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Informix library |
Hard copy versions of many Informix manuals can be purchased through the IBM Publications Center. To order a manual, note the 10-digit publication number following the manual title (for example, G251-9999-00), and enter it on the order entry page of the IBM Publications Center.
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This guide describes the architecture of the C++ interface in detail and provides a complete class reference. This guide explains how to extend existing data types and define new data types for an Informix Universal Server database. This guide explains how to define your own functions and procedures to extend the functionality of your Informix Universal Server database. This manual is a complete guide to the features that make up the Informix implementation of ODBC standards. It explains how to use Informix CLI to access an Informix database server and describes the special features that the product offers. This guide describes how to install and configure the Informix Developer SDK and Informix Connect for Macintosh environments. This manual describes the features that make up the Informix implementation of embedded SQL for C. This manual supplements the information in the Informix ESQL/C Programmer's Manual. It describes aspects of Informix ESQL/C that are specific to Power Macintosh and 68K Macintosh environments. This manual supplements the information in the Informix ESQL/C Programmer's Manual. It describes aspects of Informix ESQL/C that are specific to Windows 95 and Windows NT. This manual describes the TP/XA library, which facilitates communication between a third-party transaction manager and your database server. TP/XA is supplied with Informix embedded-language products. This manual describes the Global Language Support (GLS) feature that is available in Informix products. The GLS feature allows Informix APIs and Informix database servers to handle different languages, cultural conventions, and code sets. This manual describes only the language-related topics that are unique to GLS. This manual describes the Informix system catalog tables, Informix and common environment variables, and the data types that Informix Universal Server supports. This manual contains the syntax descriptions for SQL and Stored Procedure Language (SPL) statements and segments. This manual includes instructions for using Structured Query Language (SQL). It also describes the fundamental ideas and terminology for planning, implementing, and using an object-relational database management system. This guide contains instructions for installing Informix Universal Server client products for Windows 95 and Windows NT. This guide contains instructions for installing Informix Universal Server client products for UNIX. This manual describes how to use the Global Language Support (GLS) application-programming interface to write programs that handle different languages, cultural conventions, and code sets. This guide provides a quick reference to all SQL statements, SQL segments, and SPL statements. This guide describes the Java application-programming interface. It shows how to develop applications and DataBlade modules with the Java language. |