IBM Analytics
A Cognitive Business is a thinking business that:
Cognitive Business starts with analytics
Organizations today have tremendous opportunities to transform their professions, businesses and industries. They must optimize their use of advanced analytics and capitalize on all available data. With the right solutions, they can gain clarity about their business, generate new insights and take action sooner.
By 2020, 1.7 MB of new information will be created each minute for every human.1 Eighty percent of that information will be unstructured “dark data” previously inaccessible to analytics.
Welcome to the Cognitive Era—a new era in technology and business. IBM cognitive computing capabilities augment IBM Analytics solutions to enable access to new data sources and provide new levels of insight using advanced forms of analysis and human interaction.
What is driving Cognitive Business?
Cognitive systems help organizations capitalize on the full potential of unstructured data and new, software-based solutions.
LEARN with training from experts, data and experience
UNDERSTAND a wide array of information, including unstructured data
REASON by testing hypotheses, considering arguments and making recommendations
1.    2. 3. 4. 5.    6. 7.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016. IBM, ibm.com, the IBM logo, and IBM Watson are trademarks of IBM Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark information” at ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml IM012449-USEN-00
What is a Cognitive Business?
IBM is helping transform organizations into Cognitive Businesses through cloud data services, open source innovation and next-generation analytics.
Take the first steps
Start your cognitive journey. Download the white paper to learn how.
Combining data, code and cognitive capabilities creates powerful marketplace disruptions.
Are you ready?
How is IBM Analytics fueling Cognitive Business?
“Becoming a Cognitive Business with IBM Analytics”
Developers are producing new applications that tap into data pipelines and re-envision the way people and systems interact.
100,000,000   lines of code in a new car5
IDC, “The Digital Universe of Opportunities: Rich Data and the Increasing Value of the Internet of Things,” April 2014, http://idcdocserv.com/1678 Statistics are based on research completed for IBM by IDC in September 2015. Ibid. Ibid. Robert N. Charette, “This Car Runs on Code,” IEEE Spectrum, February 2009, http://spectrum.ieee.org/transportation/systems/this-car-runs-on-code Capers Jones and Olivier Bonsignour, “Defining Software Quality and Economic Value,” informIT, August 15, 2011, www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1743012 “When code can kill or cure,” The Economist, June 2012, http://www.economist.com/node/21556098
5,000,000 lines of code in smart appliances6
Across a range of fields, organizations are becoming Cognitive Businesses by applying cognitive and analytics capabilities to key data.
Become a Cognitive Business with IBM Analytics
80,000 lines of code in a pacemaker7
93% data growth by 2017—84% unstructured3 Smart meters, power infrastructure sensors, location data
99% data growth by 2017—88% unstructured2 Electronic medical records, patient sensors, test results
97% data growth by 2017—82% unstructured4 Video, images and audio
New marketplace platforms have disrupted the traditional hotel industry, enabling new operators to increase room supply in cities while avoiding traditional startup costs.
Creating new business models
Expanding into new fields
Apparel companies become technology startups by applying cognition to user fitness, sleep and wearable data, as well as weather data, to create personal nutrition and health plans.
Insurance companies use telematics data to tailor auto policies to driving behavior.
Delivering new data-enabled products and services
Reinvent business with code and data science Apache Spark and other open source platforms help data scientists speed the discovery of new insights and accelerate problem-solving using all data types. Developers can create engaging apps using data, analytics and cognitive APIs from IBM Cloud Data Services and IBM Watson Developer Cloud.
Capture data, and put datato work Pre-built IBM Analytics solutions embed industry expertise, capitalize on advanced analytics and incorporate external data to address business challenges. IBM Insight Cloud Services use cognitive capabilities to uncover new insights by applying data science to curated data from 150 open sources, including weather and social media.
Enable intelligent data discovery More than one million registered IBM Watson™ Analytics users are applying the power of cognitive capabilities and analytics to their data and making decisions in minutes without expert skills. Natural language processing and advanced analytics enable users to easily explore and interact with data. They can ask questions to uncover patterns and pursue breakthrough ideas.
Understanding viewer preferences in a multichannel world
A US cable network is engaging viewers more deeply by applying predictive analytic capabilities to all forms of viewer data—from ratings, demographics and retail to on-demand and streaming services. The network can predict which shows will be successful, optimize program schedules and more precisely target promotional campaigns. Using intelligent segmentation and look-alike models, the network significantly increased on-demand viewership of repeat episodes.
Deliver data-enabled products
Enhancing cross-sell and upsell efforts
Whirlpool Corporation is using cognitive, analytics and Internet of Things services on IBM Cloud to create appliances for the connected home. By harnessing real-time streaming data and insights from appliances, Whirlpool can drive product enhancements, customize offerings and improve customer service.
A chain of unmanned London coffeehouses uses IBM Watson Analytics to analyze data from vending systems. With insight into payment methods, purchase times and product preferences, the company is fine-tuning pricing and product offerings and refining marketing promotions.
Infuses insight into every action, interaction, decision, application and business process
Empowers employees to challenge assumptions using facts based on analysis
Has a disruptive, data-driven DNA and a culture that puts data and insight to work
Has clarity about its business and mission, and confidence in every decision
Uses tools to continuously outthink its competitors and overcome challengers
Identifies new revenue opportunities, offers new services and reaches new audiences
What is driving Cognitive Business?
By 2020, 1.7 MB of new information will be created each minute for every human.1 Eighty percent of that information will be unstructured “dark data” previously inaccessible to analytics.
80,000 lines of code in a pacemaker7
5,000,000 lines of code in smart appliances6
100,000,000  lines of code  in a new car5
Organizations today have tremendous opportunities to transform their professions, businesses and industries. They must optimize their use of advanced analytics and capitalize on all available data. With the right solutions, they can gain clarity about their business, generate new insights and take action sooner.
How is IBM Analytics fueling Cognitive Business?
“Becoming a Cognitive Business with IBM Analytics”
100,000,000  lines of code in  a new car5
5,000,000 lines of code in smart appliances6
By 2020, 1.7 MB of new information will be created each minute for every human.1 Eighty percent of that information will be unstructured “dark data” previously inaccessible to analytics.
80,000  lines of code in  a pacemaker7
1.    2. 3.    4. 5. 6. 7.
Capture data, and put data to work Pre-built IBM Analytics solutions embed industry expertise, capitalize on advanced analytics and incorporate external data to address business challenges. IBM Insight Cloud Services use cognitive capabilities to uncover new insights by applying data science to curated data from 150 open sources, including weather and social media.