Role of Messaging
Role of Messaging
The core value of messaging middleware is its ability to transport messages securely from any source to any subscribing endpoint and do so reliably and at scale. For organizations re-platforming or extending messaging middleware for digital transformation, gaining the full benefit of the investment will come from adopting a messaging middleware solution that provides the following capabilities:

End-to-end encryption to protect the privacy of each message
When each message is encrypted from its inception to its delivery, you have a strong foundation for digital privacy. Securing your messaging infrastructure’s privacy through encryption is one way to become compliant with local regulations including GDPR regulations, as well as simplifying audits.
Deployable across multiple clouds and edge locations
Your organization should not be constrained by arbitrary messaging rules that force you to keep your environment static rather than letting it grow and thrive organically in response to business needs.
The ability to recognize and translate across diverse messaging protocols
This is a key tenet of hybrid cloud integration in general, and messaging specifically. When you are forging connections between disparate apps on different clouds and on-premises, your messaging middleware solution must bridge the gaps smoothly and effectively so that your digital transformation continues without a hiccup.
High-availability options across all deployment locations and disaster recovery features
A high-availability messaging middleware solution will be available no matter what happens to the virtual machines that are hosting it. No messages will be lost or marooned in case of a failure, and even if an entire site is impacted the business is quickly able to transition workload processing in a remote site.
Once-and-once-only delivery of messages
If high-availability is important, then once-and-once-only delivery of messages should be just as sought-after. Asynchronous delivery ensures that each message is independent in the context of other messages on the queue. Why asynchronous delivery? Synchronous delivery opens the door for errors in logic processing that could lead to duplicating messages or dropping them altogether.
The ability to reliably and securely move and process in data held in files to accelerate digital transformation and the use of information
When you think about your computing environment long enough, you start seeing dark data everywhere, trapped in the files that are scattered throughout every business infrastructure. Part of your digital transformation is probably focused on extracting and using that data to fuel customer insights and pry forth additional points of contact. Once you’ve connected the apps to this data, isn’t it just as important to ensure the data is secure and reliable as it moves across your environment? Having those messages readily available, securely transported and in a usable format gives you a substantial leg up in your transformation efforts as well as extracting value from your business data faster.
What do you think?
Development teams working on digital transformation (DX) are different from the development teams maintaining existing enterprise systems.
Correct. 75% of enterprises actively involved with public cloud adoption use microservices and APIs to build new applications.
-IDC Whitepaper 2018 - Central Role of Messaging Middleware in Cloud and Digital Transformation Initiatives
Check out the IDC Whitepaper Continue to learn more about opportunites and capabilitiesDisagree
Although very few enterprises are behind public cloud adoption, may are actively involved to build microservices and APIs to build new applications.
Continue to learn more about opportunites and capabilitiesOpportunities & Capabilities
Opportunities & Capabilities
When your organization undertakes a digital transformation initiative, you will likely find yourself in need of a multi-tenant, multicloud messaging solution that plays equally well on-premises and on-cloud. Defining security and reliable connectivity is crucial to transformation, as is ensuring the once-and-once-only delivery of data. However, there are many other doors that open when you employ the right messaging middleware solution.

Aligning Messaging with an enterprise's digital transformation initiatives
The development team working on digital transformation (DX) is different from the development team maintaining existing enterprise systems. However, successful DX is dependent on leveraging an enterprise's existing processes and assets. Re-platforming and change efforts should involve making the enterprise's existing capabilities DX-compatible and DX-ready, extending with new capabilities as needed. While messaging is ubiquitous in most large organizations, existing messaging middleware products often have to be extended or re-platformed to support cloud and hybrid use cases.
Re-platforming messaging middleware to work in containers
Complex applications and utility grade services that eventually need to run on a public cloud are often re-platformed and deployed in stages. Container platforms that are hosted or run in an enterprise datacenter are a new approach to re-platforming that is compatible with a staged approach. Re-platforming to a cloud architecture using containers running on existing infrastructure is the first stage. Messaging middleware is often a core part of the application or the utility service, and embedding messaging in the container platform may be required. Enterprises are also looking at containers as an enabler of portability, moving workloads where they can be optimized.
How is your enterprise Messaging aligning with digital transformation initiatives?
When your organization undertakes a digital transformation initiative, you will likely find yourself in need of a multi-tenant, multicloud messaging solution that plays equally well on-premises and on-cloud. Defining security and reliable connectivity is crucial to transformation.
Correct. Enterprises are increasingly turning to messaging middleware to meet the combined requirements of complexity, speed, reliability, and security to connect the digital world of applications and data across multi-cloud.
Continue to learn more about best practicesDisagree
Without a strong, secure & reliable messaging solutions, digital transformation initiatives are bit slow and expensive.
Continue to learn more about best practicesBest Practices
Best Practices
Enterprises will increasingly need messaging middleware over the next several years as applications are deployed across multiple clouds and across an enterprise and its ecosystem of partners.
Messaging should be used to keep application logic simple and focused on the business need
The hallmark of a sound messaging middleware deployment is its simplicity. DX should revolve around this idea of simplicity, and any attempt to introduce new levels of complexity into applications or the infrastructure should be closely examined for validity before proceeding. The simpler the messaging infrastructure, the less your organization will need to rely on more complex recovery measures. Failover should be simple to configure yet seamless in operation, and should be unnoticed by applications. Complexity of infrastructure means environments are less resilient and more costly to setup, and more prone to errors.
From on-boarding new ecosystem partners to rolling out new applications and APIs, the rising tide of a messaging solution built on the principles of your own DX and driven by business need will lift all boats.

Messaging middleware should be used to ensure secure and reliable connectivity within and between clouds, and to on-premises deployments to drive full transformation
When you consider the possible consequences of undelivered or multiple-delivery of messages e.g. double-charges on a credit card, or orders that are never placed, you begin to consider the business necessity of ensuring that all-important messages are secure and reliable.
Security and reliability, however, do not end at the simple asynchronous delivery of messages. Rather, with the new European data privacy statutes, it’s even more crucial than ever to ensure the security of each message from the time of its generation up through the moment of its delivery. This continual, end-to-end encryption of messaging data satisfies GDPR requirements for messaging security.
IBM WebSphere MQ allows for very robust connectivity to outside partners. It provides a common architecture that allows transactions to move efficiently because everybody is speaking the same language.
IBM WebSphere MQ allows for very robust connectivity to outside partners. It provides a common architecture that allows transactions to move efficiently because everybody is speaking the same language.
—IT Specialist, Government Agency
Check out these resources for more details on IBM Multicloud Integration capabilities.

Central Role of Messaging Middleware in Cloud and Digital Transformation Initiatives
Messaging plays a critical role in your business.