Hard copy versions of many Informix manuals can be purchased through the IBM Publications Center. To order a manual, note the 10-digit publication number following the manual title (for example, G251-9999-00), and enter it on the order entry page of the IBM Publications Center.
PDF files require Adobe® Reader®
- Backup and Restore Guide for Windows NT, Version 7.22 (G251-0219-00)
This manual explains the concepts and methods that you need to understand when you use the ON-Bar utility to back up and restore OnLine data.
- DB-Access Database Utility User Manual, Version 7.2 (G251-0446-00)
This manual describes how to use the DB-Access utility to access, modify, and retrieve data from Informix databases.
- Documentation Notes for Informix Dynamic Server for Windows NT, Version 7.23
Documentation notes describe features that are not covered in the manuals or that have been modified since publication.
- Error Messages, December 1996 (G251-0450-00)
This manual lists all Informix error messages and describes their causes and solutions.
- Guide to GLS Functionality for Informix Products, Version 7.2 (G251-0434-00)
This manual describes the Global Language Support (GLS) feature, which allows Informix application-programming interfaces (APIs) and database servers to handle different languages, cultural conventions, and code sets.
- Guide to Informix Enterprise Replication, Version 7.22 (G251-0452-00)
This manual contains information to help you understand the concepts of data replication, design your own Enterprise Replication system, install Enterprise Replication, and administer and manage data replication throughout your enterprise.
- Guide to Informix Workgroup Replication, Version 7.22 (G251-0221-00)
This manual contains information to help you understand the concepts of data replication, design your own Workgroup Replication system, install Workgroup Replication, and administer and manage data replication.
- Guide to SQL: Reference, for Windows NT, Informix OnLine Dynamic Server, Version 7.12 (G251-0212-00)
This guide provides information on the following topics: Informix databases, data types, system catalog tables, environment variables, and the stores7 demonstration database. It also contains a glossary.
- Guide to SQL: Syntax, for Windows NT, Informix OnLine Dynamic Server, Version 7.12 (G251-0211-00)
This guide provides syntax diagrams and detailed descriptions of all Informix SQL statements, SQL segments, and SPL statements.
- Guide to SQL: Tutorial, for Windows NT, Informix OnLine Dynamic Server, Version 7.12 (G251-0213-00)
This guide provides a tutorial on SQL, as implemented by Informix products. It describes the basic ideas and terms that are used when you work with a relational database.
- Managing Relational Objects User's Manual, Version 1.1 (G251-0204-00)
This manual describes the Relational Object Manager (ROM) and how to use this database administration tool to create and modify the relational objects of an Informix database.
- Migration Guide, Version 7.2 (G251-0440-00)
This guide describes the procedures for migrating existing Informix databases to and from OnLine 7.2x. It also describes the utilities that are used for data migration.
- OnLine Dynamic Server Administrator's Guide for Windows NT (G251-0208-00)
This guide describes the features that make up the Informix OnLine Dynamic Server relational database server for Windows NT.
- OnLine Dynamic Server Guide to Feature Enhancements for Windows NT (G251-0210-00)
This manual describes the new features introduced in Version 7.22 of Informix OnLine Dynamic Server for Windows NT. Topics included in this manual are migration, SQL features, configuration parameters, and secure auditing.
- OnLine Dynamic Server Installation Guide, Version 7.22 (G251-0214-00)
This guide describes how to use the Installation wizard to install the Informix OnLine Dynamic Server components.
- OnLine Dynamic Server Trusted Facility Manual for Windows NT (G251-0209-00)
This manual describes the secure-auditing capabilities of Informix OnLine Dynamic Server, including the creation and maintenance of audit logs.
- Online Dynamic Server Administration Tools and Database Server Installation Guide, Version 7.22 (G251-0220-00)
This guide provides the instructions for installing, upgrading, and uninstalling Informix OnLine Dynamic Server (database server) and the Informix Command Center (administration tools).
- SNMP Subagent Guide for Windows NT, Version 7.22 (G251-0218-00)
This manual describes the Informix subagent that allows a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) network manager to monitor the status of Informix database servers.
- Using the Informix Command Center, Version 7.22 (G251-0217-00)
This manual describes the functionality of the following administration tools: Command Center, Space Explorer, Setup, Backup and Restore, and Informix Storage Manager Setup. These tools are provided to help you manage multiple database servers.