Informix library
Hard copy versions of many Informix manuals can be purchased through the IBM Publications Center. To order a manual, note the 10-digit publication number following the manual title (for example, G251-9999-00), and enter it on the order entry page of the IBM Publications Center.
PDF files require Adobe® Reader®
- Red Brick Data Mine User's Guide, Version 5.1 (G251-0535-00)
This guide characterizes the data mining process and includes procedural information on using Red Brick Data Mine's SQL-based interface to uncover hidden or unpredictable relationships in large or small data sets.
- Red Brick Vista User's Guide, Version 5.1 (G251-0546-00)
This guide describes Red Brick Vista and shows you how to set up, exploit, and manage its query-rewrite environment to accelerate queries. The guide covers the rewrite-system and the Advisor system.
- Red Brick Warehouse Administrator's Guide for UNIX Platforms, Version 5.1 (G251-0547-00)
This guide is a user and a reference guide to the features of the Red Brick Warehouse server. The principal purpose is to help you understand, configure, and use Red Brick Warehouse to support decision support systems.
- Red Brick Warehouse Administrator's Guide for Windows NT Platforms (G251-0548-00)
This guide is a user and a reference guide to the features of the Red Brick Warehouse server. The principal purpose is to help you understand, configure, and use Red Brick Warehouse to support decision support systems.
- Red Brick Warehouse Client Connector Pack Installation Guide, Version 5.1 (G251-0532-00)
This guide contains instructions on how to install and configure the Red Brick Warehouse ODBC drivers.
- Red Brick Warehouse Documentation Addendum, Version 5.1.5 (G251-0534-00)
This document contains timely information that supplements the Red Brick Warehouse 5.1 document set.
- Red Brick Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide for UNIX Platforms (G251-0537-00)
This guide contains the instructions on how to install and configure Red Brick Warehouse for UNIX platforms.
- Red Brick Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows NT Platforms (G251-0540-00)
This guide contains the instructions on how to install and configure Red Brick Warehouse for Windows NT platforms.
- Red Brick Warehouse Messages and Codes Reference Guide, Version 5.1 (G251-0539-00)
This guide is a handy-reference that lists all the error messages and codes returned by Red Brick Warehouse products.
- Red Brick Warehouse ODBC Connectivity Guide, Version 5.1 (G251-0533-00)
This guide contains information about ODBC conformance levels as well as instructions on compiling and linking an ODBC application using the Red Brick ODBClib SDK.
- Red Brick Warehouse RISQL Entry Tool and RISQL Reporter User's Guide (G251-0541-00)
This guide shows you how to use the RISQL Entry Tool to access Red Brick Warehouse and how to use the RISQL Reporter to format reports at the time you extract data from Red Brick Warehouse.
- Red Brick Warehouse SQL Reference Guide Including RISQL Extensions (G251-0542-00)
This guide precisely defines the SQL syntax, data types, system catalogs, and RISQL functions used to access Red Brick Warehouse. The RISQL functions are specialized functions designed to support decision support systems, accelerate query performance, and provide a high-speed export of data in various formats.
- Red Brick Warehouse SQL Self-Study Guide Including RISQL Extensions (G251-0543-00)
This guide is a self-study course that shows you how to write queries that retrieve data from Red Brick Warehouse. The emphasis is on how to write queries for decision support applications that support users.
- Red Brick Warehouse Table Management Utility Reference Guide, Version 5.1 (G251-0545-00)
This guide describes how to take advantage of the Table Management Utility, an ultra-high speed load, unload, and table management utility designed for decision support systems where database tables commonly have hundreds of millions of rows.