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- Geodetic DataBlade Module documentation, Version 3.12
The Geodetic DataBlade module enables you to store and manipulate spatio-temporal data in an Informix Dynamic Server database. The Quick Start Guide for the Geodetic DataBlade Module describes how to install the Geodetic DataBlade module. The Informix Geodetic DataBlade Module User's Guide describes the data types and functions available in the Geodetic DataBlade module and how to create and use indexes on spatio-temporal data.
- Geodetic DataBlade Module User's Guide, Version 3.11 (G251-0610-00)
The Geodetic DataBlade module enables you to store and manipulate spatio-temporal data in a Universal Data Option database. This guide describes the data types and functions available in the Geodetic DataBlade module and explains how to use them. It also describes how to create and use indexes on spatio-temporal data.