Hard copy versions of many Informix manuals can be purchased through the IBM Publications Center. To order a manual, note the 10-digit publication number following the manual title (for example, G251-9999-00), and enter it on the order entry page of the IBM Publications Center.
PDF files require Adobe® Reader®
- BladeManager User's Guide, Version 3.3 (G210-1331-00)
This guide explains how to use the BladeManager to register or unregister DataBlade modules in Informix Universal Server databases. It provides instructions for the BladeManager graphical interface for Microsoft Windows and for the BladeManager command-line interface for UNIX platforms.
- DB-Access User Manual, Version 9.1 (G251-0285-00)
This manual describes how use the DB-Access utility to access, modify, and retrieve information from Informix Universal Server.
- Error Messages
This file includes causes and solutions for numbered error messages that you might receive when you work with Informix products.
- Extending Informix Universal Server: Data Types, Version 9.1 (G251-0222-00)
This guide explains how to extend existing data types and define new data types for an Informix Universal Server database.
- Extending Informix Universal Server: User-Defined Routines, Version 9.1 (G251-0223-00)
This guide explains how to define your own functions and procedures to extend the functionality of your Informix Universal Server database.
- Getting Started with Informix Universal Server, Version 9.1 (G251-0232-00)
This guide provides an overview of the Informix Universal Server object-relational database management system, summarizes important features of Informix products, and provides information to help you use the documentation that is included with Universal Server.
- Guide to GLS Functionality, Version 9.1 (G251-0286-00)
This manual describes the Global Language Support (GLS) feature that is available in Informix products. The GLS feature allows Informix APIs and Informix database servers to handle different languages, cultural conventions, and code sets. This manual describes only the language-related topics that are unique to GLS.
- Guide to SQL: Reference, Version 9.1 (G251-0227-00)
This manual describes the Informix system catalog tables, Informix and common environment variables, and the data types that Informix Universal Server supports.
- Guide to SQL: Syntax, Version 9.1 (G251-0229-00)
This manual contains the syntax descriptions for SQL and Stored Procedure Language (SPL) statements and segments.
- Guide to SQL: Tutorial, Version 9.1 (G251-0228-00)
This manual includes instructions for using Structured Query Language (SQL). It also describes the fundamental ideas and terminology for planning, implementing, and using an object-relational database management system.
- LOB Locator DataBlade Module Programmer's Guide, Version 1.2 (G251-0225-00)
This guide explains how to use the LOB Locator, a foundation DataBlade module that can be used by other modules that create or store large-object data. The LOB Locator enables you to create a single consistent interface to large objects and extends the concept of large objects to include data stored outside the database.
- Migration Guide for Database Servers, Version 9.1 (G251-0277-00)
This manual describes the procedures that you use when you move data from one location to another and when you migrate existing Informix databases. It includes information on migrating data to and from Informix Universal Server and describes how to prepare your host system to support the new features provided by Informix Universal Server.
- ON-Archive Quick Start Guide, Version 9.1 (G251-0284-00)
This guide presents a complete example of setting up, backing up, and restoring data for a system. It introduces you to the concepts, terminology, and basic tasks involved in using ON-Archive as your recovery system.
- OnLine/Optical User Manual, Version 9.12 (G251-0236-00)
This manual describes OnLine/Optical, a database server add-on product that supports the storage of TEXT and BYTE data on optical disk.
- R-Tree Index User's Guide, Version 9.14 (G251-0294-00)
This manual describes the Informix R-tree secondary access method and how to access and use its components. It describes how to create an R-tree index on appropriate data types, and how to create a new operator class that uses the R-tree access method to index a user-defined data type.
- Universal Server Administrator's Guide, Version 9.1 (G251-0226-00)
This manual is both a user guide and a reference manual to the features of Informix Universal Server. It is intended to help you understand, configure, and use Universal Server.
- Universal Server Administrator's Supplement for Windows NT (G251-0233-00)
This manual is a supplement to the Informix Universal Server Administrator's Guide. It describes how Universal Server for the Windows NT operating system differs from Universal Server for the UNIX operating system.
- Universal Server Archive and Backup Guide, Version 9.1 (G251-0282-00)
The manual describes the components, features, and tasks that make up the recovery system provided with Informix Universal Server. Detailed information is provided on the ON-Archive and ontape utilities.
- Universal Server Backup and Restore Guide, Version 9.1 (G251-0279-00)
This manual explains the concepts and methods that you need to understand when you use the ON-Bar utility to back up and restore Informix Universal Server data.
- Universal Server DataBlade API Programmer's Manual, Version 9.12 (G251-0238-00)
This manual describes the DataBlade API, the C-language application-programming interface provided with Informix Universal Server. You use the DataBlade API to develop client and server applications that access data stored in a Universal Server database.
- Universal Server Guide to the High-Performance Loader, Version 9.1 (G251-0287-00)
This manual describes how to use the High-Performance Loader (HPL) to efficiently load and unload large quantities of data to or from an Informix Universal Server database.
- Universal Server Installation Guide for UNIX, Version 9.12 (G251-0237-00)
This guide contains instructions to install Informix Universal Server on computers that run on the UNIX operating system.
- Universal Server Installation Guide for Windows NT, Version 9.12 (G251-0234-00)
This guide contains instructions to install Informix Universal Server on computers that run on the Windows NT operating system.
- Universal Server Performance Guide, Version 9.1 (G251-0280-00)
This manual explains how to configure and operate Informix Universal Server to improve overall system throughput and how to improve the performance of SQL queries. It also includes a description of the onperf utility, a graphical interface that you can use to monitor UNIX performance.
- Universal Server Quick Reference Guide, Version 9.1 (G251-0278-00)
This guide lists the command-line utility options and corresponding ON-Monitor options and SMI tables for performing routine Informix Universal Server administration tasks.
- Universal Server SNMP Subagent Guide, Version 9.1 (G251-0281-00)
This guide describes the onsnmp subagent, which provides information about Informix database servers to network-management tools. The manual also documents the Management Information Bases (MIBs) that specify the information that onsnmp provides to the network-management tools.
- Universal Server SQL Quick Syntax Guide, Version 9.1 (G251-0230-00)
This guide provides a quick reference to all SQL statements, SQL segments, and SPL statements.
- Universal Server Trusted Facility Manual, Version 9.1 (G251-0283-00)
This manual describes the secure-auditing capabilities of Informix Universal Server, including the creation and maintenance of audit logs.