Application Development Using Informix Object Translator


This document contains an application development scenario that shows how a simple application (the "CustomerService application") is developed using Informix Object Translator. This example application allows bookstore personnel to track customer orders.

This document contains the following information:

Database Information that the Application Accesses

The application accesses data from these database tables: CUSTOMERS, ORDERS, and ORDER_LINES.


The CUSTOMERS table contains information about bookstore customers and how to contact them. The table has the following columns:
CUST_ID Unique ID for the customer. This column is the primary-key column for the CUSTOMERS table; the primary key is used to identify each customer record in the table.
NAME  Customer name.
SERVICE_REP  Employee ID for the service representative assigned to the customer. 
CONTACT  Name of the contact person. This can be the customer name. If the customer is a business, this is the contact person for the business.
POSITION  Position held by the contact person. 
PHONE  Customer phone number.
FAX  Customer fax number.
ADDRESS1  First line of the customer’s address.
ADDRESS2  Second line of the customer’s address.
CITY  City of the customer’s address.
STATE  State of the customer’s address.
ZIP  Zip code of the customer’s address.

Note: In a real database design, there would probably be a separate table to store the SERVICE_REP and related information about the service representative, because a customer could have multiple orders with different representatives assigned to each order.


The ORDERS table contains information about each order. The information includes when the order was placed and the shipping address for the order. This table has the following columns:
ORDER_ID  Unique ID for the order. This column is the primary key for the ORDERS table; the primary key is used to identify each record in the table.
CUST_ID  ID for the customer who placed the order. In the database, this column is a foreign-key column that references the primary-key column in the CUSTOMERS table. 
DATE_ENTERED  Date when the order was placed.
DATE_SHIPPED  Date when the order was shipped.
DISCOUNT  Discount information for the order, if applicable.
TAX_RATE  Tax rate for the order.
SHIPPING  Shipping cost associated with the order.
S_NAME Name of the person to whom the order was shipped.
S_ADDRESS1 First line of the shipping address.
S_ADDRESS2 Second line of the shipping address.
S_CITY  City of the shipping address.
S_STATE  State of the shipping address.
S_ZIP  Zip code of the shipping address.
SHIP_VIA  Method of shipment.
NOTES  Any notes about the shipment.


The ORDER_LINES table contains information about each item in a particular order. This table has the following columns:
OL_PK  Unique ID for the item. This column is the primary key for the ORDER_LINES table; the primary key is used to identify each record in the table.
ORDER_ID  ID that uniquely identifies the order associated with this order_line. In the database, this column is a foreign-key column that references the primary-key column in the ORDERS table.
TITLE_ID  ID that identifies the item. In our sample application, this is the title of the book (for example, "MobyDick"). This column is a foreign-key column that uniquely identifies the ordered item.
LINE_NUMBER Line number of the item.
QTY_ORDERED Quantity of the item that has been ordered.
QTY_SHIPPED Quantity of the item that has been shipped.

How Bookstore Personnel Use the Application

Bookstore personnel access the CustomerService application via an HTML page running in their browser of choice. The HTML call triggers a custom servlet that calls the application. Once the application is displayed in their browsers, bookstore personnel can perform the following operations:

Tools Used to Develop the Application

The following tools were used to develop the CustomerService application:

The completed application runs as a middle-tier component on the WebLogic server.

Launching and Using Object Translator

Because Object Translator was designed to work seamlessly with Visual Café, you can access Object Translator as a Visual Café plug-in. After you start Visual Café, launch Informix Object Translator by selecting Object Translator->Object Translator from the Informix menu.

After you launch Object Translator, the Object Translator console appears. Use the menu and toolbar commands on the Object Translator window to start a project, save a project, open an existing project, and launch the Model Viewer and Code Generator components of Object Translator.

In developing the sample CustomerService application, use the Object Translator GUI to perform these tasks:

For detailed instructions about using the Object Translator GUI, see the online help provided with the GUI.

Creating a Data Model

The first step in creating the application is to use the Model Import wizard to reverse-engineer the database schema into an Object Translator data model. The data model is a snapshot of the database structure. Data-model-driven development allows:

Accessing the Model Import Wizard

To access the Model Import wizard from the Object Translator console:

  1. Choose File->New Project.

  3. In the New Project dialog box, click Import Model to display the Model Import wizard and the Model Viewer window.
Using the Model Import Wizard

The wizard guides you through the import process. You can choose the database elements (such as tables, columns, foreign keys, and stored procedures) that you want to import from the database. If the database does not have foreign keys defined or supported, the wizard infers relationships based on primary-key-column names. (These inferred relationships do not enforce referential integrity constraints; they only aid in data access.) See the What's This? help provided with the GUI for information about individual text boxes and buttons.

Because the CustomerService application uses only three tables, de-select all tables except CUSTOMERS, ORDERS, and ORDER_LINES during the import process.

The foreign keys imported from the sample database used for the CustomerService application are as follows:

After completing the Model Import wizard, you save the data model as an .mlt file. Object Translator then displays the model on the Data Model page of the Model pane in the Object Translator window. You can continue  to use the Model Viewer to make changes to your data model  (for example, by redefining the primary or foreign keys).  When you finish, save the data model again.

Note: You can also use the Model Import wizard to refresh an existing data model with changes made in the database after the database schema was imported. You refresh a data model the same way you import one.

Mapping Application Objects

After you finish creating or modifying a data model, the data model  is again displayed on the Data Model page in the Object Translator window. If you make additional changes to your data model using the Model Viewer, save those changes, and then refresh the data  model displayed on the Data Model page. To do this, right-click the data model icon on the Data Model page and select Refresh from the popup menu.

Now you can use the Object Translator console to map the elements of the data model to the attributes, methods, and events of a language-independent object, called a map object.

In Object Translator, each map object defines the mapping between an application object and the schema table/columns that are used to hold the application object's state. The only part of the mapping that is visible to you is the mapping between the application object and the map object. (The mapping between the map object and the schema is not visible.)

After you map application objects, you can view and modify the properties of the map object, as well as the properties of its attributes, methods, and events.

To map application objects:

  1. Drag tables or columns from the data model on the Data Model page to the Object Viewer pane. Each column becomes an attribute of the map object.

  3. As necessary, click the object, or one of its attributes, methods, or events to see the properties for that element in the Properties Viewer pane.
See the online and What's This? help provided with the Object Translator console for more information about using the Object Translator.

For the CustomerService application, use the Object Translator console to create the following map objects (details provided below):

After you create objects, you can specify whether objects can contain another object as either of these types of objects: In the sample CustomerService application, the Customer object contains the Address object as an embedded object. The Customer object also contains the Orders object, but as a collection object. In turn, the Orders object contains a collection of OrderLines objects.

Customer Object

To create a Customer object:

  1. Click Object_1 in Object Viewer pane.

  3. Click in the Name property of the Properties Viewer pane and replace Object_1 with Customer.

  5. Create the Customer map object by dragging the following columns in the CUSTOMERS table from the Data Model page to the Object Viewer pane:
Do not include the columns that store customer address information. Because there is a one-to-one (1-1) relationship between each customer and the customer's address (one customer has one address), we can create an Address object and embed it into the Customer object.

Address Object

To create the Address object:

  1. Right-click the Customer object on the Objects page of the  Workspace pane and choose Create New Object.

  3. Name the object Address and drag and drop the following columns from the CUSTOMERS table to the object:
Orders and OrderLines Objects

To create the Orders and OrderLines objects:

  1. Create two objects and name them Orders and OrderLines.

  3. Drag the ORDERS table to the Orders object and the ORDER_LINES table to the OrderLines object. Each table column becomes an attribute of the map object.

Defining the Relationships Among the Objects

After you create the four objects (Customer, Address, Orders and OrderLines), you can define their relationships.

To define relationships among the application objects:

  1. Click the Customer object on the Objects page of the Workspace pane to display that object in the Object Viewer pane.

  3. Right-click the Customer object in the Object Viewer pane and select Add Contained Object. This displays a dialog box that lists the map objects in the project.

  5. Click the Address object (the object that  you want to contain) and choose to contain it as an embedded object. The Address object is now added to the list of the Customer object's attributes in the Object Viewer pane. An icon that shows two overlapping pages identifies the Address object as an embedded object.

  7. Right-click the Customer object in the Object Viewer pane, select Add Contained Object, and add the Orders  object as a collection object. The Orders object is now added to the list of the Customer object's attributes  in the Object Viewer pane. A tree-structured icon identifies the Orders object as a collection object.

  9. Click the Orders object on the Objects page of the Workspace pane to display that object in the Object Viewer pane.

  11. Right-click the Orders object in the Object Viewer pane, select Add Contained Object, and add the OrderLines object  as a collection object.

  13. Click the Address object on the Objects page of the Workspace pane to display that object in the Object Viewer pane.

  15. In the Properties Viewer pane, change the EMBEDDED property for the Address object to True. The Object Viewer pane now displays the attributes of the Address object without listing the database table from which the attributes first originated. For example, the Customer.Address1 attribute is now displayed as Address1; this is because an embedded object can be embedded into any object that contains attributes of the same name as the attributes of the embedded object.

  17. The Customer object now contains an Address embedded object and a collection of Orders objects, and each Orders object has a collection of OrderLines objects. Save these map objects as an .xml file by choosing File->Save Project.
Generating Java Class Code for Each Map Object

After creating and saving the map objects, use Object Translator to generate code for the mapped objects. Do this by launching the Code Generator from the Object Translator and completing the Code Generation wizard.

To launch the Code Generator, click the Code Generator toolbar button on the Object Translator window. See the What's This? help provided with the wizard for information about individual text boxes and buttons.

After you complete the wizard for the CustomerService scenario, the Code Generator generates the following Java classes:

Notice that the Code Generator generates only one Java class for an embedded object (, while it generates three Java classes for the other objects (for example,,, and

Each generated Java class contains the methods and attributes needed to run in the WebLogic runtime. For each attribute of the map object, the Code Generator adds a corresponding attribute with the same name. The attributes are private by default.

For each map object, the Code Generator automatically adds getter/setter methods for accessing attribute values. In general, the data is returned in the native type (for example, the getCust_ID call returns the Cust_Id column as an integer).

Object Translator map objects have Restore, Store and, Destroy methods. During a restore, the object’s state is initialized from the database. At store time, the object’s state is inserted or updated in the database. During a destroy, the object is deleted from the database.

Note: Each object generated will have methods to get/set the values of its own attributes. However, each object, by default, has Restore, Store, and Destroy methods.

Developing a Servlet

The CustomerService application is based on a client-server architecture in which the browser is a client that triggers a servlet (CustomerServlet) on the server that runs the application. To develop a servlet, you must have the Servlet API class files for compiling the servlet and a servlet engine, such as a web server, that is used to deploy the servlet. For the servlet API, install the Java Server Development Kit (JSDK 2.0) available at Be sure to register the servlet on the web server used to deploy the servlet.

In the CustomerService example, the wrapper class named makes calls to the methods in the Object Translator-generated code. The servlet draws the HTML forms and calls the methods in the ServerWrapper, which in turn accesses methods in the Object Translator-generated code. You can combine the functionality of the ServerWrapper into the servlet so you have only one class. However, the ServerWrapper lets you separate the creation and updating of the HTML forms from the functionality used to operate on the different objects.

The CustomerServlet extends the HttpServlet class and thus has implementations for the doGet and doPost methods. The doPost method creates a session object and instantiates a ServerWrapper session object. The servlet initially displays the customer record and then performs operations based on the button the end user clicks. If the end user clicks:

The Orders and OrderLines forms provide similar options, and the end user can switch between the Customer, Orders, and OrderLines forms. The user can press Clear to clear the screen before entering new data.

The ServerWrapper has methods to store (insert and update), restore, and delete Customer, Orders, and OrderLines objects. Each of these methods access the corresponding methods in the Object Translator-generated code. See the source code for implementation details. Also see the Java documentation for these classes; this documentation has been provided with the sample application.

Running the Created Application

The CustomerService application is now ready to run. Start by navigating to the URL that displays the form. When the servlet is first activated, the init method (which defines the URL for the database connection and driver name) is executed. The Object Translator runtime component is then called to make a connection to the database. This connection is kept open until the last instance of the CustomerServlet class is deactivated. Subsequent calls to the servlet return the same connection object while incrementing the activation count on the connection. This allows scarce database connections to be pooled among many object instances.

To browse the customer data, click the Query button to display the first customer record. The button sends an HTTP request to the server and the doPost method of the CustomerServlet class executes. The servlet creates a new session and instantiates a ServerWrapper object for that session.

When you click a button (in this case, the Query button of the Customer form), the servlet calls the restoreCustomer method of the ServerWrapper class.

The restoreCustomer method in the ServerWrapper instantiates and initializes the CustomerCollection object defined in the ServerWrapper. It uses the same connection object defined in the CustomerServlet and calls the Restore method of the CustomerCollection class generated by Object Translator. After restoring the collection, it returns the first Customer object in the CustomerCollection object. The data from the returned Customer object populates the customer form. Subsequent calls to the restoreCustomer method use the instantiated CustomerCollection object.

You can navigate between customer objects using the first (|<), last (>|), previous (<), and next (>) buttons.

Performing Other Operations When You Run the Application

To insert a new customer record into the database, type the customer data (such as the customer ID, name, and phone number) into the various text fields and click Save.

To update a customer record, edit the text fields and click Update.

To delete a customer record, provide the ID for that customer and click Delete.

When you click the different buttons, the associated methods in the ServerWrapper are executed and the form displayed on the screen changes accordingly.

To review all orders for a particular customer, click the ReviewOrders button to display the first order from the OrdersCollection object for the customer. Then use the navigation buttons to go to other orders, or click the ReviewOrderLines button to display the OrderLines form with the first OrderLines record from the OrderLinesCollection for the current Order object.

To return to the previously displayed Customer form and continue browsing the customer data, click the ReviewCustomer button from either the Orders form or the OrderLines form.

The Orders and the OrderLines forms have similar buttons, so you can query, save, update, and delete Orders and OrderLines records. You can also navigate through the collections of Orders and OrderLines.

Exiting from the Application

You have now successfully created and run the CustomerService application! After you finish using the application on the browser, you can close the browser or go to another URL.

Copyright © 2000, Informix Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last updated June 19, 2000.