Informix library
Hard copy versions of many Informix manuals can be purchased through the IBM Publications Center. To order a manual, note the 10-digit publication number following the manual title (for example, G251-9999-00), and enter it on the order entry page of the IBM Publications Center.
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- READ ME FIRST, IBM Red Brick Warehouse V 6.30.xC2 (G251-2462-00)
Read this document before using your IBM Red Brick Warehouse product.
- READ ME FIRST,IBM Red Brick Warehouse V 6.30.xC1 (G251-2170-00)
Read this document before using your IBM Red Brick Warehouse product.
- Read me first: IBM Red Brick Warehouse V6.30.xC3 (G251-2534-00)
Read this important document before installing your product.
- Red Brick Vista User's Guide Version 6 Release 3 (SC18-7399-00)
Describes the IBM Red Brick Vista aggregate computation and management system. Illustrates how Vista improves query performance by automatically rewriting queries to use aggregates, describes how the Advisor recommends the best set of aggregates based on data collected daily, and explains how aggregate tables are maintained when their detail tables are updated.
- Red Brick Warehouse Administrator's Guide Version 6 Release 3 (SC18-7395-00)
Describes warehouse architecture, supported schemas, and other concepts relevant to databases. Procedural information for implementing and maintaining a database. Includes a description of the system tables and the configuration file.
- Red Brick Warehouse Client Installation and Connectivity Guide Version 6 Release 3 (GC18-7393-00)
Includes procedures for installing Red Brick ODBC Driver, Red Brick JDBC Driver, RISQL Entry Tool, and RISQL Reporter on client systems. Describes how to access IBM Red Brick Warehouse using ODBC for C and C++ applications and JDBC for Java applications.
- Red Brick Warehouse Install and Config Gde for UNIX & Linux Platforms Version 6 Release 3 (GC18-7401-00)
Provides installation and configuration information, as well as platform-specific material, about IBM Red Brick Warehouse. Customized for UNIX and Linux platforms.
- Red Brick Warehouse Install and Config Guide for Windows Platforms Version 6 Release 3 (GC18-7400-00)
Provides installation and configuration information, as well as platform-specific material, about IBM Red Brick Warehouse. Customized for Windows platforms.
- Red Brick Warehouse Messages and Codes Reference Guide Version 6 Release 3 (SC18-7391-00)
Contains a complete listing of all informational, warning, and error messages generated by IBM Red Brick Warehouse products, including probable causes and recommended responses. Also includes event log messages that are written to the log files.
- Red Brick Warehouse Query Performance Guide Version 6 Release 3 (SC18-7394-00)
This guide describes the determinants of query performance and shows how to tune a database for optimal query performance. Examples show how to evaluate query performance using Red Brick tools: SET STATS, Dynamic Statistic Tables, EXPLAIN, and the Query Performance Monitor.
- Red Brick Warehouse RISQL Entry Tool and RISQL Reporter User's Guide Version 6 Release 3 (SC18-7398-00)
Is a complete guide to the RISQL Entry Tool, a command-line tool used to enter SQL statements, and the RISQL Reporter, an enhanced version of the RISQL Entry Tool with report-formatting capabilities.
- Red Brick Warehouse SQL Reference Guide Version 6 Release 3 (SC18-7396-00)
Is a complete language reference for the Red Brick SQL implementation and RISQL extensions for IBM Red Brick Warehouse databases.
- Red Brick Warehouse SQL Self-Study Guide Version 6 Release 3 (SC18-7397-00)
Provides an example-based review of SQL and introduction to the RISQL extensions, the macro facility, and Aroma, the sample database.
- Red Brick Warehouse Table Management Utility Reference Guide Version 6 Release 3 (SC18-7392-00)
Describes the Table Management Utility, including activities related to loading, maintaining, and backing up data. Also includes information about data replication and the rb_cm copy management utility.