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Hard copy versions of many Informix manuals can be purchased through the IBM Publications Center. To order a manual, note the 10-digit publication number following the manual title (for example, G251-9999-00), and enter it on the order entry page of the IBM Publications Center.
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The complete documentation set is available in English.
- Spanish IBM Informix Backup and Restore Guide, Version 10.0 (G210-0117-00)
This is the Spanish Translation of English form number G251226900. This manual explains the concepts and methods that you need to understand when you use the ON-Bar and ontape utilities to back up and restore data.
- Spanish IBM Informix DB-Access User's Guide, Version 10.0 (G210-0119-00)
This is the Spanish translation of English form number G251227700. This manual describes how to use the DB-Access utility to access, modify, and retrieve data from IBM Informix databases.
- Spanish IBM Informix Database Design and Implementation Guide, Version 10.0 (G210-0118-00)
This is the Spanish translation of English form number G251227100. This manual provides information to help you design, implement, and manage your IBM Informix databases. It includes data models that illustrate different approaches to database design and shows you how to use Structured Query Language (SQL) to implement and manage your databases.
- Spanish IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition, Quick Beginnings, Version 10.00.UC2 (G251-0001-00)
This is the Spanish version of this guide. This guide discusses how to install Dynamic Server Express and introduces you to Dynamic Server maintenance, administration, and development, which are fully explored in the IBM Informix Documentation Library.
- Spanish IBM Informix Dynamic Server Getting Started Guide, Version 10.0 (G210-0121-00)
This is the Spanish translation of English form number G251228100. Describes the products bundled with IBM Informix Dynamic Server and interoperability with other IBM products. Summarizes important features of Dynamic Server and the new features for each version.
- Spanish IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, Version 10.0 (G210-0122-00)
This is the Spanish translation of English form number G251228200. This manual describes the Global Language Support (GLS) feature, which allows IBM Informix application-programming interfaces (APIs) and database servers to handle different languages, cultural conventions, and code sets.
- Spanish IBM Informix Storage Manager Administrator's Guide, Version 10.0 (G210-0125-00)
This is the Spanish version of this manual. This manual describes IBM Informix Storage Manager (ISM), which manages storage devices and media for your IBM Informix database server. ISM also performs ON-Bar backup and restore operations.
- Spanish IBM Informix User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide, Version 10.0 (G210-0126-00)
This is the Spanish version of this manual This manual describes how to define new data types and enable user-defined routines (UDRs) to extend IBM Informix Dynamic Server. It describes the tasks you must perform to extend operations on data types, to create new casts, to extend operator classes for secondary-access methods, to write opaque data types, and to create and register routines.