think cloud solutions give
them better control of their data.
The future of your business is in the cloud.
Let's explore which cloud solution best fits your needs.
consume 10X as much electricity as they did a
decade ago.
In reaching new customers, how often do their
budgetary and hardware constraints prevent them
from deploying your applications?
reduce IT labor costs by
up to 50%
How much does a shortage of DBAs challenge
your ability to support a large database and
application environment?
faster responses to business challenges as the most
important driver for
cloud computing
How much lag time do you experience in getting new applications up and running?
on an IBM Dev Cloud: $0
How difficult is it for you to find the resources to
test new solutions before implementation?
How frequently do you encounter database test scenarios
that are too big to accommodate without disrupting your production environment?
machines are created
How often do you run out of space in your database,
despite specifying significant surplus capacity?
a cloud and a sandbox can
come together.
How frequently does a lack of capacity prevent you
from working on new development projects?
can be tailored to your
business, leveraging your
resource surpluses for
maximum advantage.
How often you find you have terabytes of unused
disc on some machines, excess CPU on others,
and no way to take advantage of either?
nearly 60,000 times every day.
When considering cloud technology, how concerned
are you that your proprietary information would be
exposed outside your firewall?