Informix library
Hard copy versions of many Informix manuals can be purchased through the IBM Publications Center. To order a manual, note the 10-digit publication number following the manual title (for example, G251-9999-00), and enter it on the order entry page of the IBM Publications Center.
PDF files require Adobe® Reader®
- DB-Access Database Utility User Manual, Version 7.2 (G251-0446-00)
This manual describes how to use the DB-Access utility to access, modify, and retrieve data from Informix databases.
- Getting Started with Informix Database Server Products, Version 7.21 (G251-0453-00)
This manual provides an overview of the Informix database server and SQL API environment, summarizes important features of Informix OnLine Dynamic Server and Informix SE, and provides a road map to help you use the Version 7.2x documentation set.
- Guide to GLS Functionality for Informix Products, Version 7.2 (G251-0434-00)
This manual describes the Global Language Support (GLS) feature, which allows Informix application-programming interfaces (APIs) and database servers to handle different languages, cultural conventions, and code sets.
- Guide to SQL: Reference, Version 7.2 (G251-0437-00)
This guide provides information on the following topics: Informix databases, data types, system catalog tables, environment variables, and the stores7 demonstration database. It also contains a glossary.
- Guide to SQL: Syntax, Version 7.2 (G251-0438-00)
This guide provides syntax diagrams and detailed descriptions of all Informix SQL statements, SQL segments, and SPL statements.
- Guide to SQL: Tutorial, Version 7.2 (G251-0439-00)
This guide provides a tutorial on SQL, as implemented by Informix products. It describes the basic ideas and terms that are used when you work with a relational database.
- Migration Guide, Version 7.2 (G251-0440-00)
This guide describes the procedures for migrating existing Informix databases to and from OnLine 7.2x. It also describes the utilities that are used for data migration.
- SE Administrator's Guide for Microsoft Windows Environments, Version 7.25 (G251-0585-00)
This manual is a complete guide to the operating environment of the SE database server. It explains how to use SE and the SE utilities on Windows.
- SE Database Server Administrator's Guide, Version 7.25 (G251-0584-00)
This guide describes the operating environment of the Informix SE database server.
- SE Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows Environments, Version 7.2 (G251-0518-00)
This guide describes how to install and configure Informix SE in a Microsoft Windows environment.
- SQL Quick Syntax Guide, Version 7.2 (G251-0436-00)
This guide provides a quick reference to all SQL statements, SQL segments, and SPL statements.
- UNIX Products Installation Guide, Version 7.21 (G251-0203-00)
This guide contains instructions for installing Informix products.