Informix library
Hard copy versions of many Informix manuals can be purchased through the IBM Publications Center. To order a manual, note the 10-digit publication number following the manual title (for example, G251-9999-00), and enter it on the order entry page of the IBM Publications Center.
PDF files require Adobe® Reader®
- Application Programmer's Manual, MetaCube ROLAP Option for IDS, Version 4.1 (G251-0308-00)
This manual is written for a programmer who writes custom applications that interact with the MetaCube analysis engine. This manual describes MetaCube's OLE Automation programming interface.
- CLI Programmer's Manual, Version 2.8, December 1998 (G251-0297-00)
This manual explains how to use Informix CLI to access an Informix database and interact with an Informix database server. Informix CLI is compliant with Version 2.5 of the ODBC specification.
- Client Products Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows Environments, Version 2.2 (G251-0312-00)
This guide contains instructions for installing the Informix Client Software Development Kit and Informix Connect for Windows environments.
- Data Warehouse Administrator's Guide, MetaCube ROLAP Option for IDS, Version 4.1 (G251-0304-00)
This manual is written for the data warehouse administrator. It describes the overall process of developing a data warehouse and introduces the following tools for managing a data warehouse: MetaCube Secure Warehouse, MetaCube Agent Administrator, and MetaCube Warehouse Optimizer.
- Explorer User's Guide, MetaCube ROLAP Option for IDS, Microsoft Windows Environments, Version 4.1 (G251-0302-00)
This manual is written for people who are responsible for analyzing data about their company's business. It describes the features of MetaCube Explorer for querying a MetaCube data warehouse to obtain reports and charts.
- Installation and Configuration Guide, MetaCube ROLAP Option for IDS, UNIX and Microsoft Windows Environments, Version 4.1 (G251-0317-00)
This manual describes how to install and configure MetaCube software components.
- Introduction to New Features, MetaCube ROLAP Option for IDS, Version 4.1 (G251-0305-00)
This manual describes the new features and enhancements of MetaCube 4.1.
- MetaCube for Excel User's Guide, MetaCube ROLAP Option for IDS, Microsoft Windows Environments, Version 4.1 (G251-0303-00)
This manual is written for people who use the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for business analysis. After adding in MetaCube for Excel to the Excel software, a user can query a MetaCube data warehouse to obtain spreadsheet or PivotTable reports.
- SDK for Snap-Ins Programmer's Manual, MetaCube ROLAP Option for IDS, Version 4.1 (G251-0307-00)
This manual is written for the C++ programmer who will use the MetaCube SDK for Snap-Ins to write custom measure calculations for MetaCube Explorer and MetaCube for Excel. The SDK Extension Wizard generates skeletal code that is a framework for adding custom C++ code for customized measure calculations.
- SQL Optimizer User's Guide, MetaCube ROLAP Option for IDS, Microsoft Windows Environments, Version 4.1 (G251-0306-00)
This manual describes how to use the MetaCube SQL Optimizer to connect SQL-generating query tools or custom query applications to the MetaCube analysis engine to access a MetaCube data warehouse. Queries are optimized to run against aggregate and sample tables, thereby significantly improving query performance against very large data warehouses.