- Redhat Linux Version 7.3 or later
- Mandrake Version 8.2 or later
Configuration and setup requirements
Be sure that you have the appropriate hardware and software to open a TCP/IP
connection from the mobile device to the Sync Server.
Preparation for migration before you install DB2 Everyplace Version 8.1,
FixPak 2
Please consider the following before you migrate to (or install) this fix pack:
- Installing FixPak 2 will overwrite the \Server\bin\dsysetjavahome.bat file.
If you are connecting to a non-DB2 source, you must fill in the driver path information again. This path information should be added to the SET JDBC_DRV_CP line of the file. See the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide , Chapter 4. JDBC data sources for more information on updating the driver path.
- In FixPak 2, the file has been migrated to the DB2 Everyplace control database. Although the properties file has been migrated, the custom driver information which resides in has not been migrated to the control database. Therefore if you are using a custom driver, you must add the custom driver information to properties table of the control database. Use dsysetproperty.(bat/sh) to update the control database.
- It is strongly recommended that all synchronization sessions are completed
before upgrading an existing DB2 Everyplace installation to DB2 Everyplace
Version 8.1, FixPak 2. A device with an unfinished synchronization risks
losing some or all of the data that it has collected since the last synchronization.
Installing DB2 Everyplace on the Sync Server
- For Solaris, run the installation in a shell which is set to an English
or Western European. locale
- For all UNIX platforms, run the installation as the root user.
- For all operating systems: Installing FixPak 2 will overwrite the \Server\bin\dsysetjavahome.bat file.
If you are connecting to a non-DB2 source, you must fill in the driver path information again. This path information should be added to the SET JDBC_DRV_CP line of the file. See the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide , Chapter 4. JDBC data sources for more information on updating the driver path.
To install DB2 Everyplace on a Windows or UNIX server:
- Run the setup program
- For windows, run DB2Everyplace.exe.
- For UNIX, use the command java -jar DB2Everyplace.jar.
- The DB2 Everyplace installer opens and displays a welcome window. Click Next.
- A window opens with a brief installation reminder and a description of what's in the Release Notes for FixPak 2.
If you would like to read the release notes, select the check box next to "Yes, I would like to view the Release Notes now".
If you select the check box, the Release Notes are displayed. When you're done, click Next.
- The Software License Agreement window opens. Accept and click Next.
- On Solaris only: A window displays where you must specify the directory path of the JDK 1.3.1_07 on your system. Click Next.
This JDK is used to run the Mobile Device Administration Center on the
Sync Server instance.
- The install preview window appears which displays the features that will
be installed. Click Next.
- An installation progress bar is displayed which charts the progress of files that are being copied onto your system.
- Once the progress bar completes, you will see several informational messages which quickly display. These include:
For Windows:
- Migrating the control database
- Migrating the property files to the control database
- Migrating the Server Group ID
- Migrating file subscriptions
For Unix:
- Migrating the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instances
For more information on these actions see Migrated
property files in these release notes.
- Optional and for UNIX only: Post installation configuration
- A window is displayed asking whether or not you want to create a DB2 Everyplace
Sync Server instance and create sample databases for that instance.
Note:The DB2 Everyplace instance must be a DB2 Universal Database instance.
In this window:
- Click the down arrow. From the list, select the name of the instance that you want to be the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance owner.
- Type the instance password.
- Click the down arrow. From the list select the instance local.
- Click Next.
- For Custom and Single Server installation only: The HTTP window is displayed.
Type the port number to be used by the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance.
Click Next.
- For Multiple Server installations only: A window is displayed asking if you want this Sync Server instance to host the
DB2 Everyplace control database. If you want this Sync Server instance to host the DB2 Everyplace control database,
select the check box next to Create the DB2 Everyplace control database.
Note: Only one Sync Sever instance can host the DB2 Everyplace control database.
- Click Next.
When the post installation configuration is complete, click Finish.
- A window displays, letting you know that the installation is complete.
Click Finish.
The following section begins with a list of features which is followed
by recent fixes for the DB2 Everyplace Database.
Version 8.1, FixPak 2 features for the DB2 Everyplace Database
Application Development
- JDBC updates.
The PreparedStatement interface method setObject (int parameterIndex, Object x,int targetSqlType) is new in FixPak 2.
This new method sets the value of the designated parameter
with the given object.
You can use this method in the following ways:
- targetSqlType must correspond with one of the data types DB2 Everyplace supports.
- The basic and String conversions are supported.
For example, if targetSqlType is Types.INTEGER,
x should be either an Integer or a String object.
- On Palm OS, if targetSqlType is Types.DECIMAL, x should be a String object.
- New JSP support for Symbian OS Version 6. Support for DB2 Everyplace JSP
applications developed using WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version
- Local data encryption is supported on Neutrino, Linux, Symbian OS 6 and
OS 7.
Version 8.1, FixPak 2 fixes for the DB2 Everyplace Database
The following list of fixes include an APAR number (where applicable) which
is provided for your convenience.
Problems fixed in DB2 Everyplace Version 8.1, FixPak 1 and FixPak 2.
(APAR IC34759) Data encryption problems:
If an application accesses more than 8 tables (one of which is an
encrypted table) during a single connection session, DB2 Everyplace fails.
Select queries using scrollable cursor on encrypted tables fail.
GROUPBY queries (with grouping columns) on encrypted tables fail.
Update queries fail on columns of encrypted tables with indexes.
- (APAR IC34782) The DB2 Everyplace database engine abnormally terminates
when you use the LIKE predicate with a parameter marker when there is an
index on the column (for example, "C1 LIKE ?"). The index structure
may be corrupted due to an update statement. The failure occurs when there
is more than 1 index on table and a SET value does not change the original
value of the row. If you change the column value, then this problem does
not occur.
(APAR IC35328) Tables in the DB2 Everyplace engine became inaccessible while using the
DELETE statement, when:
- performing a physical delete
reading logically deleted records
no WHERE clause is used with the DELETE statement
- (APAR IC35106) Re-executing a prepared SELECT statement using a scrollable
cursor fails to return any rows.
- (APAR IC35043) On Palm OS, if you have PVCPKCS11.prc library installed and you repeatedly press the On/Off button the device will eventually display a system alert and requirer a resets.
- (APAR IC35585) Index corruption can occur on Palm OS with error message
SQLSTATE=58004 when performing update and delete operations and the index
is created on columns with column number in one of the following sets:
17-32, 48-64, 80-96, 112-128, 144-160, 176-192, 208-226, 240-256.
- (ARAR IC35710) When you create a DB2 Everyplace Visual Basic application
using the db2ecli.bas file for the Pocket PC platform, the application hangs when running in
the Pocket PC 2002 emulator.
- (APAR IC35966) Remote stored procedure call problem on Palm. A fatal error occurs when SQLBindParameter containing SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT is used, and when acquiring the ResultSet.
- (APAR IC36026) Executing a prepared statement of a SELECT query with aggregate
function without groupby clause returns incorrect answer.
- (APAR IC36027) A searched DELETE (with a WHERE clause) fails to remove
all of the qualified rows when an index on a timestamp column is used in
the searching of qualified rows.
- (APAR IC36083) The CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX statements cause a failure,
if you create an index or primary key on columns with a column number which
is greater or equal to 128.
- (APAR IC36069) If an index is created on a column position that exceeds
256, data corruption may occur or SQLSTATE 58004 will be returned. This
fix also prevents creating a table with more than 256 columns.
- (APAR IC36070) The REORG statement executed against a table with variable-sized
records (for example, VARCHAR or BLOB) can lead to unpredictable data file
corruption or an application failure. This will most likely occur when
record sizes are increased by the execution of the UPDATE statement.
- (APAR IC36256) DB2 Everyplace sample applications cannot be built successfully
with Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0.
New features and fixes for the Sync Server and Sync Client
This section begins with a description of the new Version 8.1 features which is followed by a section for
important fixes.
Version 8.1, FixPak 2 features for the Sync Server and Sync Client
- Support for Linux operating system on Power PC and Strong ARM processors
(Only available in the SDK Edition of DB2 Everyplace)
- For WebSphere Everyplace Access, Version 4.3 environments only: Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) support on Palm OS, Win32, and WinCE (Pocket PC 2002
- Using SSL in the IBM Sync:
In the IBM Sync GUI, the user can specify that the given port is a SSL
port by selecting the SSL check box in the Advanced Settings panel.
The default SSL port is 443. To configure the Sync Server for SSL, please
refer to the appropriate WebSphere Everyplace Access documentation.
- Developing applications that use SSL:
A new Sync Client C-API (iscServiceOpenEx) is created for developing applications
with SSL support. The Java API does not currently have SSL support and
has not been updated in FixPak 2.
For more information see, The new Sync Client C-API.
- Support for Palm OS Version 5.0.
- Support for Symbian 7:
For more information on installing Symbian 7 on a client device, see Installing on a Symbian OS Version 7 client device.
- Mobile Device Administration Center GUI update. A new check box has been
added to the Add Table window. If you select the check box next to Override join filter global setting you will enable the row-filter out-of-scope parameter. This parameter
must be set to avoid row filter out-of-scope problems. For example, customers
who receive the warning message DSYD029W are experiencing a problem with
the horizontal filter set during subscription creation. For more information,
see APAR IC35729 in Documentation revisions.
- Target directory (secondary storage) support is now available for Palm
OS Version 5:
The target directory feature is now supported on PalmOS. This feature allows
users to synchronize data or files onto secondary storages, such as memory
sticks or compact flash. By default, Palm OS does not provide the ability
to create a directory stucture to store files and information. All the
information and synchronized data are kept in the main memory. With this
new feature, you can save all the data in a created directory in the extended
memory. You can specifying the target directory (in the Advanced Settings
panel on your client) with the following format:
#<slot number>:<path>
Slot #0 is the default, if #<slot number> is omitted. Since the virtual file system of PalmOS does
NOT support a relative path, #<path> should always be an absolute path. For example, to use path /iSync on
slot #0 as the target directory, enter #0:/iSync" (or #:/iSync) in the Target
directory field. To use path /iSync/myData on slot #1 as the target directory, you enter
- The IBM Java Sync Client API ConflictReader class function in has been updated.
For more information, see the Java documentation (ConflictReader.html)
located in DB2Everyplace/Clients/javadoc/index.html.
Version 8.1, FixPak 2 fixes for the Sync Server and Sync Client
This list of fixes include an APAR number (where applicable) which is provided for your convenience.
Problems fixed for DB2 Everyplace 8.1, FixPak 2:
- (APAR IC35310) If a vertical-filtering parameter name is undefined or misspelled in the Group definition, the Sync Server hangs during synchronization.
- (APAR IC35329) If you reset a file subscription in the Mobile Device Administration
Center and then perform a synchronization, the new file changes on the
server are not synchronized to the client.
- (APAR IC34823) The Mobile Device Administration Center wouldn't start if
you were using DB2 Universal Database with FixPak 7.
- (APAR IC35308) The Palm device automatically powers off when the synchronization
takes longer than the specified transport timeout (plus 30 sec.).
(APAR IC35309) The XML Scripting Tool fails to drop a subscription if the source is down.
- APAR IC35334) A certain sequence of clicks in the Palm OS GUI will cause
the GUI to fail.
- (APAR IC35335) File subscriptions do not work with Symbian 6 mobile devices.
- (APAR IC36067) Server Group ID set to "Installation corrupted".
- (APAR IC36016) Refresh cases fail on the WinCE Sync Client when local data encryption is enabled.
The client gives an error of type ISCEVTTYPE_Error with codes ISCEVT_ErrUnauthorized or ISCEVT_ErrConnectData.
- (APAR IC35794) On Windows32/non-unicode, the code page setting located
in the configuration file (CONFIG-ISYN), is incorrect for non-Latin character
sets (Cp1252). After synchronization, the data is displayed as 'garbage'
characters. This problem occurs for the languages Chinese, Japanese, Korean,
Arabic, Hebrew, and Czechoslovakian.
- (APAR IC36082) An "unexpected call to getUpdate" assertion failure
occurs when trying to resume a canceled synchronization.
- (APAR IC35403) You receive the error SQL1040N when trying to synchronize
- (APAR IC35539) Inserts and updates fail for OS/390 source tables with error
- (APAR IC35535) Advanced feature of the "Define replication subscription"
form with a data propagator database subscription under Terminal Services
GUI problem.
- (APAR IC35653) Replication fails (DSYS005E) after a device which has recently
synchronized is reset, and the replication is not recoverable through the
automatic recovery.
- (APAR IC35398) A right-parenthesis cannot immediately follow a parameter
name in a WHERE clause. Otherwise, it would result in the DB2 error: "SQL0312N
The host variable "{parameter}" is used in a dynamic SQL statement
a view definition, or a trigger definition. SQLSTATE=42618."
- (APAR IC35552) On Palm OS using local encryption with the Java Sync API,
the scenario is as follows, you:
- Synchronize
- Enter your user ID and password
Resulting in a successful synchronization.
- Attempt to query a table and receive the error message
SQLSTATE42501 "Authorization ID not permitted to perform specified operation on identified object".
- (APAR IC35910) The Java Sync API (isync4j.jar) and agent proxy (dsyagent.dll)
files cannot be not found in the WinCE installation CAB files.
- (APAR IC35980) The DB2 Everyplace control database (DSYCTLDB) can become
corrupted when you perform an edit or delete on a subscription.
- (APAR IC35980) Abnormal behavior of the Sync Client that the client returns
"Synchronization ended successfully"but no user subscriptions
were actually synchronized.
- (APAR IC36017) NullPointerException being reported by the ReplicationDbMgr.
- (APAR IC36165) When editting a file subscription, if the subscription
name and linked file (or pointer) are changed, the new linked file is not
transferred to device until the user ID is reset in Mobile Device Administration.
- (APAR IC36166) You receive the following Sync Client error "dsyc699e
Unknown Network error" when trying to synchronize with Pocket PC
and a Sprint Wireless PCMCIA card. This problem does not occur on the Verizon Wireless card.
- (APAR IC36206) A problem exists during the Palm authentication process.
IBM Sync stops functioning properly if a user password is entered incorrectly
3 times or the cancel button is pressed in the "DB2e authentication"
window. Subsequent synchronization attempts will fail with "DSYC698I:
Error internal SQLstate" error.
- (APAR IC36189) When creating a JDBC table subscription to tables on a DB2
for OS/400 source database, the subscribed tables may not be writable following
the subscription creation, until the Mobile Devices Administration Center
process is closed. The error message is: [SQL0913] Row or object xxxx xxxx
type *FILE during replication. This problem also occurs in both JDBC and
upload subscriptions
- (APAR IC36261) Domino source databases fail to replicate with the DB2 Everyplace
mirror database.
- (APAR IC36262) When closing the Mobile Devices Administration Center, the
java.exe enters into an infinite loop collection stage that eventually
posts the error message, "java.lang.OutOfMemory".
- (APAR IC36264) If you receive the error message "DSYC401ez failed
to connect to the target data " when attempting to synchronizing from
a client device to a Domino data source this APAR will fix your problem.
- (APAR IC36265) When a source table is subscribed with a JDBC replication,
you cannot read the data on the source table when replication is in progress.
On most platforms, there is no error message, but the reader just waits
until replication finishes, and then the reader proceeds normally. If the
source is DB2 on AS/400, with the default AS/400 file configuration, the
reader would receive the following error message: SQL0913N Unsuccessful
execution caused by deadlock or timeout.
- (APAR IC36266 ) You can now create an encryption password with up to 256
characters. The previous limit was 18 characters.
- (APAR IC36267) Customers using the iPlanet HTTP server with IBM WebSphere Application Server (to run the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server) may receive authentication errors on the client device during synchronization. The error messages is, "DSYC304E: Fatal Error authentication failed". This problem occurs because the iPlanet server performs a case conversion on the header of the message sent by the Sync Client.
- (APAR IC36419) In the Mobile Device Administration Center, If you disabled
replication by unchecking the check box on the Replication page, and then
restart the Synchronization Server the default value is reinstated and
replication becomes enabled in error.
- (APAR IC36408) When using the traditional Chinese version of IBM Sync on
WinCE devices, there are corrupted characters on the detailed subscription
information panel and the panel for entering the user ID and password for
the encrypted tables. This problem occurs on the user interface only and
does not affect synchronization.
- (APAR IC36410) On Palm devices, the German version of the IBM Sync program
encounters a fatal error during synchronization, and an alert window with
the message "Fatal exception" displays which asks for a system
reset. This problem occurs in the German version only.
- (APAR IC36413) After synchronization, if subscriptions are removed from the Mobile Device Administration Center, the client has problems updating the configuration in the subsequent synchronization. The client will still try to synchronize those to-be-removed subscriptions.
- (APAR IC36412) When using the Java sample program (ISyncSample) on Palm
devices, synchronization of tables will cause the device to abend. On the
Palm emulator, a stack overflow exception will be shown.
- (APAR IC36267) Customers using the iPlanet HTTP server with IBM WebSphere
Application Server (to run the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server) may receive
authentication errors during synchronization with the client device. The
error messages is "DSYC304I: Fatal Error authentication failed.".
This error occurs because iPlanet performs a case conversion on the header
of the message sent by the Sync Client.
- (APAR IC36409) During the synchronization of a subscription that involves
a user WHERE clause, the Sync Server may abruptly terminate with the following
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
at java.util.Vector.elementAt( Code))
The probability of encountering this error is generally low, but increases with high concurrency.
- (APAR IC36411) Creation of a JDBC subscriptions which accesses a Microsoft
SQL data source fails with the following error in the Mobile Device Administration
DSYJ001E A database error occurred. '[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'TABLE'. SQL state=HY000 Error code=156'
- (APAR IC36407) If a JDBC subscription contains a table with a column of
the CHAR datatype and the AS/400 Toolbox JDBC driver is used, the Sync
Server rejects every row sent from users with the following error message:
CLI0143E Invalid precision value. SQLSTATE=HY104f
- (APAR IC26366) According to the current specification of the API, DB2 Everyplace
has a 18-character length limit on the database password, the Sync Client
also allocates a 18-character storage for the application to pass in the
password. Thus, if the application overflows the pre-allocated storage
with a password longer than 18 characters, it will cause an abend in the
Sync Client. This limit applies to all platforms.
- (APAR IC36265) When a source table is subscribed with a JDBC replication,
one cannot read the source table when replication is in progress. On most
platforms, there is no error message, but the reader just waits until replication
finishes, and then the reader proceeds normally. If the source is DB2 Universal
Database on AS/400, with the default AS/400 file configuration, the reader
would receive the following error message: SQL0913N Unsuccessful execution
caused by deadlock or timeout.
- (APAR IC36330) You will receive this error if your horizontal filter contains
a parameter that does is not immediately followed by one the following
- space
- single quote
- newline
- comma
- vertical stroke
- less than
- greater than
- equal
The Sync Server did not not replace a parameter with the appropriate value if the the parameter name was not followed by one of the characters listed above.
This section provides installation information for the Symbian OS Version
7 mobile device and updates to already supported devices for FixPak 2 .
In addition, please refer to the DB2 Everyplace Installation and User's Guide Version 8.1, Chapter 3.Installing DB2 Everyplace on a Mobile Device.
Palm OS devices
There are two new files that you need to install on Palm OS.
File Name |
Description |
isyncxpt.prc |
Message transportation module |
SSLlib.prc |
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) module |
Window CE devices
There is one new file for Window CE devices.
File Name |
Description |
isyncxpt.dll |
Message transportation module |
Installing on a Symbian OS Version 7 device
Before you install, you need to perform the following steps:
- On your Windows workstation, install and configure the connection software
that came with the Symbian OS Version 7 mobile device.
- Connect the Symbian OS mobile device to the workstation. Use the mobile
device's documentation to ensure that it is correctly connected.
To install the DB2 Everyplace libraries and the sample application files
manually, use the Install Tool from the connection software that is included
with the Symbian OS Version 7 mobile device. The files that you need to
install are listed in "DB2 Everyplace libraries and sample application
files for the database" and "IBM Sync Client libraries".
DB2 Everyplace libraries and sample application files for the database
The DB2 Everyplace libraries and sample application files are located in
File Name |
Description |
armi\DB2e.sis |
DB2 Everyplace database engine |
armi\DB2eJDBC.sis |
DB2 Everyplace JDBC driver |
samples\en_us\SampleCLP\UIQ\armi\SampleCLP.sis |
Command Line Processor (for the device) |
samples\en_us\SampleCLP\UIQ\wins\SampleCLP.sis |
Command Line Processor (for the emulator) |
samples\en_us\PersonList\UIQ\armi\PersonList.sis |
Sample application (for the device) |
samples\en_us\PersonList\UIQ\wins\PersonList.sis |
Sample application (for the emulator) |
samples\en_us\NurseInit\UIQ\armi\NurseInit.sis |
Sample application (for the device) |
samples\en_us\NurseInit\UIQ\wins\NurseInit.sis |
Sample application (for the emulator) |
samples\lang\SampleCLP\Quartz\armi\SampleCLP.sis |
Command Line Processor |
install\en_us\UIQ\armi\DB2e_Symbian7.sis |
DB2 Everyplace package
This package includes:
- DB2e.sis
- DB2eJDBC.sis
- SampleCLP.sis - NurseInit.sis
- PersonList.sis
IBM Sync Client libraries
The IBM Sync Client libraries are located in \DB2Everyplace\Clients\Symbian7\sync\lang\proc\
where lang is a language code, and proc is the processor type.
File Name |
Description |
ISync.sis |
IBM Sync Client |
upgrade\ upgrade\IUpgrade.rsc |
IBM Update Tool |
Testing Symbian OS Version 7 device
To test the synchronization on the device, make sure that the device is
connected to the workstation using its connectivity software. Select ISync from the applications list. From the File-->Settings dialog, enter the IP, port, user ID, and password.
Test synchronization by going to File-->Synchronize.
Post installation considerations
If you did not create a DB2 Everyplace instance during installation or you would like to create additional instances outside of the installation process, use the command. Note: A DB2 Everyplace instance must be a DB2 Universal Database instance as
well. Therefore, only user IDs which are DB2 instance owners can host a
DB2 Everyplace instance.
To create a DB2 Everyplace instance, use the command located in the <tt>instance</tt> directory of the root
installation directory
(/opt/DB2Everyplace81 on Linux and Solaris, /usr/lpp/DBEveryplace81 on AIX ). Execute the command as root user.
In order for DB2 Everyplace to operate with the highest degree of efficiency,
system parameters in DB2 Universal Database need to be adjusted. Failure
to do so, can result in unexpected interruptions especially on Solaris,
and the inability to create a new connection to the database on Linux and
For Linux and Solaris, it is recommended that the kernel parameters are
adjusted. For AIX, the extended shared memory segments should be enabled.
This section provides the instructions for Linux, AIX, and Solaris. Note: Only 32 bit DB2 Universal Database instances are supported.
On all UNIX platforms, modify the login profile to include the following
export DISPLAY=<workstation>:0.0
Where <workstation> is the UNIX workstation where you want to use the Mobile Device Administration
Note: You also need to export the DISPLAY variable in the shell from which you want to start the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server.
For Linux systems running kernel 2.4 or higher, issue the following commands on the command line as the root user:
sysctl -w kernel.msgmni=2048
sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=1073741824
sysctl -w fs.file-max=32768
sysctl -w kernel.sem="512 32000 32 1024"
sysctl -w kernel.threads-max=20480
To execute the commands automatically, edit the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local, and place the above commands at the end of the file. On every subsequent
system boot, the values will be set automatically. Additional setting recommendations
can be found in the Linux 7.2 Release Notes for the fix pack you are running.
For Solaris systems, the default system kernel parameters are insufficient to run DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Everyplace.
These values can be added or edited in the file, /etc/system. The recommended kernel settings are listed
in the DB2 Universal Database Version 7.2, FixPak 7 Release Notes. You can find these Release Notes @
The format for setting these values is
set parameter_name = value
The suggested parameters in the DB2 Universal Database Version 7.2, FixPak 7 Release Notes should be further adjusted to include the following minimum values:
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg = 256
set semsys:seminfo_semume = 256
After modification of any kernel parameters, reboot the system to make the kernel settings effective.
For each DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance:
Modify the login profile (most likely /home/<username>/.profile), to include the following:
export EXTSHM=ON
Exit the user shell.
- Login as the user (to make the changes effective) and open a new shell.
- From the shell prompt, execute the following command:
- Restart the DB2 Universal Database instance.
The contents of the following property files have been migrated to the
DB2 Everyplace control database (DSYCTLDB DSY.PROPERTIES):
(only some properties migrated)
(only some properties migrated)
The migration of these files into the DB2 Everyplace control database will
allow the administrator to update and query the migrated properties from
a centralized location. This is particularly important if you are using
DB2 Everyplace in a multiple server environment. Tracing information and
ThreadPool Count are still maintained on a per server basis and have not
been migrated to the DB2 Everyplace control database.
DB2 Everyplace provides a utility, the dsysetproperty file, to query and
update the migrated properties. For Windows you can find dsysetproperty.bat
located in %DSYINSTDIR%\Server\bin
. For UNIX,
is located in $DSYINSTDIR/Server/bin.
Chapter 4, of the Sync Server Administration Guide under "Setting up the JDBC driver" dose not properly describe
setting up the JDBC driver for Domino data sources. Please refer to the
Domino_howto.htm document located in the DB2 Everyplace installation directory Server/Domino for the updated instructions.
Documentation Revision
The following documentation revisions are listed with their corresponding
APAR (if applicable):
- DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide (APAR IC35516)
BLOB data types are not supported. This restriction applies to all data
sources and subscription types ( JDBC, DPropR, and upload). Currently,
the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide in "Appendix B. DB2 Everyplace data type mapping and restrictions" incorrectly states that BLOB data types are supported.
- DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide (APAR IC35498)
All foreign key constraints should be removed from the source tables prior
to creating the table subscription. The system initially performs several
successfully replications of data from the application as expected, and
then abruptly stops with data from the client application.
- DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide (APAR IC34967)
In Chapter 9, Using the Mobile Device Administration Center under "Replication on Demand",
Step 2 should reference the /SyncServer/Server/bin directory for executing the dsyreplicate command.
Appendix E. XML Scripting Tool DTD lists AddDproprSubscription as supported in the DTD.
AddDproprSubscription is not currently supported.
- DB2 Everyplace Installation and User Guide (APAR IC34682)
The dsysampleDPropR.bat file mentioned in the Installation and User Guide, Chapter 2, section
entitled, "Setting up the sample databases" is not available.
XML Scripting does not support DPropR subscriptions. Therefore, dsysampleDPropr.bat
should be removed from the sample directory.
- DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide
Chapter 3, section entitled, "Creating a DataPropagator subscription
to data"
The subsection "Configuring the databases and starting capture for DataPropagator subscriptions"
should be moved ahead of the subsection "Creating the DataPropagator subscription".
This allows the replication which will be automatically performed at the conclusion of the subscription creation to run successfully.
- DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide (APAR IC35729)
Chapter 6. Filtering data from data sources, needs to include a more detailed
description of using filters in the WHERE clause. Customers who receive
the warning message DSYD029W are experiencing a problem with the horizontal
filter set during subscription creation.
A filter problem can occur when
the value of a row is changed and the scope of the filter is subsequently
enlarged or reduced. In other words, when the value of a row changes, the
changed row can either be deleted or added to the filter. In certain instances
these out-of-scope rows either remain on the client device (when they should
have been deleted) or fail to get added even after synchronization. This
problem occurs:
- due to an update on a column that is not part of a primary key.
when the filter has subqueries that reference other tables.
To fix this problem:
Specifying a WHERE clause that conforms to the DB2 Everyplace syntax specified in the Sync Server Administration Guide.
For example, be sure to use a simple filter. Filters that contain nested subqueries are not recommended unless you can tolerate
out-of-scope rows which continue to remain in the client device.
Change the row-filter out-of-scope parameter in file.
Set the parameter to 1. This parameter can be changed, on the command line,
with the XML Scripting Tool, or in the Mobile Device Administration Center
window, Add Table. If you select the check box next to Override join filter global setting you will enable this parameter.
- DB2 Everyplace Application Development Guide (APAR IC36069)
Appendix B. DB2 Everyplace limits, will increase the "Maximum number
of columns in a table" from "Limited by the maximum Length an
SQL query" to "256".
- DB2 Everyplace Application Development Guide
Chapter 8. Supported SQL Statements, incorrectly states that you can specify ALL or DISTINCT as a key word in the set functions
(MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG and COUNT). DB2 Everyplace database does not support these features.
- DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide
Chapter 4, section entitled "Setting up the JDBC driver"
The JDBC Drivers associations are now stored in the Sync Server control database instead of in properties files.
To set a JDBC Driver association, issue the command:
%DSYINSTDIR%\Server\bin\dsysetproperty DSYJdbcDriverList
Where the JDBC driver full-name = database identifier
To query the current list of supported JDBC drivers, issue:
%DSYINSTDIR%\Server\bin\dsysetproperty DSYJdbcDriverList
- DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide (APAR IC36263)
Chapter 4, section entitled "Setting up the JDBC driver" dose
not properly describe setting up the JDBC driver for Domino data sources.
Please see Domino_howto.htm located in the install directory server/Domino for updated instructions.
iscServiceOpenEx() opens a new service handle based on a property array.
isy_INT32 iscServiceOpenEx(
ISCPROPERTY* property,
isy_INT32 propertyNum,
HISCSERV* phServ);
Table 1 lists the valid arguments used with the iscServiceOpenEx() function.
Table 1. iscServiceOpenEx() arguments
Data type |
Argument |
Use |
Descriptions |
isy_CONST isy_TCHAR* |
input |
Server infomation as a URL sting |
property |
input |
Array of properties of the ISCPROPERTY type:
typedef struct {
isy_TCHAR *key; //property ID string
isy_TCHAR *value; //property value string
Currently, there are only three properties available:
- "isync.user" Sync client user name
- "isync.password" : Sync client password
- "isync.encoding" : Character encoding of the target data
Note: The user ID and password properties are mandatory. |
isy_INT32 |
propertyNum |
input |
Number of properties |
phServ |
output |
Handle to a service |
iscServiceOpenEx() is used to request a new handle for a specific service from a server with
settings represented as a property array. The server is identified by a
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) string, which might contain the protocol,
the hostname (or IP), and the port number. If the Sync Server is configured
for Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The protocol part for the URL should be
"https://", otherwise, it is "http://". The port number
can be omitted, and the default ports for SSL and non-SSL are port 443
and port 80 respectively. All the settings (including the user name and
password) are specified in the property array. Upon success, a service
handle (HISCSERV) is returned through *phServ; otherwise, *phServ is NULL,
and the error code is returned. Upon completion, the service handle is closed with
int rc = 0;
ISCPROPERTY properties[3] = {{"isync.user", "myUserName"},
{"isync.password", "myPassword"},
{"isync.encoding", "ISO8859_1"}}
= iscServiceOpenEx("", properties,
3, &hSyncServ);
- ISCRTN_Succeeded : OK
- ISCRTN_OutOfMemory : Out of memory
- ISCRTN_ResourceInUse : Resource locked (for example, by another application)
- ISCRTN_NotPermitted : Resource not accessible (for example, not
- ISCRTN_NotFound : Resource not found (for example, path not found)
- ISCRTN_Failed : Otherwise
See also "iscServiceClose()" in the DB2 Everyplace Application Development Guide
(chapter entitled IBM Sync Client C-API).
A new listener fatal error code
(ISCEVT_FatProtocolNotSupported) is added:
Event code |
Event info (argc) |
Description |
Event type: ISCEVTTYPE_Fatal |
ISCEVT_FatProtocolNotSupported |
The protocol specified in the URL
for iscServiceOpenEx is not supported by the underlying transport
module. |
Accessibility features help users with physical disabilities, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully.DB2 Everyplace
Version 8.1, FixPak 2 includes the following accessibility features:
You can use keys or key combinations to perform most operations that can
also be done using a mouse. This is true with the exception of the "Right-Click"
function of the mouse.
In UNIX-based systems, the position of the keyboard focus is highlighted,
indicating which area of the window is active and where your keystrokes will
have an effect.
The DB2 Everyplace Version 8.1 FixPak 2 has features that enhance the user
interface and improve accessibility for users with low vision. These accessibility
enhancements include support for customizable font properties.
You can select the color, size, and font for the text in menus and dialog
Non- dependence on color
You do not need to distinguish between colors in order to use any of the
functions in this product.
You can specify whether you want to receive alerts through audio or visual
The DB2 Everyplace Mobile device Administration Center interface supports the Java Accessibility API enabling use by screen readers and other assistive technologies used by people with disabilities.
Accessible documentation for the DB2 Everyplace product is available in
HTML format on the IBM DB2 Everyplace Web site @
The accessible documentation is available in English only and can be identified by the following IBM document numbers:
SC18-7184-01 DB2 Everyplace Installation and User's Guide
SC18-7185-01 DB2 Everyplace Application and Development Guide
SC18-7186-01 DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide
You can view documentation according to the display preferences set in your browser. You can also use screen readers and other assistive technologies.
(APAR IC35683) Version 7.2 Sync Client API
It is recommended that you migrate all applications which are currently
using the Version 7.2 Sync Client API to the Version 8.1 API. A security
flaw was discovered that permits an interloper to acquire the client user
ID and password during synchronization. This problem occurs on all platforms
that use the Version 7.2 API. In addition, the Version 7.2 Sync Client
API will no longer be available supported in the Version 8.2 release of
DB2 Everyplace.
- The Sync Server no longer supports the driver
- Domino Data sources are supported on the Sync Server Windows platform only.
- Linux and Neutrino Sync Clients do not support synchronization on memory
cards. Applications must be run on the device.
- Editing the target table column names of DB2 Everyplace subscriptions is
not allowed.
- For DpropR subscription, the maximum length of a column name is 17characters.
- When remote administration (such as in a multiple server configuration) is required, then a static IP address is required for the Sync Server, and the Server.Name and Server.IP properties in the file. These properties need to be modified by the administrator. If this modification is performed after the Sync Server has been active, then the Servers folder entry in Mobile Device Administration Center corresponding to the
old server name or IP address needs to be removed.
- When creating, editing, or deleting a Data Propagator subscription, the
Mobile Device Administration Center in which the action is being performed
must be run on the server which hosts the mirror database.
- BLOB data types are not supported. This restriction applies to all data
sources and subscription types ( JDBC, DPropR, and upload).
Publications are available from the
Everyplace Web site.
The DB2 Everyplace Installation and User's Guide is available in HTML and PDF format in the following languages:
o Czechoslovakian
o English
o German
o Korean
o Simplified Chinese
o Traditional Chinese
o Spanish
o Japanese
o Arabic
The DB2 Everyplace Application Development Guide is available in HTML and PDF format in the following languages:
o English
o Korean
o Simplified Chinese
o Spanish
o Japanese
The DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide is available in HTML and PDF format in the following languages:
o English
o German
o Japanese
o Korean
o Simplified Chinese
The online help within the Mobile Devices Administration Center (MDAC)
is available in the national language that you select during installation.
English is provided with Arabic, Hebrew, and Czech versions.
Terms and conditions
Use of DB2 Everyplace is subject to the terms and conditions of the International Program License Agreement. Other non-IBM code provided with DB2 Everyplace is provided for the customer's convenience. The DB2 Everyplace warrantees do not apply to such code.
This information may contain sample application programs in source language,
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You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form
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IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability,
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Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative
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(C) (your company name) (year). Portions of this code are derived from IBM
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All rights reserved.
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this
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on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference
to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply
that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally
equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM
intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's
responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product,
program, or service.
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject
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not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries,
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IBM Director of Licensing
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Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided
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C Set++ PowerPC
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DataHub RACF
DataJoiner DataPropagator RISC System/6000
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