Putting Content to Work - ECM UserNet 2011

What Would You Like to See at the IBM ECM UserNet 2011?

This year’s event promises to be better than ever, including expansion to 12 cities, a broader range of topics and content customized to your priorities! But to make this happen, we need the help of the ECM user community.

Please take a moment to tell us what business issues and product topics are crucial to making the sessions valuable and informative for you.

survey link.

This complimentary, client-driven event is now operating in 10 cities across the United States with more than 1,000 clients attending from various industries and IT environments.

We are nearly finished planning this year’s event series. Your feedback will be used to craft and prioritize the presentations and speakers that will become a part of "Putting Content to Work: ECM UserNet 2011".

We can’t wait to tell you more about it, but first we need to hear from you.

Thank you in advance for you input. We hope to see you there!

Thank you for taking the survey. Your input is important to us!

Take the Survey

Online registration will be available soon.

If you’d like more information on “Putting Content to Work: ECM UserNet 2011” please contact:

  • For events in Austin, California, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Toronto, please contact Tawna Canhoto at
  • For events in Columbus, Orlando, New York City, New York State (Government), Boston and Washington, DC, please contact Colleen Murphy at