Hard copy versions of many Informix manuals can be purchased through the IBM Publications Center. To order a manual, note the 10-digit publication number following the manual title (for example, G251-9999-00), and enter it on the order entry page of the IBM Publications Center.
PDF files require Adobe® Reader®
- CLI Programmer's Manual, Version 2.8, December 1998 (G251-0297-00)
This manual explains how to use Informix CLI to access an Informix database and interact with an Informix database server. Informix CLI is compliant with Version 2.5 of the ODBC specification.
- Client Products Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows Environments, Version 2.2 (G251-0312-00)
This guide contains instructions for installing the Informix Client Software Development Kit and Informix Connect for Windows environments.
- Client Products Installation Guide for UNIX, Version 2.2 (G251-0296-00)
This guide contains instructions for installing the Informix Client Software Development Kit and Informix Connect for UNIX.
- ESQL/C Programmer's Manual, Version 9.2 (G251-0299-00)
This manual describes the features that make up the Informix implementation of embedded SQL for C.
- Embedded SQL TP/XA Programmer's Manual, Version 9.2 (G251-0298-00)
This manual describes the TP/XA library, which facilitates communication between a third-party transaction manager and your database server. TP/XA is supplied with Informix ESQL/C.
- Embedded SQLJ User's Guide, Version 1.0 (G251-0367-00)
This manual contains information about using Informix Embedded SQLJ. Informix Embedded SQLJ enables you to embed SQL statements in your Java programs. It consists of the SQLJ translator, which translates SQLJ code into Java code, and a set of Java classes that provide runtime support for SQLJ programs. When you run a SQLJ program, it uses Informix JDBC Driver to connect to an Informix database.
- Error Messages
This file includes causes and solutions for numbered error messages that you might receive when you work with Informix products.
- GLS Programmer's Manual, Version 3.08 (G251-0300-00)
This manual describes how to use Informix GLS to write programs that handle different languages, cultural conventions, and code sets.
- Guide to GLS Functionality, February 1998 (G251-0274-00)
This manual describes the Global Language Support (GLS) feature, which allows Informix application-programming interfaces (APIs) and database servers to handle different languages, cultural conventions, and code sets.
- INTERSOLV Data Direct ODBC Driver User Guide for Informix Database Servers, Version 3.1 (G251-0301-00)
This guide describes how to use INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Driver to access an Informix database and interact with an Informix database server. INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Driver is compliant with Version 3.0 of the ODBC specification.
- Installation Guide for Informix Products on Linux, Version 7.3 (G251-0311-00)
This manual describes the basic installation procedures for Informix Dynamic Server, Linux Edition Suite. Informix Dynamic Suite includes the following products: Informix Dynamic Server, Linux Edition, Version 7.3; Informix Connect, Version 2.1; and Informix Client Software Development Kit, Version 2.1. The manual assumes that the Red Hat Package Manager is installed on your Linux computer.
- JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide, UNIX and Windows Environments, Version 2.0 (G251-0313-00)
This guide describes how to install, load, and use Informix JDBC Driver to connect to an Informix database from within a Java application or applet. You can also use Informix JDBC Driver for writing user-defined routines that are executed in the server.
- JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide, UNIX and Windows, Version 1.4 (G251-0316-00)
This guide describes how to install, load, and use Informix JDBC Driver to connect to an Informix database from within a Java application or applet that uses the JDBC API.
- JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide, Version 1.22 (G251-0309-00)
This guide describes how to install, load, and use Informix JDBC Driver to connect to an Informix database from within a Java application or applet that uses the JDBC API.
- Object Interface for C++ Programmer's Guide, Version 2.5 (G251-0586-00)
This guide describes the architecture of the C++ object interface and provides a complete class reference.
- Read Me First Informix JDBC Driver, Version 1.22 (G251-0310-00)
Read this brief note before you install Informix JDBC Driver from a CD on an HP platform.