An “Open for Data” approach simplifies access to data and analytics across the enterprise. It also facilitates a smooth transition to the cloud by enabling organizations to continue leveraging existing investments. Learn more about the Open for Data approach and its benefits in this webinar series.

Upcoming live webinars

Become a Better Data Scientist with IBM Data Science Experience

SEPTEMBER 22, 2016

IBM Data Scientist Brandon Mackenzie demonstrates the IBM Data Science Experience, where you can use the best of open source, tap into IBM’s unique productivity features and share your success. Learn how to get started with notebooks, Spark and more.

Driving Innovation and Growth with Big Data

OCTOBER 6, 2016

Noel Yuhanna, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, explains how an emerging collection of technologies that Forrester calls “big data fabric” is driving innovation and growth. IBM will also discuss how to get the most out of data with integrated, cloud-based services and collaborative experiences.

Self-service analytics in a flash with IBM dashDB

NOVEMBER 17, 2016

Self-service applications enable data exploration for confident decision making. IBM dashDB includes a fully managed cloud data warehouse that is ideal for self-service analytics on data born on the cloud. Learn how the dashDB family can help you take advantage of a hybrid data architecture.

Watch previous webinars on demand

Graph Processing with Spark GraphX


GraphX, Apache Spark’s API for graph computation, unifies ETL, exploratory analysis and iterative graph computation within a single framework. This webinar will explore GraphX and walk through a detailed demo of GraphX running in a Spark notebook.

Constant Contact: Using IBM BigInsights to Create Business Insight


Constant Contact, a leader in email marketing for small and medium-sized businesses, uses IBM BigInsights to create useful insights for its clients in a way that scales. Matt Laudato, Director of Big Data Analytics at Constant Contact, will explore his company's use case and share tips and tricks.

NoSQL for SQL Users


See how NoSQL databases can be used to make your development cycle more agile, to help your application to scale more easily, and to allow you to concentrate on making great apps and websites.

End-to-End Analytics in the Cloud with IBM


This webinar uses a retail customer scenario to discuss the key components of an end-to-end analytics solution in the cloud. Interspersed with live demos, we will cover IBM capabilities as well as a perspective on competitors in this space.

Get Real-Time Insights into IoT Data with IBM Cloudant and dashDB


Find out how IBM Cloudant and IBM dashDB are helping businesses across industries—from telecom, banking and retail to healthcare, government and airlines—analyze IoT data and transform it into actionable insights.

Why Data Science Professionals Benefit from Apache Spark


Apache Spark helps make it easy and fast to perform data science, advanced analytics and development on big data. Attend this webinar to learn how to use Apache Spark to get faster time to business for applications and develop a blueprint for innovation.

Hadoop for the Open Enterprise: What's New in IBM BigInsights v4.2?


Organizations want to spend less time creating an enterprise-ready Hadoop infrastructure and more time gaining insights. Join this session to learn how IBM BigInsights is leading the way in open source analytics.

Become a Well-Rested App Dev Rockstar


Open source technology can leave developers exposed to sleepless hours of database maintenance. Learn how to overcome this challenge with a managed database service that simplifies integration and gives you more visibility and control.

The Truth About SQL and Data Warehousing on Hadoop


With at least 24 SQL on Hadoop solutions on the market, which is suitable for data warehousing workloads? Hear about IBM Lab's recent performance studies comparing Hive, Impala, HAWQ, Spark SQL, and Big SQL.

Practical Use of a NoSQL Database


Practical examples of how two popular NoSQL databases - the IBM Cloudant JSON document store and the Redis in-memory key-value store - can be used together to create performant and scalable web applications.

Architecting a Platform for Big Data Analytics


Modern analytics require the ability to quickly create insight from multiple data sources and types. Learn how to manage this hybrid data world with a Logical Data Warehouse architected to meet the needs of big data analytics.

Driven Data: Matching Databases to Data Problems - Session 1


The touchstones of tomorrow’s information systems are data and integration. Stovepipe applications are no longer acceptable, and siloed data sources must evolve and open up to the full enterprise.