 58004
or creates inconsistent client and server tables.
- APAR IC45584: When retrieving a BLOB column
that is defined to be greater than 32763 bytes from the GetBytes() method
of the DB2eDataReader, DB2 Everyplace throws an out-of-memory exception.
- APAR IC45686: The PalmOS limit for memory allocation
is 64 KB. If you set the message size close to that limit, the message that
is built might be greater than the 64 KB limit. In that case, the Sync Client
reports an out-of-memory error.
- APAR IC45847: If your application getHost()
or getPort(), the Sync Client API for Java or .NET throws exception EXC_NOT_SUPPORT.
- APAR IC45944: Synchronization fails if all of
the following conditions are true:
- You are using the Sync Client for the Windows CE Version 4.x operating
- The mobile device synchronizes using SSL.
- The input for the server URL uses a host name, not an IP address.
- APAR IC46160: An application receives a SQLState
58004 in SQLConnect() call after the application issued a large number of
database connect and disconnect. This problem occurs only on Linux platforms.
- APAR IC46233: If your database has encrypted
tables, you might experience data corruption or SQLState 57011 (native code
- APAR IC46267: When DB2 Everyplace cannot find
the target column name in the control database, DB2 Everyplace hangs. In this
case, DB2 Everyplace now uses the source name that is obtained from the source
- APAR IC46315: If you specify an incorrect values
for the TCP/IP connection port, hostname, user ID, or password for the remote
control database, the Configuration Wizard and the command line configuration
tool fail. You must specify these values for distributed server configuration,
remote administration configuration, and cluster configuration.
- APAR IC46316: When using the DB2 Everyplace
Update Tool for the Symbian 7 emulator (Metrowerks CodeWarrior variant), many
messages incorrectly appear in the wrong language.
- APAR IC46319: In the DB2 Everyplace Sync Client
.NET API, IBM.Data.Sync.DB2e.ConflictReader.GetRejectedRows().GetBytes() returns
an incorrect value.
- APAR IC46359: The DB2 Everyplace JDBC driver
for Palm consists of two files, DB2eJDBC.prc and DB2eJDBCNatives.prc. On the
first HotSync, the files are properly transferred to the Palm device and saved
in the user's backup folder on the desktop. On the next HotSync, there is
an error in the HotSync log showing "Possible database overwrite problem."
In the user's backup folder on the desktop, the DB2eJDBCNatives.prc is missing.
- APAR IC46360: The wrong version of the Symbian
JDBC driver was shipped with DB2 Everyplace Version 8.2.1. As a result, DB2
Everyplace Java application might not work.
- APAR IC46374: Mobile devices might receive incorrect
data in a table subscription with join filtering enabled when MaxSyncPeriod.days
is set.
- APAR IC43879 When creating a data filter for
the mirror database, a correlation name can be followed immediately by a
right-parenthesis without receiving an exception stating that the filter is
- APAR IC46185 When you use the Update Tool to
upgrade to a newer version of DB2 Everyplace, the tool downloads only essential
DB2 Everyplace database and sync client libraries (DLLs) to the mobile device
by default. The tool does not download some files, such as the DB2 Everyplace
Command Line Processor (DB2eCLP), JDBC driver (db2ejdbc.jar), and .NET providers,
to the mobile device.
- APAR IC46321 Help panels are not visible in
DB2 Everyplace Mobile Device Administration Center (MDAC).
- APAR IC46359 The DB2 Everyplace JDBC driver
for Palm consists of two files, DB2eJDBC.prc and DB2eJDBCNatives.prc. On
the first HotSync, the files are properly transferred to the Palm device and
saved in the user's Backup folder on the desktop. On the next HotSync, there
is an error in HotSync log showing "Possible database overwrite problem."
In the user's Backup folder on the desktop, the DB2eJDBCNatives.prc is missing.
- APAR IC46360 DB2 Everyplace java application
might not work. DB2 Everyplace Version 8.2.1 shipped the incorrect version
of the Symbian JDBC driver (db2ejdbc.dll).
- APAR IC47361
The exception "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column" appears in the syncadapterinit.log file after an upload subscription is synchronized. The upload subscription includes a table that has an unsubscribed column with a non-null default value.
- APAR IC46374 Mobile devices might receive incorrect
data in a table subscription with join filtering enabled when MaxSyncPeriod.days
is set.
- APAR IC46465 A PalmOS application that was compiled
with DB2 Everyplace Version 8.1.2 and earlier fails with a fatal error message
after the database engine has been upgraded to Version 8.1.4 or any later
- APAR IC47141 When synchronizing on a non-English
Palm device, the synchronization might fail with "Unknown network error".
In the Sync Client trace file trace-isyn.pdb, there is an error "status:699",
and the codepage is not assigned.
- APAR IC47445 The DB2 Everyplace Sync Client
might send an incomplete row to the Sync Server if the data size exceeds
the network message size. In the Sync Server syncadapterinit.log and dsyXXXX.trace,
there is an exception java.sql.SQLException: Root cause EOFException: There
is no more data to read.
- APAR IC47452 When using the Sync Client native
MIDP implementation for Palm, the call Class.forName( "")
throws an error: java.lang.Error: UnsatisfiedLinkError: com/ibm/mobileservices/isync/db2e/jni/DB2eISyncProviderImpl.nvGetVersion()
- APAR IC47453 When a network error occurs during
transport connection, send, or receive, the Sync Client should silently retry
the request until the user-specified network timeout expires. Upon expiration,
the application receives a query from the Sync Client to keep trying or cancel
the synchronization. In the case when the timeout is set to "never", the
Sync Client incorrectly queries the application immediately after a network
error without retrying. In environments where the network is lossy or the
server is often busy, this may lead to synchronizations that end prematurely.
- APAR IC47454 When using the DB2 Everyplace
Sync Client binaries for Windows CE or Windows unicode, the ISync.NET method
CreateSyncService(String, String, String, String) throws an exception ISync.EXC_INCOMP_VERSION.
- APAR IC47541
For emtpty TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY result sets, calling ResultSet.isBeforeFirst() returns true, whereas the specification would require the method to return false.
- APAR IC47642 An application receives SQLState 24501 for a statement
handle, and needs to re-execute the given statement after a ROLLBACK. This SQLState is expected only if one
of the tables referenced by the statement underwent schema changes in a transaction, and this transaction was rolled
back. It is not expected if the table was unchanged inside the transaction, or if the ROLLBACK was performed for a
different (concurrent) transaction.
- APAR IC47643 A DB2 Everyplace database may become corrupted during recovery, if there was a recent commited transaction that contained failed statements. If information about this transaction is still contained in the log file, the REDO phase of the recovery process incompletely restores its
- APAR IC47644 If an application is terminated immediately after issuing a
COMMIT, and LOB data was modified as part of this last transaction, the LOB data may be inconsistent after
recovery of the database.
- APAR IC47715
An application receives SQLState 58004 or SQLState 58005 or causes the DB2 Everyplace database engine to terminate abnormally while attempting to access tables in a database after one of the following two situations occured:
- The database engine was terminated abnormally (e.g. due to a device reset or the termination of the
application thread without properly disconnecting from the database) after a large number of tables were modified in one or more transactions.
- The database engine was terminated abnormally after at least one of the tables underwent a REORG operation.
- APAR IC47787
MDAC is not able to display a filename in a file subscription if its length is longer than 160 characters.
- APAR IC47837
An application experiences slow performance of DELETE statements that physically remove all rows from a table.
Support for SUSE Linux version 9.1 and Red Hat Linux 4 Enterprise Edition
DB2 Everyplace version 8.2 fix fack 2 allows you to install DB2 Everyplace version 8.2 on SUSE Linux version 9.1 and Red Hat Linux 4 Enterprise Edition. To install DB2 Everyplace on these platforms you must first install the IBM Java Runtime Environment version 1.4.2.
In the following examples, <JAVA_HOME> is the directory of the Java Runtime Evnrionment.
To launch the DB2 Everyplace Launch Pad:
- Log in as the root user.
- Change to the directory of the DB2 Everyplace version 8.2 installation image.
- Issue the following command: <JAVA_HOME>/jre/bin/java -classpath ./lib/dsysetup.jar:$CLASSPATH
To launch the DB2 Everyplace Installer Wizard:
- Log in as the root user.
- Change to the directory of the DB2 Everyplace version 8.2 installation image.
- Issue the following command: <JAVA_HOME>/jre/bin/java -classpath ./lib/dsysetup.jar:$CLASSPATH -jar ./lib/DB2Everyplace.jar
Important: Do not configure DB2 Everyplace version 8.2. Instead, install the fix pack. After you apply the fix pack on Linux SUSE 9.1 and Red Hat Linux 4 Enterprise Edition, the Update Installer Wizard will ask if you want to configure your installation. Click Next to launch the Configuration Wizard.
Known considerations and restrictions
For version 8.2, installation and configuration
- The DB2 Everyplace Version 8.2 Uninstall Wizard does not uninstall the
files that were modified by subsequent fix packs applied to the system. The
files under the <DSYPSATH>\Clients and <DSYPATH>\version directory will not be deleted and
will remain on the system even after uninstalling Version 8.2. The DB2 Everyplace
installation directory, <DSYPATH>, must be deleted
prior to re-installing DB2 Everyplace Version 8.2.
- On UNIX systems, re-configuration fails for distributed-database-config
when the DB2 Everyplace fix pack is uninstalled and restored to DB2 Everyplace
Version 8.2. In order to recover from this error, drop the instance and create
it again.
- The FOMA M1000 from NTT DoCoMo is now a supported device.
For the Sync
- The DB2 Everyplace Sync Client Version and Version are
not compatible with Version 8.2.2 of the Sync Server. Please upgrade the
Sync Client to Version or Version 8.2.2.
- When you connect a mobile device to the network using ActiveSync Version
3.7, the network connection might become unusable after a few synchronizations.
Disconnect and reconnect in ActiveSync Version 3.7 to reestablish a usable
network connection.
- DB2Sync for Symbian mobile devices is now translated to Japanese
- The IUpgrade application for Symbian mobile devices is available only in German, English, Spanish, French, and Italian.
For the DB2 Everyplace database
- DB2eCLP for Symbian mobile devices is now translated to Japanese.
- The installer does not update the Polish version of the Symbian 7 database. You must retrieve those files from the file.
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